Chapter 697

An Shanda trembled, and asked hesitantly, "Your Majesty, should you report to the court about King Wu's collusion with Goguryeo, so that the emperor and the prime ministers in the court can make a decision?"

Wang Pingan waved his hand and said, "How can I report it now? There is no way to report it! King Wu still only likes Goguryeo dancers, likes listening to songs, watching dances, etc. What does this mean?"

An Shanda's face was still terrified, it was obvious that he was quite afraid of this matter.Thinking about it, he is the leader of Li Ke's guards. If Li Ke really does something outrageous in the future, his confidant will never escape the responsibility, and he can only be pushed to the execution ground and beheaded along with him.

An Shanda was anxious, his knees softened, and he knelt down to Wang Ping'an with a plop. With a mournful face, he begged: "Your Majesty, you have to make decisions for the villain and testify to the villain. If something really happens in the future, You must say good things for the villain, but the villain has never been with King Wu... He has not been in the same league with him, no matter what happens, it has nothing to do with the villain!"

Now, he has no other choice but to beg Wang Ping'an.For a small person like him, once the big wind and waves rise, he must be the first one to be unlucky.Maybe the emperor thought of the relationship between father and son and only imprisoned Li Ke, but an "accomplice" like him would not end well, maybe he would have to be used to vent his anger, let alone be on his head. There is an accusation, saying that he encouraged Li Ke to learn to be bad. Originally, King Wu was a good person, loyal, and obeyed the rules...

Wang Pingan quickly reached out to support him, and said: "Brother An, don't be like this, you worry too much! You are now a member of His Royal Highness, and you have long been separated from King Wu. You are the eyes and ears of Prince An around King Wu. Even if King Wu You reported any outrageous behavior, not only innocent, but meritorious, what are you afraid of!"

He tried his best to help, but An Shanda refused to get up, and kept begging. In short, he just wanted to get Wang Ping'an's honest words and a promise that if something happened in the future, Wang Ping'an would testify to him.

Wang Pingan thought for a while, and said: "How about this, I will write you a document to prove that you are sent by the prince, so that even if something happens in the future, you will be safe with this document. However, such an important document , but you must not lose it, if the king of Wu finds out, then you and I will be in trouble!"

As long as everything falls on paper and pen, it is considered to be insured, and there is nothing else in ancient times that can be more insured than this.However, the safer things, on the other hand, are actually more risky. Once the truth is revealed, An Shanda must be killed by Li Ke.As for Wang Ping'an, as long as he stares and refuses to admit it, saying that the document is forged, Li Ke can't do anything to him!
When An Shanda heard this, he was naturally overjoyed, kowtowed quickly, and kept saying: "If the prince is willing to write down the certificate, then the villain's life will be guaranteed, and the villain can also feel at ease when he does things for the prince and prince. , the work of a dog with greater energy efficiency!"

Wang Ping'an felt hesitant, what's more troublesome?This description is also appropriate!He called Ouyang Li, and asked Ouyang Li to take out the pen and paper he had with him, and write down a document, proving that An Shanda was sent by himself to work by King Wu's side and be driven by King Wu.

There is not a single word in the whole document saying that An Shanda is a spy, but it shows that An Shanda is Wang Ping'an's man. Even if Li Ke found this document, it is impossible to say that Wang Ping'an planted a spy by his side. Dealing with it privately, instead of making a fuss outright, the matter cannot be expanded, and it cannot be used to attack Wang Ping'an and Li Zhi.

After writing the document and drying the ink, Wang Pingan handed the paper to An Shanda and said, "Look, is it appropriate for me to write this way? If not, I will write another copy for you!"

An Shanda's literary talent is quite poor, and he can't understand what Wang Pingan wrote at all. He just feels that he can have a document to prove that he has nothing to do with Li Ke. It was written in classical Chinese, which was not easy to understand. If he could understand it, then he wouldn't need to be a bodyguard, he would just go directly to the Jinshi examination!
An Shanda thanked without saying a word, and said repeatedly: "It's suitable, it's suitable, the document written by the prince is of course suitable, and the villain is very grateful!" He folded the paper and put it in his arms carefully, treating it as if it was his life.

Wang Ping'an reached out to help him again, and An Shanda got up.Wang Pingan asked: "What is King Wu doing now, but watching Goguryeo's singing and dancing? The Goguryeo people spent so much money to give away women and bands. He won't just keep it, so he can't enjoy it. ?”

An Shanda nodded and said: "Before the villain came out just now, King Wu was holding a banquet in the back house, but he didn't let the villain serve him. Now he is surrounded by Goguryeo people, so the villain can only stand aside, or else he can't." As soon as Brother Ouyang comes to look for him, the villain will come out."

