Chapter 118

The Milky Way shakes down, Chang Geng appears, and the sky will be bright.

At the foot of an unknown hill, there is a huge rock three feet high. Under the stone root is a light blue futon. On the futon sits a handsome young man in white. His whole body is covered with a thin layer of pale white spiritual mist.Upon closer inspection, it was Chen Xian who stole the relics of the Jinguang Temple pagoda and ran away.

It turned out that although there was a Dharma altar to help, Chen Xian's immortal energy in his body was also consumed by [-]% after a rain of blood, and he used Ling Feng's sword, which condensed all the energy and energy in his body, and fled for more than ten thousand miles to throw away the Buddhist pursuers Go, the immortal essence in his body is running out.After getting rid of the bald head behind him, he flew slowly in the air for a while, and then lowered the cloud head on this delicate hill. After finding this leeward place, he began to adjust his breath and recovered. Time passed, and it was midnight in a blink of an eye. It was dawn.


After a wild rooster in the mountain, which had been blown by the cold wind all night, sang loudly, the Pleiades Star Officer raised the morning sun to drive away the chill for his own kind.


When the golden crow was flying high and the purple qi was getting old, Chen Xian finished refining the purple qi collected in his body after running the Xuan Gong for a week.He took a deep breath, opened his eyes suddenly, and got up.

Autumn is coming to the end of winter, the chill is getting stronger, the leaves in the mountains are rustling, the mist is vast, and the warm sunshine is shining on the body. Although it is still cold, it makes people feel warm.

"Mr. Pleiades Star, this old rooster is not bad, much more competent than the Jinwu clan!" After putting away the futon, Chen Xian stretched his limbs against the rising sun, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional: When Dijun was the emperor of heaven, he let the ten sons bear the sun Xuntian originally wanted to hone them, and let them earn some merits by the way, but how can they play tricks on others, as the sons of the Heavenly Emperor, the ten little golden crows insisted on their dignified status, neglected their duties, and never went on patrol on time, even on ten days at a time. A catastrophe was caused, Hou Yi opened his bow, and the Jinwu family was almost wiped out.Diaosi Pleiades Star Officer does not have a background as big as Ten Golden Crow, so he has no choice but to stick to his duty and honestly work for the Jade Emperor. He surveys the sky on time and does not want to cultivate more advanced. The powerful scorpion spirit, the embroidery needle in the eye, broke the thousand-eyed divine light of Monkey King in one fell swoop, and subdued the centipede spirit.

After lamenting the wonderful fate of the meeting, Chen Xian packed up his mood and flew towards Yong'an City leisurely.Now that he has nothing to do, he can fly back slowly and enjoy the scenery along the way. If he is not still thinking about using the blood beads of all spirits to relieve the curse of the demons in his heart, he would like to fly back to Pansi Cave and continue to hang out with the seven female fairies .

Flying for more than a thousand miles, a huge city appeared in Chen Xian's eyes. After a calculation, he knew that he had arrived at the border of Xiliang Women's Kingdom.

Chen Xian is actually very interested in this country where the whole country is full of women.Of course, he is not interested in the women in the city, but the Zimu River outside the city that allows people to reproduce asexually, the Zhaotai Spring that can judge whether a person is pregnant, and the only one that can relieve ghost pregnancy in the Zimu River. Luotaiquan was interested.You must know that the Zimu River water is the divine water that the gods (Zhu Bajie) will get pregnant obediently after drinking it, and will give birth to a baby in three days. If it is put on the earth, those hospitals that specialize in infertility will have to close down!

This is the third time for Chen Xian to pass by the Daughter Country. The first time is to collect materials for arranging the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams. , why not take a look at this legendary river, and see what is so magical about it.

If your heart is moved, you have to take some action, otherwise you will be "unable to get what you want, sleepy and convincing. Leisurely, tossing and turning", making yourself "thinner than a yellow flower", which is not good.With a thought in Chen Xian's mind, the auspicious clouds under his feet accelerated, and he reached the sky above the daughter country in a flash.

After Chen Xian cast his invisibility, he slowly landed in the daughter city. He didn't want to disturb the subjects of the country. After all, the women in this country have been hungry for many years. If they see a male, if they don't have sex with them, they will be They killed her and cut off her body to make sachets.

Of course, as a true immortal, Chen Xian is not afraid of being overthrown by a group of mortals, but he just doesn't want to get entangled with them. After all, he still has business to do, and there will be plenty of time in the future for romantic affairs, and more peach blossoms. It's not luck, but calamity. .

With a casual sweep of his consciousness, Chen Xian found the location of Yingyang Pavilion, and with a movement of his body, he arrived at the side of Zhaotai Spring.

There were some women with big bellies standing beside Zhaotai Spring. Chen Xian couldn't move forward, so he stepped aside, wanting to wait for these pregnant women to disperse before going to investigate their miracles.

Chen Xian thought back on his journey to the West, as if it was said in the book that if he drank the water from the Zimu River, he would become pregnant, and after three days, he went to the Yingyang Pavilion to take pictures beside the fetal water.If there are two shadows, a child will be born.He guessed that the Yingyang Hall was built here, named "Yingyang" and kept closed. He probably wanted to find a baby boy among these pregnant women and welcome him into the post house so that he could serve him well. , to leave a race for the country, but unfortunately, judging from the figures who left soon after taking pictures, the Yingyang Pavilion will not open for business within a thousand years.

Taking a photo of the fetal spring can tell the gender of the fetus, which is much more effective than an ultrasound examination. Therefore, not long after, the mothers-to-be by the spring retreated, revealing a clear spring.

Before the next batch of pregnant women came up to take care of their babies under the leadership of the postmen in Yingyang Pavilion, Chen Xian hurried to the edge of the birth-care spring which was more than three feet wide and five feet long, with a depth of nine feet inside. , began to observe.

Chen Xian just casually glanced at Zhaotai Spring, and came to three conclusions: first, the spring water is very clear, and the water is clear to the bottom; second, there are no fish in the water, which proves that "when the water is clear, there will be no fish". , if it is a wise saying; three, his reflection in the water is quite handsome.

"Wait, isn't that right?" Chen Xian, who was looking at himself and feeling sorry for himself, suddenly came to his senses. Since he landed in his daughter's country, he has been in a state of invisibility.Well, it is a shadow, not a form. His invisibility has not been broken, and his figure is still well hidden.

"Unexpectedly, besides being used as a see-through machine, this Taizhaoquan also has the effect of destroying illusory. This is simply a simple version of the demon mirror!" Chen Xian thought with some surprise in his heart.

What the naked eye sees are appearances, in order to understand the essence of Zhaotai Spring, Chen Xian opened his spiritual eyes and observed carefully.

What the spiritual eyes see is different from what the naked eye sees. In Chen Xian's eyes at this time, the relatively wide Zhaotai Spring disappeared, and only some black water spirits swayed in front of his eyes. Under these water spirits, there were countless pale The yellow lines, these lines seem to be messy, but they faintly form a wonderful formation. What surprised him the most was that he saw in Zhaotai Spring...

(End of this chapter)

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