Chapter 776

Although Princess Tong'an is old, she is very nosy. In modern terms, she is an old lady who can gossip.This may have something to do with her experience when she was young, because the establishment of the Tang Dynasty has something to do with her gossip spirit.

In the former Sui Dynasty, the daughter of Princess Tong'an entered the Daxing Palace, which is now the palace of the Tang Dynasty, and became a concubine for Emperor Sui Yang. Her daughter is also a person who can gossip. If there is a mother, there will be a daughter. , but it was precisely because this daughter loves to gossip that Li Yuan was saved!
Emperor Sui Yang hated Li Yuan very much, and the relationship between his cousins ​​was not good. Even Emperor Sui Yang hoped that Li Yuan would die with a click.But in the early days, Emperor Sui Yang didn't show much, he just hated it in his heart, but he didn't tell the ministers, even his confidant Yu Wenshu didn't know.

However, once, Emperor Sui Yang wanted to see Li Yuan and let Li Yuan enter the palace, but it happened that Li Yuan was ill at this time and did not come within the stipulated time.Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty asked Princess Tong'an's daughter, "Why did your uncle come so late?"

Princess Tong'an's daughter told the truth and answered Emperor Sui Yang that her uncle was ill and she heard from her aunt.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty said casually: "Can you die of illness?" His expression was quite ferocious, unintentionally showing his disgust for Li Yuan.

In other words, if you can understand the emperor's emotions and mentality, you will be able to become an official smoothly. Even if you can't get promoted and get rich, at least your life can be saved.

Emperor Yang of Sui unintentionally revealed his attitude towards Li Yuan, and was immediately gossiped by Princess Tong'an's daughter and told Princess Tong'an. Of course, Princess Tong'an was not a princess at that time, but she was Li Yuan's own sister. She immediately ran to Li Yuan and told Li Yuan about Emperor Sui Yang's attitude.

In this way, Li Yuan understood what the emperor was thinking.From then on, Li Yuan behaved carefully, and found an opportunity to leave the capital and return to Taiyuan, saving his life, and thus established the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, the spirit of gossip can sometimes make contributions.

It is precisely because of Princess Tong'an's contribution that after the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan treated this sister very well, and immediately canonized her as the eldest princess, and Li Shimin also treated her very well, and often came to visit this aunt. , when he ascended the throne, he once invited his aunt to watch the ceremony and rewarded him with many things.

The emperors of the Tang Dynasty all knew that this aunt was very strong and even unreasonable, but they were very tolerant of what she did. , don't ask at all.

Princess Tong'an's son-in-law had a son, but this son was not born to Princess Tong'an. When the son died, Princess Tong'an didn't know what happened to her, so she drove her daughter-in-law and grandson out of the house and forced They left Chang'an.The grandson's name is Wang Fangyi, a very powerful general.But neither Li Shimin nor Li Zhi dared to speak out, dared not take care of Princess Tongan's affairs, so that Wang Fangyi was not recalled to Chang'an until the death of Princess Tongan, and made great achievements in Li Zhi's court.

Princess Tong'an doesn't like her grandson, but she likes her grandniece very much. She always loves Queen Wang. It was because of her as a matchmaker that Queen Wang married Li Zhi, and now she is the queen.

Today, the steward of the palace came back from inspecting the farm in the countryside and brought back a nun, saying that the nun knew something about Li Ke's rebellion.Princess Tong'an's gossip broke out, so she asked the maids to take care of the nun.As a result, the more she liked gossip, the more gossip came. In a coma, she said a lot, including about the emperor, private meetings, Wang Xiangye, etc., although it was vague, but It also proved that Liao Jue knew the royal secrets.

The little maid hurriedly passed the message to Princess Tong'an, and Princess Tong'an immediately told them that once the nun woke up, she must tell her immediately that she had something to ask.When she heard the report from the little girl that the nun was awake, she was afraid that the nun would be injured and would not be able to come to see her, so she came here in person, so she must be right and gossip.

Princess Tong'an has been gossiping all her life, so she naturally knows the essence of gossip. It's all said.

Frightened and frightened, she had no choice but to tell what she had heard at the back mountain gate, plus some of her own imagination.

After hearing this, Princess Tong'an was not surprised at all. She doesn't care what kind of woman the emperor likes, even if she likes a nun, so what? , but she herself not only didn't want to care about it, on the contrary she found it quite interesting!

Let the maids take good care of Jue, while Princess Tong'an returned to her residence, called the housekeeper, and said: "These days, my palace is very lonely, but the children don't come to visit me, it's really going downhill. , the children are becoming more and more disobedient, they really should go to hell, and let Lord Yan fix them!"

The housekeeper hurriedly laughed and asked Princess Tongan which child would she like to chat with her to relieve boredom?
As a housekeeper, of course he knows that the old lady Tong An is a restless person, she can talk and talk, but her child died earlier than her, and her husband has passed away, so she is very lonely, so always It is understandable that she wants to let other juniors come to accompany her, and the elderly are lonely.

