Chapter 458

The spies who were caught later were none other than Huizheng and Younan from Lingling Temple.While in Chang'an, Huizheng learned that the eminent monk Xuanzang had been detained by robbers, and was very anxious, so he took the jewels given by Wang Pingan and went out to rescue Tang Xuanzang.

But after they left the customs, they walked around in the heavy snow. Not only did they fail to rescue Tang Xuanzang, but they were also robbed of all their belongings, so they had to live on alms.Fortunately, the two of them found Tang Xuanzang's whereabouts and knew that Wang Ping'an had come to Zheliu, so they rushed to meet him.

The city walls of Zheliu County were all demolished, so they naturally came in when they wanted to, and no one stopped them. The two of them were anxious to see Wang Ping'an, so they left in a hurry, and ran to the castle in the middle of the night. The two looked like assassins, but they were not good enough, so they were regarded as spies, arrested, and brought to Wang Ping'an.

As soon as Wang Ping'an recognized them, Huizheng kept chanting Amitabha Buddha, and finally saw his relatives in distress. He broke free from the soldiers, threw himself in front of Wang Ping'an and knelt down, hugging his thighs, crying with snot and tears opened!
Gu Lantian and You Xiujie were quite surprised. Why did these two young monks call Wang Ping'an Master Uncle? This crying man actually called Master Uncle. Could it be that Wang Ping'an was a monk before?

Wang Pingan sighed, patted the troubled head, and said, "Why did you come here? Have you ever found Master Xuanzang?" He turned his head again, and said to Gu Lantian and You Xiujie, "I am Baima Temple The lay disciples of my family are older, both of them are my juniors."

Gu Lantian and You Xiujie nodded together, so you are a lay disciple of the White Horse Temple, no wonder they saw you as if they were relatives.

Hearing Wang Ping'an's words, the soldiers holding Huizheng quickly let go of Huizheng.Huizheng heaved a sigh of relief, stepped forward and said, "Uncle Master, we have found Master Xuanzang, but we are unable to rescue him. We heard that you have arrived at Zheliu, so we came to look for you. Hurry up and send troops to rescue Master Xuanzang." !"

Wang Ping'an said with a bitter face: "I'm going to save people again. I still have two important people here to save. Master Xuanzang has been arrested for a long time anyway, so let him wait a little longer. It's not too late. Heaven's work."

As he said that, he said to Ouyang Li again: "Take the two of you down, take a bath and change clothes, and get them something warm to eat." Ouyang Li agreed, and pulled Huizhenghe down. He ate something and ran away in a hurry, but Huizheng was extremely anxious, and seemed to have to explain it clearly to Wang Pingan, so he was dragged away by Ouyang Li.

Wang Pingan waved his hand and ordered the soldiers to bring the two assassins into the house.He sat in the middle, accompanied by Gu Lantian and You Xiujie on both sides, and the two assassins were pushed down at their feet.

Wang Ping'an asked: "Whose subordinates are you, tell me, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood!"

These two assassins did not come here to assassinate, but messengers sent by Qu Zhimao.They first brought the letter to Yumen Pass, but when they learned that Gu Lantian had come to Zheliu, they also ran to Zheliu, but they didn't dare to show their faces in the city.

The Zheliu bandits are not a group, but divided into several groups, the largest group is Qu Zhimao, who has the most minions, and these minions used to be Zheliu people.However, because Qu Zhimao is an outsider, not a local, and he has great ambitions, he is not willing to be just a robber, so he can't stay in the county and become a target for the government and army to encircle and suppress, so he pulls the team to Baoshi Lake and occupies It fell into an empty mountain.

The bandits left in Zheliu County are considered to be the second largest gang. Although they are not as powerful as Qu Zhimao's gang, they are more powerful than Qu Zhimao's gang in protecting the territory. In addition, he also assassinated the magistrates sent by the Tang court, so that Zheliu County was always in a state of no official governance.

It was very convenient for the two messengers sent by Qu Zhimao to enter the city, but they were discovered by the robbers in the city, forcing them to run around and hide, which wasted time.

But they shot the arrow into the castle, but they didn't want Wang Ping'an's guards to be super powerful. If you want to say nothing else, but if you want to talk about running, all the soldiers in the entire guard team are all runners who have ranked in the Chang'an race meeting Well, the two of them wanted to run past the guards, it was like a daydream, they didn't run very far, they were caught up by the guards and arrested.

Wang Ping'an said it very directly, if you two don't talk, then you two will be punished until you two talk.

These two messengers are very kind. They were sent here by Qu Zhimao, so they were prepared to be caught in advance. They raised their heads and cursed in unison: "Dog officer, how do you want to torture Grandpa?" , If you have any means, just use it, if grandpa frowns, he is not a good man!"

Gu Lantian was furious, jumped up and shouted: "His grandma, is there really no way to be a master! Come on, bring a branding iron, and trim and trim their fur!"

But You Xiujie said: "Why are you so stubborn? When you are arrested, your leader may not come to rescue you. He treats you two as abandoned sons. Why do you bother to take the blame for him? Or speak out and cooperate." The government suppressed the bandits and made meritorious deeds, not only will we not pursue your crimes, but we will reward you heavily!"

