Tang Dynasty good doctor

Chapter 178 Qujiang Pond

Chapter 178 Qujiang Pond

Li Zhi heard his father said that he wanted to find this person, and hurriedly said: "I have thought of this too, and I have ordered Yan Liben to find a way. Yan Liben is very capable in doing things. I asked him to find him. He will definitely find out who he is. People!"

He was eager to show off, and told Yan Liben what he wanted to do. Wouldn't it just show that he and his father had the same idea, and he had already done it one step ahead of time, hoping to get his father's praise.

Li Shimin looked at the poem manuscript, frowned, and thought: "Yan Liben is indeed very capable, but why should this kind of thing be left to the courtiers? Even if he finds someone, that person will only be grateful to Yan Liben, thinking that he knows you The kindness was given by Yan Liben, and my gratitude to Zhi'er will be weakened!"

For Li Shimin, how to make his subjects loyal to him is a set of methods. In modern terms, he is proficient in the art of the emperor.For ordinary emperors, thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the emperor, and it is already a great favor to appreciate a courtier, so why do they need to care about the mind of this courtier?

But Li Shimin didn't think so. He only needed to show his concern for his courtiers a little bit, and he would be grateful to his courtiers by mentioning a few words. It's a very simple thing, why not do it?
Li Shimin felt that he should teach his son well and let Li Zhi understand the art of the emperor, he said: "Zhier, do you often go to Lingyan Pavilion, what do you think of the portraits in the pavilion?"

Li Zhi loves to have fun, but he doesn't go to Lingyan Pavilion very often, but when his father asked him, he had no choice but to say: "My son often thinks that my father misses the past and cherishes the old love. Although some of the courtiers are gone, the father will still visit Looking at them, I miss the days when I was with them, when the monarch and his ministers were in harmony!"

Li Shimin nodded and said: "Although the courtiers are gone, their children and grandchildren are still there. What would they think?"

Li Zhi really didn't think about such a profound question. After thinking about it, he said: "They will also be like their predecessors, grateful for the kindness of the father, and serve the father."

Li Shimin nodded, and said: "Those paintings are also an example, teaching other courtiers how to be loyal to the court. Zhi'er, you will have your own 24 heroes in the future!"

He pointed to the poem manuscript, and said: "Although this person has not been found, but the emperor asked you, what kind of person is he?"

Li Zhi looked distressed, shook his head and said: "I don't know, Yan Liben hasn't found him yet!"

Li Shimin frowned, sighed in his heart, but still spoke softly, and said: "You can guess in advance, so that you can make a countermeasure."

Li Zhi lowered his head, bit his lips, and said after a long while: "I can't figure it out." After a pause, he said again: "I think it's because he looks ugly and doesn't want to show his true colors to others!"

Li Shimin shook his head and said, "Definitely not. Yu Chigong or Cheng Zhijie are good-looking, but no one has ever talked about their looks."

Put the poem manuscript on the Longshu table.Li Shimin patiently said to his son: "This man is definitely not from Chang'an!"

Li Zhi let out a sigh, thinking: "Chang'an has a population of one million, how can you tell that he must not be?"

Li Shimin said: "If he was from Chang'an, with his literary talents, he would have become famous long ago. How can he know now? So he must not be! Zhi'er thinks again, if he is really, how can he not know the lonely landscape? , was painted by Yan Liben, no matter how arrogant a person is, he would not casually inscribe poems on the painting, let alone run away immediately after being reprimanded by others!"

Li Zhi nodded hurriedly, and said: "Father is very right, I didn't expect this!"

Li Shimin smiled, and said again: "What did he come to Chang'an for? Is it just for fun? Why did he escape? He was afraid of leaving his name and being traced later. What is there for him to be afraid of being traced? "

This time Li Zhi didn't need to be guided, he understood directly, clapped his hands and laughed: "I understand, he must have come to take the exam, so I just need to ask the Ministry of Rites and refer to the handwriting in the report to find out who this person is." Who is coming!"

Li Shimin frowned again, his son's head is really a bit numb!He said: "If you look for it this way, you can find it directly. Zhi'er just got a talent. Think about it, why did the emperor tell you about the portrait of Lingyan Pavilion just now?"

Li Zhi lowered his head and thought hard, but he still didn't come up with it, so he had to bite the bullet and said: "When I find him, I will also draw a portrait of him, hang it in the Chongxian Hall, and give it to other scholars." Be an example!"