Princess Tong'an said: "Go and call Xiaoliu, I blame him for being bad if I want to scold him. As a result, the emperor went out for flirting. It's fine to go to other places to flirt. It's really not good to go to a nun's nunnery to flirt. It's like saying!"

The housekeeper thought to himself: "Xiao Liu, are you talking about Liu Xun? Well, he is already in his 60s, and he is still called Xiao Liu. It's really difficult for Liu Shilang!" He promised, and went out of the princess mansion to find Yoo Seok.

Liu Shi is the uncle of Queen Wang. Not long ago, he was promoted to be the Minister of Zhongshu. The position he replaced happened to be Xu Jingzong's.Strictly speaking, the reason why he was able to be promoted has nothing to do with his ability to be an official, but thanks to Wang Ping'an's blessing, he filled in the vacancy of Zhongshu Provincial Minister's Minister. Wang Ping'an is his benefactor!

Today, Liu Xun is working in Zhongshu Province, because there will be a court meeting tomorrow. As Zhongshu's servant and Ma Zhou's deputy, he has to quickly sort out the things that Ma Zhou will do when he goes to court. This is his My own job must be done well.

After a busy morning, Liu Xun finished his business and handed over the documents to Ma Zhou's desk.After Ma Zhou looked at it, he said, "Master Liu, go to Dongtai to see if Wang Ping'an is at work. Ask him who he wants to recommend as a general for the conquest of Yingzhou. So I can say hello to the old man in advance!"

Liu Xun quickly agreed, left the West Terrace, and rushed to the East Terrace.But after arriving at Menxia Province, he found that Wang Ping'an was not there. He asked the officials in Dongtai, and the reply was that Mr. Wang had never been here except for roll call on the first day he took office. If there is any matter in the province, they always go to Shangshu Province to ask the elder grandson.

Liu Shi thought to himself: "Okay, Wang Ping'an is a very comfortable prime minister, and my exhausted life is not as good as others!" He went out to save money, but he was thinking about the task that Ma Zhou had given him, so he left the palace and thought about it. Go to the government office to see.

But as soon as he stepped out of the palace gate, he saw someone coming up to him, telling him that Princess Tongan wanted to scold him, and asked him to go to the princess mansion to receive the scolding!
Liu Xi couldn't laugh or cry, he was over 60 years old, and he still had to be called Xiaoliu, and he still had to be scolded. The most troublesome thing was that he still had to be obedient, pretend to be cute, and go to be scolded ecstatically to show pleasure.Princess Tongan mainly scolds people, but not everyone has this honor. It is not easy for others to be scolded!

I had no choice but to send my entourage to Wang Ping'an's Duke's Mansion first to see if Wang Ping'an was there, and to make an appointment for him to go again, so that no one could be found again.He himself followed the people from the Princess Mansion to meet Princess Tong'an.

Liu Xun of the Princess Mansion often comes here. He has a very good relationship with Princess Tongan. First, he can be regarded as a relative of his own family. Second, Liu Xun also wants to have a good relationship with Princess Tongan. The hardest relationship is nepotism.As long as he has a good relationship with Princess Tong'an, his official career will be much smoother!

After entering the princess mansion and seeing Princess Tong'an, Liu Xun bowed on the ground first, then asked: "Auntie, I don't know if I can find my little nephew, what's the matter?"

Princess Tong'an sighed, and said: "That good niece and son-in-law of yours is so flirtatious. Recently, she even hooked up with a nun in the Ganye Temple, and even went to a private meeting in the middle of the night. Tell me, what does this look like? Isn't it too disgusting?" It's like saying!"

Liu Xi was taken aback when he heard this, and thought to himself: "Which niece and son-in-law? If you count, there are twenty or thirty nieces in my Liu family who call me uncle alone. Which one are you referring to?"

No matter which one it is, let's follow the old lady's words first, that's right.Liu Xun immediately said: "It's outrageous that such a thing happened. After my nephew returns, he must punish that guy severely. He even ruined the reputation of the monk. He must be broken!"

After hearing this, Princess Tong'an was very concerned and said: "Are you really going to break your niece's leg? Do you still call his leg a dog's leg? I don't care if you really do it!"

Liu Xun immediately became unhappy. He valued his status very much, especially after he became the Minister of Zhongshu. Almost everyone said that he could become the Minister of Zhongshu. He will be the best candidate for Zhongshu Ling, otherwise he can work so hard!

Liu Xun said: "My aunt's words are wrong. Why don't my nephew dare? If you do something wrong, you will be punished, let alone something that insults people's reputation. Auntie, tell me quickly, which nephew and son-in-law of my nephew are you?" , my nephew is going to break his dog legs today!" He said loudly with great momentum, even his eyes stood up.

Princess Tong'an said, "Which one? Don't you only have one niece and son-in-law? Could it be that there are many?"

Liu Xun shook his head and said, "There are about a dozen of them in Beijing. If you count the ones from my hometown, there are more than 30 of them... Ah, is that what my aunt said?"

Princess Tongan clapped her hands and said: "I'm talking about the emperor, isn't he your nephew and son-in-law? Well, just now you said you were going to break the emperor's leg, but what are you talking about? I have to go and talk to the emperor about it." Say……"

(End of this chapter)

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