Gu Lantian and You Xiujie sang red and white faces, but the two messengers were not moved by it, and instead cursed, scolding like a dog official!
Wang Pingan waved his hand and said: "I have always had some tricks to deal with this kind of people. Don't they think they are heroes, so let them be heroes!"

Gu Lantian said loudly: "That's right, let them be heroes. Left and right, push them out and chop them off!"

But You Xiujie said: " seems..." He thought it was inappropriate to say it, but he thought it was to scare the two robbers, so he stopped talking halfway.

Wang Pingan smiled and said: "Push the two of them into the yard, get some big dung, the kind that is thin, and pour it down for them. You must control your fullness, and even more so, don't let the two of them talk about it." Let's be stingy!"

The guards outside the door heard this, and hurriedly said: "Follow the order!" When they came in, they had to catch the two messengers and leave.

One of the guards asked, "Master, should the dung soup be poured into the two of them while it is hot, or after it has cooled down?"

Wang Ping'an sniffled, feeling a little disgusted, waved his hands and said, "If there's one that burns your mouth, then let them drink it warm, it's such a cold day..."

The guards agreed and dragged the two messengers out. The two messengers scolded even more fiercely, and they scolded all three people's ancestors for eighteen generations!
You Xiujie scratched her head and said, "This, this, will this work?"

But Gu Lantian said: "I often do such things as extorting confessions, but such things as pouring dung soup..."

The two of them just said a few words, that is, they went out for a while, and then came in again, and the guards brought the two messengers back again!
When they went out, the two messengers were full of passion and scolded endlessly, but when they came back, both of them were crying bitterly, and one of them had water on his head, crying so hard that he couldn't make a sound!

As soon as the two entered the room, they shouted together: "Master Guan, please forgive me, but the villain is willing to say, what do you ask and what we say, we dare not hide anything!"

Gu Lantian and You Xiujie said in unison: "Hey, this trick really works, and it works so quickly!"

It turned out that after the soldiers pushed the two messengers into the yard, some of them shouted: "Bring the bucket!" Some were impatient and couldn't wait to get the bucket, so they unbuttoned their trousers and pointed at one of the robbers. He sneered and gave him a hot head!

Just imagine, if there is a man who pushes someone down, unbuttons his pants, and sprays him in the face... who can bear it!
The two bandit messengers almost fainted, but they didn't dare to really faint. They were afraid that they would be force-fed after they fainted.Let's say whatever you want, a hero can stand a stick, but he can't's so hot!
Wang Pingan snorted twice and asked, "Shouldn't you warm up your body first? It's very cold."

The two bandit messengers hurriedly said in unison: "No, no, thank you sir, we are already very enthusiastic!" Then, before Wang Pingan asked each question one by one, the two of them talked about what should be said and whether they should say it like a bamboo tube. Everything that should be said has been said.

After the three of them heard this, Wang Ping'an was taken aback and thought: "After the Gaochang royal family, they became the leader of the bandits and built their lair in the sunken mountain. There is also a bottomless hole in the mountain. Could it be that this person is a mouse spirit?"

Gu Lantian and You Xiujie were not surprised. They already knew about Qu Zhimao, but they just pretended not to know. If they knew, they would have to go to suppress them. How troublesome it would be, one more thing is worse than one less thing!
Wang Ping'an turned his head and said, "The ancient governor, did you know in advance that Master Xuanzang was imprisoned in Zikong Mountain?"

Gu Lantian shook his head hastily, and said: "I don't know, I don't know, if I knew, I would have rescued it sooner!" Not wanting to talk about this issue, he said again: "Let these two lead the way, and we send troops to wipe out If they catch them by surprise, they will definitely be able to rescue Mr. Fang."

You Xiujie also said that it should be so.

Wang Ping'an thought for a while, but said: "Alright, let's do this, hurry up and mobilize our troops, and we will go overnight!" He first called Ouyang Li and asked him to bring the guards, and then called Su Dingfang to choose him. Send out a thousand elite Turkic soldiers to follow him to suppress the bandits.

Gu Lannan and You Xiujie ordered their own soldiers to accompany them and set off with Wang Ping'an.

As soon as the team started to gather, Huizheng and He ran over when they were in trouble, and asked to go with Wang Pingan. They had already explored the way to Zhakong Mountain in advance, and they also asked the local villagers where the Bottomless Cave was located in the mountain, but they never had a chance Just to save Tang Xuanzang.

Wang Pingan naturally agreed that the more people who are familiar with the terrain, the better, and if something unexpected happens, it is better to have a backup.

Not long after, the Turkic soldiers assembled, together with the bodyguards and Guyu's personal soldiers, there were about 500 people, one on two horses, left Zheliu County, and rushed towards Baoshi Lake.

It was hard to get up on the road in the snowy day, and it took more than 20 miles until dawn. Wang Pingan ordered to rest, eat some food, and then continue on the road.When it was getting dark, the army approached Gem Lake.

Wang Ping'an ordered the soldiers to get off their horses and walk into the mountains, slowly approaching the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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