Tang Dynasty good doctor

Chapter 174 This poem should only exist in the sky

Chapter 174 This poem should only exist in the sky

Wang Pingan waited bitterly outside the East Palace, but Li Zhi, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, danced and danced in the Chongxian Pavilion, extremely excited!
Someone came to report last night that Wang Pingan from Xuzhou had arrived. Since Li Zhi practiced the "Ascending Immortal Technique", his body felt quite good. So he really wanted to see Wang Ping'an.

But the palace has its own rules, except for the emperor summoning his courtiers, no one can order to open the palace door after it is unbolted.This is to prevent rebels from appearing in the palace and open the palace gate to lead the rebels into the palace.

Li Shimin ascended to the throne only by mutiny, and the former prince he established himself had also rebelled, which made him especially taboo about such things. Li Zhi was cowardly by nature, so he didn't dare to break this rule, so he didn't do it last night. See you.

He got up early in the morning, guessing that Wang Ping'an should be waiting outside the palace, and was about to summon him, but someone came to report that Yan Liben had entered the palace to face the saint, but he didn't see the emperor, so he had to go to the Chongxian Hall, saying that he had won a song yesterday. Good poem, I would like to invite His Royal Highness to appreciate it!

Chongxian Pavilion, which will be called Chongwen Pavilion in the future, but the prince Li Xian has not yet been born, so there is no need to avoid the taboo of the word "Xian". It was originally called Chongxian Pavilion at this time!
The Chongxian Hall was in the East Palace, so Li Zhi stopped by. After seeing Yan Liben, Yan Liben presented a poem of Qijue.

Li Zhi loves poetry, and of course there is no one in this era who does not love poetry. When he saw this Qijue, he immediately threw the matter of meeting Wang Pingan into the sky, and completely forgot about it!

"Good poems, good poems, good poems! This is a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation. These seven masterpieces should only exist in the sky. When will they fall into the mortal world!" Li Zhi patted his desk and praised loudly.

Yan Liben was in his 40s, and he was an artist. He was in the golden years of his life. He was currently the minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.Like other ministers in the DPRK, as long as they are not on duty, they will enjoy the wind and snow, listen to songs and watch dances, and live a very chic life!

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the atmosphere was very open, especially the young talents. What they liked most was that a large group of people took singers, ran into the wild, took off their clothes, treated each other honestly, and chanted poems while drinking with bare buttocks. , the euphemistic name is that it has the style of Wei and Jin!
If this kind of thing were placed in modern times, the police would have to take care of it, and it would be indecent, but in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, ordinary people could not strip naked in public, they had to have a certain talent, and being naked was the privilege of the scholar class. Don't follow suit, otherwise it will be arty, and you will be suspected of imitating others!

Whether Yan Liben did this kind of thing when he was young is not recorded in the history books, but it is a fact that he hangs around in wine shops and dance halls. It is estimated that his liking for drawing figures is also related to his living habits!
Yesterday, the shopkeeper of Hezhilou went crazy and was driven crazy!Is it because Yan Liben's painting was included in a poem, and the painting was destroyed?No, he was in a hurry because he couldn't find the person who mentioned the poem!
The sixth floor of the Hezhi Tower is dedicated to entertaining distinguished guests. Wang Ping'an is dressed luxuriously and rides a white dragon horse. With this demeanor, he must be a distinguished guest, so the staff invited him to the sixth floor.Yan Liben often went to the sixth floor. Painter Yan often drank too much and didn't have any money with him, so he left a few pictures in the Jizhi Building, which he used as wine money.

Among them, the painting on the wall can no longer be drawn on paper. Even after Yan Liben sobered up, he couldn't draw such a good work again. It can only be copied by painters, so this landscape painting is indeed an isolated copy , the value cannot be measured by money.

The owner of the shop loved this painting like a treasure, but was told by the staff that someone had ruined the painting!Can the shopkeeper be in a hurry, and rushed from home to the restaurant in a frenzy, vowing along the way to kill the person who destroyed the painting, chop it up and feed it to the dogs!

But as soon as he read the poem in front of the painting, he was stupid at that time. The guys don’t know gold inlaid jade, it’s because they know gold inlaid jade, they don’t need to be men, but he can recognize it. yes!
This poem is so wonderful, so good... It's not that the poem doesn't match the painting, but the painting doesn't match the poem!

The shopkeeper asked at that time, where is the person who wrote this poem?The guys told him that he didn't catch him, that man who looked like a young master slipped very fast, and ran away in the blink of an eye!
The shopkeeper asked again what the man looked like.The guys replied that this man looks like a mouse, so he is not a good person at first sight!

You really can't look like a person, with such an obscene appearance, you can write such a good poem!After the shopkeeper sighed, he asked what characteristics this person had?The guys said that he has no special features, but the horse he rides has great features. It is a pure white famous horse from Dawan, walking on the street, it is very conspicuous!
The owner of the store was very angry when he heard about this. Why didn’t he write the poem on paper at that time? This person will be famous all over the world in the future. His calligraphy is hard to find. Our store specializes in this kind of business. You can let him go!

It's useless to get angry with the clerk, the shopkeeper himself copied this poem, went to see Yan Liben, and explained the matter!

When Yan Liben saw this poem, he became very excited at the time, and clapped the table and shouted: "Good poem, good poem, good poem! This kind of good poem is enough to be handed down to the world. Who wrote it? Where is the poet now?"

The shopkeeper couldn't answer, so he had to repeat what the guys said!
Yan Liben sighed: "A person should not be judged by his appearance. Although that person looks wretched, he has a very literary talent. Few people in the world can match him!" He told the shopkeeper to pay attention, and if this person appeared again, he must be reported to him. Be sure to meet this great talent for a while!

