dear miss jane

Chapter 575

Chapter 575
This unpleasant conversation between Jiaxin and Xiang Yihang soon led her to contact Ji Changming, for no other reason than to compete with him.

Ji Changming was a little surprised when he received her call. Ji Changming felt even more strange after knowing her reason for coming. Thinking of some problems Xiang had recently had, he had no choice but to test her.

"Jiaxin, have you heard about Xiang's crisis this time?"

"What does it have to do with me!"

Jiaxin denied, "I am abroad, and I don't know anything about domestic affairs. As for what happened, it has nothing to do with me. I am not interested. Our cooperation is also for my own consideration. If you don't want to, then I will It’s not too much, and it’s easy to find a suitable job based on my ability.”

"That's natural. Your ability is also well-known in the circle. I asked you to talk about cooperation before. At that time, you refused because of Xiang Yihang. Now you suddenly mention cooperation, which has to make people feel a little bit Strange."

Ji Changming smiled softly, I don't know what kind of calculations the scheming mind is doing, Jiaxin doesn't care about this, what she wants is revenge, to let Xiang Yihang see who is his greatest helper, and choose Jianxin him How unwise.

"Does Director Ji agree or disagree?"

Jiaxin didn't have the heart to chat with him, they were just collaborators of interests, if they couldn't cooperate in the future, they could separate at any time.

Naturally, Ji Changming will not let go of this opportunity easily. After all, with Jiaxin joining, his understanding of the industry can bring opportunities to the company.

"Of course I am very happy to be able to cooperate with a talent like you, Jiaxin. Then when do you plan to come back? I will make arrangements for you in advance."

"A week later, I will tell you the specific time."

The matter was settled in this way, and Ji Changming immediately went to Zhang Lanxin to tell her the good news.

"What you said is true? Is she really going to come to our company?"

Zhang Lanxin didn't believe it. After all, she had talked with Jiaxin before. At that time, her attitude was very firm, and she didn't even think about coming.

"Of course," Ji Changming said confidently, "I'm here to tell you that it's time to let go of some misunderstandings between you and Linlin and her, and now we must unite as one to deal with Xiang."

"In my opinion, Jiaxin must have revenge on Xiang Yihang now. Isn't it common for you women to hate each other because of love? She is the same!"

Not surprisingly, Zhang Lanxin snorted at him coldly, the woman's hatred is because of her disappointment and unforgivability to the man beside her!Ji Changming is shameless enough to laugh at them now.

When Ji Linlin heard the news, she couldn't believe it for a while, and asked Zhang Lanxin to confirm again and again, and then she knew that Jiaxin was really coming.

"Linlin, no matter what kind of misunderstanding you had with her before, from the moment she comes back, let go of the past grievances first, and put the overall situation first, and consider our company more."

"You have to know that a successful leader must be good at using everyone's strengths. No matter how much you hate her in your heart, the best way is to squeeze out all her value. Do you understand? Let others have an opportunity to take advantage of the matter, "

Ji Linlin understood, of course she would not object at this time, she would be very willing to see Xiang Yihang and Jian Xin struggling.

"Mom. Don't worry, I know what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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