Tang Dynasty good doctor

Chapter 903 Controlling the Camp State

Chapter 903 Controlling the Camp State

Wang Pingan gathered the guards together, and Changsun Wuji immediately took Wang Pingan and the guards on horseback and rushed to Yingzhou. It was already late at night, and the distance of forty miles was not too far for the cavalry. In an hour's time, the guard group blocked the south gate of Yingzhou. [-] guards lined up at the south gate, and the remaining three regiments dispersed to block the other three gates. to prevent Li Ke's henchmen from escaping.

Changsun Wuji ordered, and he said to the school captains of each regiment: "After entering, one of the regiments will follow the old man. Let's go to Li Ke's residence and control the envoys of Goguryeo. According to Ke's king's order, all his subordinates gathered together, saying that they would be rewarded, and they got busy. It is estimated that it will be dawn at that time, and the remaining two regiments will occupy the street and get rid of all Li Ke's subordinates. , don’t die. You control the direction of the south gate, don’t let the rest of Li Ke’s party escape from the south, and those who slip through the net escape to the other three gates, and someone will naturally take care of them, understand?”

The school lieutenants said nothing, the tactic Changsun Wuji said was very simple, it was just to close the door and beat the dog, if there was a dog that escaped, it was up to the comrades to deal with it, of course they understood such a simple tactic.But the key point is that they are Wang Pingan's bodyguards, not Changsun Wuji's bodyguards. Wang Pingan doesn't speak, and they don't need to listen to Changsun Wuji's orders!

The captains looked at Wang Pingan together.Wang Pingan thought: "If you look at me like this, don't you make Changsun Wuji suspicious, thinking that I am developing personal weapons, and he will be dissatisfied with me."

Wang Pingan hurriedly found a step for Changsun Wuji, he said: "Master Uncle, they are recruits who have just been recruited, they haven't even learned all the general orders, and they have accents from all over the world, what you say has a Chang'an accent, they can't hear you." I understand, they are all from Lower Riba.”

Wang Pingan added some flavor of Yunzhou to his accent, repeated what Changsun Wuji said just now, and finally asked: "Do you understand the orders of Changsun Xiangye?"

The school captains shouted together: "I understand." The voices were uniform, although they may be recruits, but they are all people who have long been capable, and the three regiments left by Wang Ping'an's side, one is the old regiment, two One is the most powerful regiment, almost no one is a real rookie, and it is impossible to even understand the general order.

With the steps, Changsun Wuji took advantage of the situation and went down. Now is the place where Wang Ping'an can be used. Although he has violated the taboo by developing his personal armament, now is not the time to pursue it. On the contrary, the greater the power of Wang Ping'an, in the short term, The more beneficial it is for Changsun Wuji!
A school lieutenant yelled at the city gate, saying that they were the vanguard of the Eastern Expedition, and they had met Li Ke, and now they were going in overnight to take over Yingzhou, and asked the defenders above to open the city gate immediately.

The city wall of Yingzhou has been in ruins for a long time. Although it has been repaired, it is still not good, and some time ago, the Goguryeo people were here, and there were no good military regulations. Now Li Ke is here again. They didn't recruit many of them, but they were just a group of rabble, a collection of hooligans, and the guards didn't even know about the military regulations and the prohibition of opening the city gate in the middle of the night.

Seeing a large number of troops coming from outside the city, looking at them by the moonlight, they were all wearing Tang military uniforms. The guards above opened the city gate without even asking a few words, and let Wang Ping'an and the others enter the city.

Regardless of his age, Changsun Wuji really has the courage to move forward when encountering things.As soon as he lifted the reins of the horse, he rushed to the front. As soon as he entered Yingzhou City, he immediately rushed to the back and shouted: "Hold the gate, and the rest will follow me!"

Wang Pingan followed closely behind, thinking: "Why, do you still have to shout slogans? You are not too young, and you still want to learn from the fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms!" He followed closely behind Changsun Wuji, while the guards of the brigade Following behind him, he rode his horse all the way to the biggest house in the city.

Before he ran far, he heard screams from behind, guessing that the guards took control of the city gate and took care of all the guards!
Changsun Wuji rushed to Li Ke's residence in Yingzhou without stopping. He reined in his horse and shouted to the general guarding the gate: "Go, call the envoy of Goguryeo, and tell me that old man Changsun Wuji and Wang Ping'an have arrived!"

Li Ke's gatekeepers are actually his capable men and strangers. These capable men and strangers are amazing now. Since they "defeated" Goguryeo's "invading" army, their tails have almost reached the sky.They were originally local ruffians from Chang'an. After occupying Yingzhou, they recruited a lot of local ruffians from around the local area, making Yingzhou city a mess.

