Raising big bosses in the age of rebirth

Chapter 567 Patrol, Guang Province

Chapter 567 Tour, Guangzhou Province

As soon as he spoke, the four were shocked.

This woman speaks so loudly.

Xie Linlang didn't stop: "The above are just one or two of the things I did. If I want to talk about what I did specifically, wouldn't that be a personal report? I'm here to give a speech today, not to It’s for showing off, and it’s not here to show anyone off.”

The leader surnamed Liu, who was connoted, tightened his face, and the few people who cooperated with him also had a bad face.

"As for me, I just want to tell everyone that our Sichuan Province..."

Balabala, she talked about the information she had recruited before she set off, and some issues that she had confirmed on the spot in the past ten days. Every sentence was classic, and it was not muddled.

After a little distraction, she didn't know which sentence she followed up with, which was completely different from the big words she deliberately said in order to attract people at the beginning.

Those who want to learn seriously, or have problems and troubles in this area, immediately start to take notes in a hurry. look like.

The scene quickly became quiet, only Xie Linlang's voice could be heard.

This speech lasted for three hours. In the first hour and a half, Xie Linlang made an opening remark, and also put forward her own views on some issues related to breeding and planting planning in Sichuan Province. After that, she made a perfect summary and provided Two 10 minutes of free time.

After about 10 minutes, most people came back one after another. Xie Linlang waited for a few more minutes before starting the second half of the speech.

The second half of the speech lasted for an hour, because the local issues have been finished, she will talk about some of their projects in Siya for half an hour, and there will be a trade fair in October, everyone is welcome to see and see, maybe You can meet your favorite seeds or crops.

The last half hour is left for these people to ask questions.

Of course, when asking questions, they can't ask them to stand up, but Xie Linlang chooses from those who raise their hands.

She chose the first person in this way: "The seventh row on the right, the gentleman in the white shirt who is facing my direction, you can ask first, before today's lecture, I will count you as the quietest and polite."

The man was ordered, so he stood up with a little excitement, and asked Xie Linlang a question that had troubled him for a long time. Xie Linlang said it all according to his professional skills and his own understanding.

This person still wanted to ask, but was stopped by Xie Linlang's booing, and motioned him to sit down, and someone else would answer the question.

Because of this, a funny scene appeared. All the listeners who wanted to ask questions sat upright and kept quiet. Don’t talk about being noisy, even a few gossips in a low voice can be heard. Be clear.

Xie Linlang ordered seven audience members to answer questions. She looked at her watch and saw that the time was almost up, so she handed over the control of the scene to the leader surnamed Liu.

It should have been passed to the host, but Xie Linlang didn't.

Others want her to be embarrassed, why can't she retaliate.

Not only did she want to fight back, but she also pointed to the leader surnamed Liu: "In the past ten days, Officer Liu has taught me a lot. I believe that our Officer Liu must have found a lot of new ways to deal with everyone's problems. There is a way to help everyone solve it, I believe him."

There was a small wave of applause at the scene, and then one by one looked at the leader surnamed Liu.

After Xie Linlang diverted her attention, she purposely read and sorted out the manuscripts, but didn't read other people's hints that she would take the words back to herself.

Officer Liu bit the bullet and faced the audience, but no one asked him any more questions after less than three questions. He didn't know if he should breathe a sigh of relief, or should be angry and embarrassing.

In fact, the latter is more emotional.

After all, after no questions were asked, everyone did not have Xie Linlang who was in full control of the field to guide them, and the order became the same as it was before Xie Linlang's speech. No one listened to the silence after saying it several times.

Now, Cadre Liu has a deep understanding of what social death is.

After the host finally controlled the scene, it took nearly 10 minutes to guide everyone to leave. After the scene was over, Director Liu got angry at Xie Linlang and asked her why she did this.

"The superior arranged you to give a speech at the grassroots level, is it for you to do these small tricks to embarrass others?"

"Then the superior arranged for you to receive me and provide me with reception and assistance. Did you deliberately arrange me in a noisy accommodation environment and throw me a messy meeting place?"

"You! You! You are unreasonable."

Xie Linlang let out a heck, seeing that this man was so angry that he wanted to come over and hit him, he still didn't forget to continue to light the fire: "Today is the first stop of my lecture tour, don't worry, what you did, the next eleven stops, I will use it as refreshing material and share it with everyone.”

"How dare you! Are you crazy? You are taking revenge! I can complain to the leader!"

"You go." Xie Linlang stood upright, unmoved by this bureaucratic behavior at all.

In Liu cadre's eyes, that is extremely arrogant.

He just didn't supervise the order of the speech well, as for revenge by Xie Linlang?
Xie Linlang didn't care so much, anyway, in order to enter menopause later, she naturally didn't want to hold her breath, she could do whatever she wanted.

As long as she doesn't violate the law or discipline, even if she is dismissed from the position of deputy director, she can still inherit her factory, jewelry store, dim sum shop and other businesses with tears in her eyes.

There is nothing terrible about her.

Xie Linlang walked away, leaving the cadre jumping around.

The first stop of the speaking tour was not pleasant, and it was a waste of time.

Next, Xie Linlang remained patient and stayed in Sichuan Province for two more days, went to a few places where breeding and planting problems often occurred, and put forward relevant suggestions for their rectification and remediation, and then bought a ticket again and went to the next a place.

The night before boarding the train, she called Shen Gu and said that she had completed the task at the first station and would go to the second station tomorrow.

Shen Gu was on the other side, quietly listening to Xie Linlang talk about his work in Guangzhou, with a very gentle expression and full of patience.

He answered the phone with his right hand, while Shen Nianlin was putting together a puzzle on the left and right.

Although she is a ten-year-old primary school student, the puzzles at home are divided into easy and difficult levels. Mom is not at home, and dad doesn't like to take her shopping. She is not allowed to watch TV for a long time, so she can only find puzzles. Come play with yourself.

It's too hot outside, and she doesn't like to go, she will get sweaty and uncomfortable.

Although going to the country, going to the beach, going shopping, she will be sweaty when she comes back, but her mother will help her wash it gently from head to toe,

(End of this chapter)

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