Li Shimin shook his head again, and said: "Although this man has a good literary talent, he is a talent, but there are many talents in the world, but he may not make any contribution to the country. He wrote such a good poem, but he dared not leave a name. Without self-confidence, what ideas can this kind of person stand in the court? He is not as good as that Wang Pingan, if the two of them are ministers in the same hall in the future, Wang Pingan must be more assertive and help Zhi'er more!"

His analysis is very thorough, and he is very accurate in seeing people. If Wang Ping'an is really a person of this era, then there is no mistake in his analysis, but Wang Ping'an's poem was copied. For the same painting, let him write another one. He can't write one song, why don't he run away!

Li Zhi looked distressed, and said: "What should I do there?"

Li Shimin patiently said: "Didn't you want to climb a high place to enjoy the banquet on the Double Ninth Festival? Why don't you take this opportunity to meet the scholars of the world and let them know that you are thirsty for talents?"

He didn't want to be guided to talk anymore, so he directly stated his idea, saying: "Father, I will make a decree that all candidates who go to the Ministry of Rites to report to write a poem for you to read. In this way, it means that all the scholars have cast your papers and beg you, the prince, to be their confidant. When the Double Ninth Festival comes, you will invite the candidates to a banquet and hold a poetry meeting for the candidates to comment on each other and treat each other. You come to the arbitration!"

Li Zhi smiled and said: "Isn't it because before the big exam, my son came to take a small exam?"

Li Shimin patted him and said, "Yes, this is much better than candidates asking others to be their confidants!"

Looking at his son, he said again: "When the time comes, you will take out this light boat and have passed the Ten Thousand Mountains, and tell everyone why you did this, because you are looking for the author of this poem, and the author of this poem will definitely understand you." You are grateful, but you don’t talk about him, but other scholars, what do you think about this matter?”

Li Zhi lowered his head and thought for a while, with joy on his face, he raised his head and said: "Scholars will definitely say that ministers spend a lot of time looking for talents, which is a sign of respect for scholars. I will also be grateful to Erchen, saying that Erchen will be a generation... a good prince!"

Li Shi laughed loudly, patted Li Zhi on the shoulder, and said: "Zhi'er has not yet ascended the throne, and it is a great blessing to be loved by scholars all over the world. My son will be a wise king!"

The father and son chatted and laughed a few words, and then began to eat.After the meal, Li Zhi resigned and returned to his East Palace.

Li Shimin looked at the manuscript again, called Shi Zhongchen, and said, "Go and paint the poem written on the restaurant. In the next few days, you can go to the Ministry of Rites and read the candidates' reports. You must write Find the person who wrote this poem, and I will know it well!"

Shi Zhongchen hurriedly agreed, and asked, "What about after you find this person?"

Li Shimin said: "Pretend not to know, you can secretly examine this person's character, whether it is worthy of great use. Also, try to keep as few people as possible to know about this matter, otherwise everyone will know, then what kind of poetry meeting will the prince hold? How to get the love of scholars in the world!"

"Yes, this old slave understands!" Shi Zhongchen agreed, and couldn't help but said again: "Your majesty, your love for the crown prince, even this old slave is so moved... I don't know what to say!"

Li Shimin didn't listen to his flattery, he waved his hands and said, "Go to work!"

Shi Zhongchen backed out of the main hall, and immediately rushed to the Ministry of Rites to deliver the decree.

Li Shimin's emperor's art is quite easy to use on others, but it is not very effective when applied to Wang Ping'an.He has calculated thousands of times, but he underestimated. The author of the two poems is the same person, and this person is hesitating about which subject to take!

After thinking about it for several days, Wang Pingan simply gave up thinking about it. Anyway, there is still a long time before leaving the department, so why worry now!Others are anxious because they can't pass this subject, so they can only go home and wait for the next subject, and there is no way out, but their own way is wider, wider than Suzaku Avenue, why rush to report, there is no need for it.

It was getting late that day, and he was sitting under the big tree in the temple to enjoy the shade when Ke Lianwu walked over, followed by Di Renjie.Ke Lianwu walked up to him and said, "Master, that woman insisted that her surname was Wu, and her son took her surname as Wu Youren, and she refused to tell the truth until now, what should I do?"

Wang Pingan waved his hands and smiled: "Whatever she likes, let her go, why bother about these things, even if she says her son's name is Ashina Youren, so what? It won't change anything!"

Ke Lianwu said again: "But she also said that she didn't want to owe us any favors. Before she married Turkic, her family used to own a wine shop and knew a very special way of making wine. Now she is the only one who knows it. But after brewing strong wine, she wants to borrow some capital from the young master to sell wine in Chang'an, so as to save enough travel expenses, so that she can go back to Turkic."