Tonight, when Li Ke took people to meet Changsun Wuji and Wang Ping'an, the able men and strangers were like having a holiday. Except for a few people at the door who had to support the facade, the rest of the people were sleeping everywhere!
At this time, a large group of soldiers was about to enter the city, led by Changsun Wuji and Wang Ping'an in person. The capable men and strangers at the gate were shocked. They didn't see Li Ke, but they didn't dare to ask more questions, so they rushed into the mansion , Go wake up Cha Jung-hyun.

Changsun Wuji swung his stirrups off the saddle, got off his horse, strode into the mansion, sat down in the middle of the hall, and waited for the car Zhengxian to arrive.

Not long after, Cha Zhengxian ran over disheveled.He is the successor of Yuan Gai Suwen, the former power minister of Goguryeo. After he initially stabilized the situation in the capital of Goguryeo, he felt that he could no longer behave like Yuan Gai Suwen, and could no longer fight with Datang. You have to follow along.

Therefore, this time, Che Zhengxian came to Datang in person, and wanted to take the opportunity of submitting the letter of surrender to go to Chang'an and get the conferment of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. If the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty can give him a golden seal, then he will He is the legal ruler in Goguryeo. After working hard, even if he abolished the King of Treasures and made himself king, it is very possible. The biggest one, you can do whatever you want.

With the mentality of reaping benefits, Che Zhengxian came to Yingzhou, but after waiting for a long time, Wang Ping'an didn't come. He could only follow Li Ke's intention and send the letter of surrender to Chang'an, but the credit for accepting the surrender was It is equivalent to giving it to Li Ke, and there is nothing wrong with Wang Ping'an.

Hearing that Wang Ping'an led the army to come in the middle of the night, Che Zhengxian complained in his heart. Could it be that Wang Ping'an didn't get the credit, so he got angry, and personally led the troops to settle accounts with him?But don't be like this, the previous conflicts between the ministers of the Tang Dynasty and their mutual competition for merit, don't get involved in Goguryeo, the gods fight, it's none of our mortal business!
Che Zhengxian ran to the entrance of the lobby, and saw an old man in a purple robe sitting upright, and Wang Pingan was sitting on the lower head.Che Zhengxian thought: "This is Changsun Wuji, right? Well, if he can sit on top of Wang Ping'an, then he can only be Changsun Wuji!"

Although Cha Zhengxian is a big warlord of Goguryeo, he is quite arrogant, but he understands etiquette, and he came to Datang to pretend to be a grandson, hoping to get benefits. Such a big shot, how can he not try his best to curry favor with him?

With a plop, Che Zhengxian knelt down at the door, climbed all the way into the lobby, and shouted in the Central Plains dialect: "Master Changsun, Mr. Wang, the young general finally saw you. I have been staying in Yingzhou for a while. , almost killed the young general!"

He saw that Li Ke was not in the hall, and he knew in advance that Li Ke had conflicts with his grandson Wuji Wang Ping'an, so he knew that Li Ke must have lost power, and he might have been put under house arrest.A person who knows the current affairs is a hero, and Cha Zhengxian thinks he is quite handsome, so he immediately showed his tone, as long as Changsun Wuji and Wang Pingan give a hint, he will immediately sell Li Ke!

Changsun Wuji snorted, but did not ask Che Zhengxian to get up, he said: "You are the Goguryeo envoy named Che Zhengxian? The old man asked you, why didn't you wait for Wang Ping'an to hand over your letter of surrender to him when he arrived?" , but to Li Ke?"

This question is quite obvious. You, a person who surrendered, have no eyesight and value. Instead of handing over the letter of surrender to the right master, you actually handed it over to Li Ke. Will you be a man and know how to do things? ?

Che Zhengxian immediately understood, and immediately shouted for grievances, he said: "My lord, grandson, it is not the young general who wants to hand over Shunbiao to Prince Li Ke, but he snatched it forcibly. En Dade, this time I made a special trip to deliver the obedience, of course I have to hand it over to Mr. Wang, but the young general came to Yingzhou and dared not offend Lord Li Ke, he snatched the surrender letter and sent the obedience, the young general really had no choice! "

Having said that, he raised his head to look at Wang Ping'an and Changsun Wuji, and saw that Wang Ping'an was expressionless, showing no emotion, with an expression of nothing to do with himself, but Changsun Wuji had a slightly expressionless expression. Huo, it seems that he is quite satisfied with what he said.It's good to be satisfied, it's good to show your expression, then he will know what to say in the next step.