Wang Ping'an thought for a while, and said: "Don't startle the snake, let him enjoy himself as much as King Wu likes to enjoy himself. He is in Qingzhou, which is the hinterland of the Central Plains. No matter how noisy he is, he can't do anything. You You only need to write down what he does every day. Every few days, I will send someone. Just tell the person I sent you what you wrote down. Don’t worry about anything else, and don’t stop Wu Wang what, do you understand?"

An Shanda thought to himself: "This is easy to handle. If it can be as simple as this, it will be the best job. As long as I don't let me murder the King of Wu, I won't do anything that sees blood."

He quickly nodded and agreed, expressing that he would definitely serve the prince and dare not slack off. He would record in detail how many times Li Ke woke up every day and how many Goguryeo women slept with for the prince's reference!
After a few more instructions, Wang Pingan let An Shanda leave and went back to the county government office.

Ouyang Li sent An Shanda away, came to Wang Ping'an, and asked, "Master, do you want your subordinates to call Mr. Qiu out as well, and tell him a few words?"

Wang Ping'an thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No need, brother Qiu is an upright person, and he is not good at spying on others. It's okay if I don't tell him. If I ask him to do something, maybe he will show his feet instead, and let King Wu have something to do." If you notice it, then it's self-defeating, let's go back now, that's it for tonight!"

Ouyang Li carried Wang Ping'an on his back, and everyone quietly left Maling County and returned to Qingzhou City.

Since then, the weather has been getting colder and cooler day by day, the golden autumn has come to an end, the leaves are falling, and winter is coming soon.

This year, although Gyeongju did not usher in a bumper harvest, instead the fields had reduced production, but the people did not go out to flee the famine. Instead, those who had gone out before returned to their hometowns one after another. The people are preparing for the winter. They all know that as long as they survive this winter , then there will be a good life next year, and because of the use of water canals and windmills, life will get better and better. It will be a matter of time before Gyeongju becomes a land of fish and rice.

The officials in Gyeongju are also friendly, and they all know that they have been busy for half a year, and they are waiting for next year's harvest, and next year's harvest in Gyeongju is already a certainty, at least better than in previous years, and everyone does not need to do anything else , Just sit at home and wait for the court's award.Even people like Che Sitong are thinking whether Wang Ping'an will definitely leave if he can advance to a higher level in his official career. Who will take his place? Pave the way, first occupy the position!

As for Li Ke, although Wang Pingan sent someone to contact Anshan University every few days, he never got any other news. Li Ke hardly did anything else except hang out with Goguryeo women every day. He listened to the songs and watched the dances. He even made a few tunes and choreographed a few songs and dances. He only knows how to have fun every day.On the surface, he has become a dandy prince and can no longer pose any threat to the prince.Wang Pingan has never been able to grasp any clues against Li Ke. He can't say that Li Ke likes listening to Goguryeo songs and watching Goguryeo's beautiful women, so he can be accused of guilt. He can only monitor him all the time and pay close attention to his every move.

Now, the thing that Wang Pingan cares most about is Wu Meiniang's stomach.Wu Meiniang's pregnancy period has already expired, and it is estimated that this month, if the first snow falls, she will give birth to a child.

This is Wu Meiniang's first child, which is extremely important. Although everything about her is normal and she has never been sick again under Wang Ping's care, Wang Ping'an is still very nervous. That was really an epoch-making event!

These days, Wang Youcai and the Yang family have been visiting Wu Meiniang every day. As a master and wife, it seems unreasonable for them to care so much about a "distant relative". If you pay more attention to such a big event, it can be justified.

Even the wives of the Wu family, Mrs. Yang and Younger Sister Wu, sometimes visit Wu Meiniang, but they are all out of politeness. Even if they feel that Wu Meiniang is very kind, they never think of Yang Chunhua, who is "dead". Wu Meiniang.

On this day, Wang Pingan went to Wu Meiniang's small yard to check on Wu Meiniang. These days, he checked Wu Meiniang almost every day, in case there was something wrong with Wu Meiniang's body that would affect her production.

Wu Meiniang sat sideways on the bed, and Wang Pingan sat on the chair beside the bed.After the examination, Wang Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief as usual, and then said: "Everything is normal, but according to the pulse, it is estimated that you will give birth in a few days, Chunhua." Huang Xiaoya waited on the side, So he is called Wu Meiniang's pseudonym.

Wu Meiniang withdrew her arm and said, "Master, can you deliver Chunhua at that time?"

Wang Ping'an snorted, and said, "It's not necessary, it's better to find a special stable woman. After all, the stable woman has experience and can save you from suffering during childbirth."

But Wu Meiniang shook her head and said, "But Chunhua once heard that, young master, you delivered four babies, is it true?"

(End of this chapter)

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