Chapter 395

The Jade Emperor asked the picket spirit officer to track down the traces of this guy, and immediately walked out a few immortal officials wearing spirit official robes to lead the order, searched around, and soon found all the details.The reply said: "The one who disturbed the Heavenly Palace is the Great Sage Equaling Heaven."

After talking about the mastermind, the spirit officer who came to report told the details of the previous incident. Hearing that the Jade Emperor was very angry, Chen Xian felt relieved. It was a great luck that the spirit officer did not mention his name!

After the Jade Emperor pretended to be angry for a while, he sent four heavenly kings, together with Li Tianwang and Prince Nezha, to point 28 constellations, nine obsidian stars, 12 yuan Chen, five directions Jiedi, four value meritorious service, east and west stars, north and south two The gods, the five mountains, the four blasphemy, and the stars of the whole sky, a total of [-] heavenly soldiers, set up [-] heavenly and earth nets in the lower realm, and went to Huaguo Mountain to besiege, and they must be captured and punished.

"There are so many Xingjun who descended to earth this time!" Chen Xian exclaimed.

"Last time, these people went down to arrest Lao Qi, but they didn't recruit them in the end. This time, it seems that it's nothing!" The macaque king said with a curl of his lips.

"You can't say that, Lao Qi's troubles this time are not small, I'm afraid it's not good." Lion Camel King replied after thinking.

Today is the day of the Pantao Festival. Immortals from land and sea gathered in Yaochi. The Jade Emperor issued an order, and the gods immediately came out and dispatched an army. They left the Heavenly Palace and went straight to Huaguo Mountain.

Although the Pan Peach Fair can't be done, but nearly thousands of gods from all over the world came to attend the fair. The Queen Mother can't let these come from far away, and the gods who sold her face just go back like this. , delicious food.In short, it is not easy to hold a flat peach party.And the Pantao Club is the biggest gathering of immortals, it is very grand, it is impossible to just eat flat peaches, although flat peaches are good things, but if you only eat flat peaches, it is too monotonous, naturally there are many other things to entertain.

The Queen Mother invited all the gods who had not descended from the lower realm to be seated. All kinds of delicious food and wine were served like flowing water, and countless beautiful fairies came to the stage to perform dances. The atmosphere quickly became lively.

The Bull Demon King said that the flat peach meeting is not the point, but being able to participate in the flat peach meeting is a symbol of status. It is indeed more face-saving to drink with the Sanqing, the Jade Emperor, and the Queen Mother. Chen Xian quickly let go of his worries , Eat what you should eat, drink what you should drink, and watch what you should watch.

"It's a pity that this time at the Pantao Festival, I can't see Zhu Bajie who plays Chang'e with wine. I feel that a big entertainment program is missing." Chen Xian sighed in his heart while pushing glasses for a change.

All the gods were drinking in the hall, and Li Tianwang had brought one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to Huaguo Mountain. With an order, all the heavenly soldiers set up camp, and set up eighteen nets around Huaguo Mountain, completely enclosing it.

After the heavenly soldiers surrounded Huaguo Mountain, Li Tianwang first sent Jiuyao evil stars to fight, and Jiuyao immediately raised his troops to the outside of the cave. He saw a group of monkeys outside the cave jumping and playing without fear. The sun official was angry and screamed loudly Said: "That little monster! Where is your great sage? We are the heavenly gods of the upper world, and we have come here to surrender you, the rebellious great sage. Tell him to come and surrender quickly; if you say 'no' halfway, All of you will be punished!"

Those little monsters saw the cold light of the armor of the Nine Luminary Stars, and the murderous aura shook the whole field, and hurriedly said: "Great Sage, it's not good! There are nine fierce gods outside, claiming to be the gods sent from the upper realm, and surrender the Great Sage."

At this time, the monkey was drinking fairy wine with the demon king of the 72nd cave and the four healthy generals, bragging about stealing peaches and stealing pills. When he heard this report, he openly ignored it and said: "'If you have wine today, don't worry about whether you are with me in front of the door. No.'"

The monkey was about to continue drinking, when a group of little demons came to report again: "The nine fierce gods, speaking viciously, are cursing and fighting in front of the door!"

The monkey smiled and said, "Don't pay attention to him. 'Let's enjoy poetry and wine today, don't ask when fame and fame will be achieved.'" Before he finished speaking, another group of little demons came to report: "Grandpa! Those nine fierce gods have broken the door, Come in too!"

Hearing that the door lintel was broken, the monkey stood up and said angrily, "This hair-splashing god, the boss is rude! I don't care about him, how can I come here to deceive me?"

The monkey immediately put on his armor and ordered the one-horned ghost king to lead the 72-hole demon king to go out, and then lead the four generals to follow.

The one-horned ghost king quickly commanded the demon soldiers, went out to meet the enemy, but was blocked and killed by the nine evil stars, and he was stuck at the head of the iron bridge, unable to kill him at all.

While they were fighting, the monkey arrived, and after yelling "open the way", it immediately pulled up the iron rod, swiped it, made the bowl as thick as ten feet long, threw it aside, and beat it out.

Nine Obsidian put on airs, but did not resist, and retreated from the water curtain cave one by one, leading the monkeys out.

After leading the snake out of the cave, Nine Obsidian stood upright and said, "You lifeless Bi Mawen! You have committed ten heinous crimes. You stole peaches first, then wine. Yujiu stole here to have fun, you add crime to crime, don't you know that?"

The monkey smiled and said indifferently, "These things are true, true! What do you want?"

Nine Obsidian said: "I have received the golden decree from the Jade Emperor, and all the commanders have come here to accept you, and you should convert as soon as possible! Don't teach these creatures to accept their lives. Otherwise, this mountain will be flattened, and this cave will be overturned!"

The monkey said angrily: "Measure you hairy gods, what magic power do you have, dare to speak out. Don't go, please give me a stick!"

After fighting for a while, Jiuyaoxing felt that it was almost the same, so he pretended to be exhausted and returned after being defeated.

"Nine stars have worked hard, let's go down and rest!" Li Tianwang looked at the unscathed Nine Stars expressionlessly and said.

Nine Obsidian made offerings, left the handsome camp, and went back to their tents to "rest".

"These star officials don't work hard, just waiting to see my jokes. It seems that they have to use crowd tactics. These gods, each of them has a stick, and they will die of exhaustion!" Li Tianwang stroked his long beard. After thinking about it for a while, he transferred the four heavenly kings and 28 constellations, and went out to fight all the way.

Facing the four star kings who possessed the rare treasures and 28 star kings who were about the same level as him in 500 years, the monkey was not afraid, so he called out the one-horned ghost king, the 72 cave demon king and four generals, and formed a formation outside the cave gate. Formation, start fighting.

With swords and swords and shadows, the sky was full of rays of light, this fight was fierce, from the time of Chen, it only went to the sunset and the west mountain.

Seeing that it was getting late, the monkey plucked its hair, threw it in its mouth, chewed it up, sprayed it out, and called out "change", it turned into thousands of great saints, and they all beat back with golden cudgels. The invading heavenly soldiers retreated into the cave.

The Heavenly King Mingjin withdrew his troops. Seeing that the heavenly soldiers were damaged by 28, the four heavenly kings and the 72 Xingxiu soldiers were clean and unscathed, and they didn’t sweat a single drop. Wang, there is no half monkey demon queen, with anger looming on his face.

"It's getting late, let's go down and rest, and we'll hold a banquet tomorrow to celebrate everyone!" After Li Tianwang said, he went straight back to the back camp.

(End of this chapter)

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