Westward Journey into Dragon

Chapter 137 Tianhe Phantom

Chapter 137 Tianhe Phantom
The Milky Way flows quietly, and only when there is a storm of stars, there will be a slight ripple.In the sky above the Tianhe River, there are often star flame stream winds that are more brilliant than rainbows and meteorite storms that are brighter than fireworks, which are dreamlike and intoxicating.

After spending half an hour figuring out the functions of the buttons and handles on the control panel of the Tianhe patrol boat, Chen Xian turned on the autopilot mode—charging forward with full power. to people.

After turning on the autopilot mode, Chen Xian walked out of the control room, walked up to the deck, and quietly looked up at the starry sky.

Looking at the gorgeous night sky, Chen Xian sighed: roses have thorns, perfume is poisonous, behind the beauty, there is often a deadly danger hidden, who would have thought that the stream of star flames dancing like ribbons is formed after the explosion of drifting stars Yes, death by touch?Meteor showers are dense meteorites flying by like rain, and they die when they hit it?
Fireworks are easy to be cold, and passion is easy to disperse. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she will get bored after getting along for a long time.Although the scenery above the Tianhe River was beautiful, after watching it for half an hour, Chen Xian felt nauseous, partly due to seasickness, partly due to aesthetic fatigue.

Chen Xian released a mind-cleaning spell to expel the dizziness from his brain, then got up and came to the bow, looking forward to the boundless road ahead
No one knows exactly how wide the Tianhe River is, but a big monk has measured it, and it flies at the speed of light, and it took fifteen breaths to fly across.Chen Xian calculated that at the patrol boat's current speed of [-] kilometers per second, it would take at least two days to reach the other side.

Drifting alone in the starry sky is a very boring thing. Apart from the splash of the patrol boat across the river, there is no other sound, it is silent, empty and monotonous.

The ten-foot-long Tianhe patrol boat was driving on the vast Tianhe River, like a speck of dust falling into the Pacific Ocean, without any sense of existence, and Chen Xian, who was lying on the deck, had no sense of existence.

The deeper the Tianhe, the farther away from the four major continents, the weaker the power of heaven, as if abandoned and forgotten by the whole world, Chen Xian couldn't help feeling dull, lonely, desperate and other negative emotions in his heart.

In normal times, two days are just a flick of a finger, but in this vast expanse of the Milky Way where there are occasional monsters appearing and there are dangers everywhere, and you cannot practice, it really feels like years. For two consecutive years, Chen Xian felt that the whole world It's not good anymore.

After another half an hour of cold wind blowing at the bow, tired of watching the patrol boats shattering the Milky Way's stars, Chen Xian went into the cabin, closed his eyes and rested his mind.


After sailing on the Tianhe for an unknown amount of time, a loud noise suddenly came from the bow of the Tianhe patrol boat, as if it had hit something, and the hull began to shake violently, waking up the drowsy Chen Xian.

"Could it be that you touched a reef?" Chen Xian was a little puzzled, there seemed to be no reef islands in Tianhe!

Thinking of the consequences if the Tianhe patrol boat hit a rock and sank, Chen Xian couldn't sit still immediately, and quickly released his spiritual sense to investigate, and found that the hull of the boat was intact and everything was running well, so he was relieved.

Chen Xian, who was relieved, became suspicious again. Since the Tianhe patrol boat did not hit the rocks, what happened to the loud noise from the bow and the violent vibration of the hull just now?

Chen Xian, who was suspicious, immediately increased his spiritual awareness, and it took a while to find that there was an extremely strong evil aura lingering around.

Chen Xian was startled, the evil aura was more pure than those demon cultivators in the four major continents, and he immediately knew that there was an extraterrestrial demon near here, because they were real demons, compared to those monks who cultivated demons, The realm is so high that I don't know how much, so the magic energy is more pure and authentic.

"I've only heard that the devil from outside the territory hides from the Tianhe patrol team, but I haven't heard of the devil who takes the initiative to pick on the patrol boat. Does this devil think he is easy to bully when he sees that he is the only one on the patrol boat?" After the devil lingered, Chen Xian thought with some perplexity.

Knowing that he was being watched by an alien monster, Chen Xian hurriedly rushed out of the cabin, went to the control room to open the protective cover of the Tianhe patrol boat, and pulled down the brake handle. The fast-moving patrol boat stopped. In the middle, go with the current, float and sink.

After finishing all this, Chen Xian walked out of the control room slowly and walked towards the deck, thinking in his heart as he walked: the slogan "produced by the heavenly court, must be a high-quality product" still has some truth, not to mention the flat peach ripened by the Queen Mother every 9000 years , Laojun’s Golden Pill, these famous treasures in the Three Realms, this Tianhe patrol boat alone is also a rare treasure: the designer is ingenious, fully considering the particularity of the star power of Tianhe where it serves, and the activation energy is not like other mechanism puppets Using spirit stones or aura of heaven and earth like that, but using local materials, directly powered by the power of stars, and Tianhe is a combination of power of stars and water. As long as it is in Tianhe, this boat will not run out of energy. It is commendable; in addition to the endless power, it is also equipped with radar-like equipment. In a place like Tianhe with limited spiritual consciousness, it can always find the hidden in Tianhe before the immortals below Jinxian. The extraterritorial devil who is ready to smuggle to the four major continents at any time, and this radar is so fucking amazing, with its own wake-up function, just the loud noise, as long as it is not a dead person, it will be awakened by it, and the vibration can also be awakened by a living person. Shaking it to pieces for you is like exercising and waking up the dozing heavenly soldiers.

Although the devil from outside the territory is intelligent, he only thinks about killing, destroying and destroying, and his creativity is equal to zero. Naturally, he cannot produce a vehicle that can cross the Milky Way like the Tianting Galaxy Battleship.In addition to being attracted by the catastrophe and allowing the avatar to descend to the earth fairy world for a short time, they can only rely on their own strength to cross the Milky Way if they want to go to the earth fairy world. Magic handsome.So after finding traces of alien monsters around, Chen Xian opened the defensive cover first, regardless of his strength, so as not to let him destroy the patrol boat and fall into the Milky Way.Although he thinks he is not weaker than the golden immortal who has turned [-] in Xuangong, but he is not a golden immortal after all, but also a fire cultivator. If he goes down to Tianhe, he will die in nine out of ten, so it is better not to take risks.

Besides, when Chen Xian came to the deck, he looked around and saw no shadow of the devil, knowing that the devil was either still three miles away, or hiding in the Milky Way.

Although the monsters from outside the territory are all powerful in Tianhe, even the Taiyi Demon Lord can only play at the level of a golden fairy, but there is no big mistake in being careful, and he is sailing again. For the sake of caution, Chen Xian not only kept sweeping his spiritual consciousness to monitor everything within a radius of a hundred miles, but also opened his spiritual eyes to check the changes in the air mechanism around him, and even worshiped the Avalokitesvara maidservant, letting the Buddha's light envelope the entire patrol boat... …

(End of this chapter)

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