Che Zhengxian said again: "Not only that, Li Ke also put the young general under house arrest and locked him in the firewood room behind him. The young general was terrified, thinking that he was going to kill the young general, and almost ran away. Fortunately, the eldest grandson tonight My lord, you came here with your troops, and Prince Li Ke is not in the mansion, or the young general is still sleeping in the woodshed, sleeping on hay!"

This is pure nonsense, but even if nonsense can do it, even if Li Ke comes to confront him face to face, what can it do?To stand in line, you must stand firm!Che Zhengxian knows how to stand in line best, otherwise he would not have stood out in the war in Goguryeo, and suddenly became the biggest warlord in Goguryeo, and even controlled the treasure king.

Yes, this is nonsense, of course framed!But precisely because of this, his team stood firm and greatly won the favor of Changsun Wuji!
Changsun Wuji immediately showed joy on his face. He killed Li Ke, but Zhengchou couldn't cover it up, and couldn't explain it to the court!Look, this Che Zhengxian in front of him is a good man, and he immediately provided the cause of the incident, and the result was that he acted on behalf of the emperor and killed Li Ke, the villain who dared to imprison the envoy. Now there is only one process left It will arouse the anger of the entire court, saying that Li Ke deserves to die!
Changsun Wuji slapped the table and shouted: "He dared to treat you like this. His crime is unforgivable, and death is unforgivable. How he abused you, please tell me. Get up, sit aside and talk!"

Only then did Cha Zhengxian heave a sigh of relief.Changsun Wuji's attitude made him understand that Li Ke must have been repaired, and now he may be under house arrest. I don't know if he was locked in the woodshed, but he must have been repaired. This is certain.He looked at Wang Ping'an, and saw that Wang Ping'an's face showed a little liking, and he felt that he had made the right bet, and opening the cup would definitely be a big win!

Cha Zhengxian is not a gentleman, let alone being a gentleman in his life, he has never even thought of being a gentleman. It is good to be able to treat a villain well, and he does not have the high-end requirements of being a gentleman.

He was full of nonsense, willing to be a gun, and framed Li Kehao, saying that Li Ke wanted to rebel, and Li Ke's confidants outside the hall grinned and scolded this Goguryeo vicious dog for being shameless, even saying that about them The prince of the family.But it's strange, how about their prince, why didn't they come back together, could it be that they were arrested by Changsun Wuji and Wang Ping'an?
At this moment, a person walked in outside the hall, but it was Shi Aiguo!Shi Aiguo and Cha Zhengxian are not the same, unlike Che Zhengxian who rushed to Wang Pingan as soon as he heard that Wang Ping'an was coming.After he heard the news, he thought about it for a while. His son Shi Yifu has been very promising in Chang'an recently. Ke tipped off the news and discussed how to deal with Changsun Wuji.

Although Shi Aiguo didn't really participate in it, it's not likely that Changsun Wuji and Wang Pingan would think so.He thought carefully about what he was going to say, in order to save his old life, he had to stay out of it, but how to stay out of it, shouldn't he think about it in advance.No matter whose team it is, he is determined not to stand, whether it is Changsun Wuji or Li Ke, whoever asks him, he will always answer, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
Seeing Shi Aiguo coming in, Changsun Wuji snorted and said, "Director Shi, it seems that you are not doing well in Yingzhou, and you have lost a lot of weight."

Shi Aiguo hurriedly stepped forward to salute, then automatically and consciously found a seat for himself, and after sitting down, he said, "Yes, yes, our family is not doing very well, and we are not acclimatized, so we have lost a lot of weight."

At this time, Cha Zhengxian just finished talking about Li Ke's abuse of him.Changsun Wuji asked Shi Aiguo, "Is what the Goguryeo envoy said true? Is there anything wrong?"

Shi Aiguo thought to himself: "What did he say? I didn't hear it at all!" But he adhered to the principle of submissiveness, and he would not refute what others said, and quickly said: "Yes, yes, he is absolutely right, there is nothing wrong The place."

Changsun Wuji was a little surprised, why did the old eunuch cooperate so much without asking what happened?Ah, I see, he wants to stay out of the matter, very good, just understand the matter!
At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the mansion, followed by screams and the sound of weapons clashing, as if there was a fight outside.

Changsun Wuji thought to himself: "According to the plan, based on the estimated time, we should wait a little longer. The fighting can only start outside when the sky is about to dawn. Why is it starting now?"

He said loudly: "Come on, go outside and see, who is making the noise?"

Before anyone could go out to check, a school lieutenant came in, holding a big knife with blood on it.The captain said: "Master grandson, there are people rebelling outside, and the brothers are suppressing it!"

(End of this chapter)

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