Wang Pingan oh, the wine is brewed in a special way, or is the spirit brewed, is it the distillation method?This method is not difficult, and I know a little bit about it myself, but I have never practiced it. If this "Wu family" really knows it, then improve it and brew strong wine...

He shook his head and said: "We have helped her mother and child enough, we will talk about borrowing money later. However, if she wants any equipment, she can provide it!"

Di Renjie smiled and said, "Brother is a good planner, but don't expect that Mrs. Wu will be fooled. She won't hand over the secret method until she dies, unless you promise to let her son return to the grassland and ascend to some kind of position!"

Wang Pingan stood up and said with a smile: "Then she has a good plan, how can I have such great skills!" Pulling Di Renjie over, he said: "I met their mother and son a few days ago, and I didn't go to Cheng Furong Garden. The heat is gone, why don't we go to the night market and have fun!"

Di Renjie said: "Okay, my little brother has exactly that intention. Just the two of us, don't take anyone else with us."

Wang Pingan hummed, took a folding fan casually, and left the Inspiration Temple with Di Renjie.

Seeing that Di Renjie wanted to be alone with the young master, he suggested not to take her with him. Ke Lianwu made a face at Di Renjie from behind, wishing you to meet the old monster when you go out, and only eat you, not the young master!

Wang Ping'an and Di Renjie went out of Lifang and went to the street. It was just dark at this time, and there were still many pedestrians on Chang'an Avenue, and many restaurants carried their tables out of the shops, occupying the road, selling all kinds of food, and the business was booming. .

Wang Pingan had the idea of ​​making wine in his heart, so he would naturally pay attention to the wine shops. Every time he went to a wine shop, he would buy two glasses of the best wine in the shop and taste it carefully.There are so many restaurants in Chang'an, even if the alcohol content is not high, everyone can't stand to drink it. After walking for a few miles, Wang Ping'an and Di Renjie were a little stupefied, and their tongues began to grow louder!
Di Renjie said: "Brother, big brother, drinking this way, the interest... the interest is high, but I'm afraid I won't be able to find the way back later!"

Wang Pingan was also a little wobbly, and said with a smile: "You can hire a car, so there is nothing to worry about!" He went to a wine shop, bought two glasses of wine, handed one to Di Renjie, and drank the other by himself. Said: "Brother, big brother, I know a thing or two about pharmacology..."

"Brother, you are joking, don't you know a thing or two, you should be very proficient!" Di Renjie said with his tongue out.

Wang Ping'an's tongue is not small, and he said with a smile: "I know how to make wine, but it's a pity that I need to use strong wine, the very strong kind! For example, if Wu's can brew it, this business can be done, and the money is not like a landslide. Come like a tsunami!"

"Brother has a lot of money..."

"Who can think too much money..."

The two of them staggered forward, and unknowingly, they came to a huge garden. This big garden has a vast area, and there is a big lake in the garden. Douyan, the aroma is tangy!

Although the two staggered drunk, they praised at the same time: "It's a beautiful scene, where is this?"

There were countless spectators in the garden, someone saw the two brothers, curled his lips, and said, "This is Qujiang Pond, country bumpkin, come back?"

Di Renjie said: "Qujiangchi, how did we come here? Then, where is the Furong Garden?" He walked a few steps quickly, ran to the riverside, knelt down on the ground, and vomited out with a wow!

He didn't drink much, and when he drank too much, he naturally vomited, and left some souvenirs in Qujiang Pond to show that someone Di had swum here!

Wang Ping'an's drinking capacity was better than him, and he didn't want to vomit. He walked over shaking his head, patted Di Renjie on the back, and said, "Brother, you can take it easy and vomit in this pool, but... it's not very good." what!"

He was taking care of Di Renjie here, but suddenly he heard someone shouting not far away: "Grandpa, what's the matter with you? Oh, grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

Di Renjie was taken aback for a moment, then spat out again, wondering: "Why, what's going on, why does someone call me godfather?"

Wang Pingan stood up and looked towards the place where the yelling came from. Although the moonlight was bright and there were lights everywhere in the garden, he couldn't see the specific situation clearly. He lowered his head and said, "Didn't I call you? Wipe your mouth quickly, don't you?" Let people see the joke!"

Di Renjie picked up a handful of water from the pool, washed his face, and said, "As long as you don't leave your name, who knows who I am going to, what face do you have to lose!"

Wang Pingan smiled and said, "You are a quick learner!" Then he looked towards the one who called Grandpa Gan.

(End of this chapter)

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