Yan Liben was excited all night, and ran into the palace early the next day, intending to present the poem to the emperor, but the emperor was busy, and Li Shimin was very interested in talents, but not interested in reciting poems and painting. He didn't see any important military affairs, and dealt with other urgent matters.

Yan Liben had no choice but to come to the Chongxian Hall and dedicate the poem to Prince Li Zhi.Li Zhi is just the opposite of his father, he has never been interested in government affairs, but he is very interested in poetry and poetry, and he likes to have fun most!
After receiving the Qijue presented by Yan Liben, he only read it once, then he slammed the desk and shouted: "Good poem, good poem, good poem!"

Yan Liben was happy in his heart, His Royal Highness had good eyesight, and his reaction was exactly the same as his own!He smiled and said: "Your Highness, please look at this poem. This poem is both exaggerated and whimsical. The whole poem is written gracefully and elegantly, shocking the world, and beautiful! I have seen countless talents and read countless poems, but never I have never seen such a good poem, this is the first masterpiece that makes me sleepless all night!"

Li Zhi stared at the poem intently, nodded and said: "Yes, I guess Gu will not be able to sleep tonight! Yan Aiqing, look, this poem is not fake, it is natural. This poem, this poem is definitely written by people, but Isn’t it a god in the sky? If it was written by a secular person, why did you miss him?”

Yan Liben thought for a while, and said: "According to the owner of the Jizhi Tower, that person has an insignificant appearance, and the world always judges people by their appearance. I guess he doesn't want people to see his true colors?"

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "It's unreasonable, how can you judge a person by appearance? And this person is so talented, even if he looks like a ghost, who would dare to laugh at him? This person must be found, must be found, and he must be recruited into the Chongxian Hall , to be a lonely bachelor!" After a pause, he said: "Be the head of all bachelors, and be called a great scholar!"

Yan Liben frowned, and said: "If this person really doesn't like to see people with his face, then I'm afraid it will be a lot of trouble to find him. It's not easy to find him!"

Li Zhi hummed, waved his hands and said, "You can think of a way!"

That's all good about being a prince. It doesn't matter if you don't have an idea, as long as someone can make up his mind for him. If he changes his father, if he wants to find someone, he will immediately give an order, and he has to take any idea by himself, but he But it can only be like this!

Yan Liben sighed in his heart. Poems are easy to present, but people are hard to find. How can I find them? Send out the servants of the Ministry of Punishment?That must scare people away!After quitting the Chongxian Museum, I was thinking about finding a poet along the way!

He came in through the main entrance of the palace, but he didn't have to go through the main entrance when he went out. The closest one was the Chongfu Gate of the East Palace. This palace gate was just outside the Chongxian Pavilion, very close.

Out of the palace gate, Yan Liben saw a baby face wearing eunuch's clothes outside the palace gate, walking up and down, mumbling what he was talking about, and under the shadow of the palace wall, there was another sitting, It's a boy in civilian clothes.

I saw the young man wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, as if he had been waiting outside the palace for a long time. He was well dressed, although he was only wearing a blue round-neck gown, but the details were real. At first glance, the attire was very ordinary. But a closer look reveals that the fabric is quite expensive.This young man has a good appearance, although he is sweating profusely, he has a calm demeanor, and even the movements of wiping his sweat are very elegant!
Yan Liben had something on his mind, so he only glanced at it, but didn't look any further. He only thought in his mind: "Gorgeously dressed, wretched, riding a white horse..." slowly left the East Palace.

Wang Pingan raised his head and asked, "Master Mi, can I go back to the car and drink some water?"

Mi Xiaomiao shook her head and said, "Don't be like this, you drank water, what should you do if you are in a hurry, there is no toilet for you here, just wait!"

Wang Pingan sighed, and thought: "It's not easy to meet the prince, and I don't know what he has to do, but he hasn't summoned yet!"

At this moment, an eunuch came out from the palace and shouted from a long distance, "Master Mi, are you anxious to wait?"

Mi Xiaomiao hurriedly went forward to talk to the eunuch, after a while, he ran back, pulled Wang Pingan up, and said with a smile: "The prince is free, I call you to the Chongxian Hall, let's go now!"

Wang Pingan hurriedly stood up, straightened his clothes, and followed him into the East Palace.The East Palace is very big, but Wang Pingan is not in the mood to visit the palace now, he only thinks about the etiquette after meeting Li Zhi, and he is afraid that he will not remember it, and make a joke like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

The Chongxian Hall is not far from the door, and it will arrive after a short walk.

Mi Xiaomiao said: "No disease, you wait here for a while, I will go in and report, and I will say something nice for you in front of the prince!" Then, he patted Wang Ping'an on the shoulder and entered the Chongxian Pavilion with a smile.

There were countless eunuchs and court ladies standing outside the hall, Wang Ping'an couldn't find a shady place, so he had to stand on the porch, waiting to be summoned.

After standing for a short while, I saw an eunuch coming out, holding a piece of paper in his hand, after he came out, he called a little eunuch, and said very solemnly: "Listen, Your Highness loves this poem very much. Take it to the engraving block, Zhencao Li seal script, each calligraphy is divided into large, medium and small fonts, each printed in one version, seal script should be divided into large seal script and small seal script, do you understand?"

The little eunuch hurriedly said: "You can save yourself!"

The eunuch said again: "Your Highness specifically instructed that the running script should be carved according to Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, and let the craftsmen compare it with the "Preface to the Collection of Lanting". Don't be sloppy!"

The little eunuch agreed repeatedly, holding the paper in both hands, and trotted away.

Wang Pingan curled his lips and thought: "Poets are still popular these days. To write a poem requires such an engraving method. I am a doctor who has come all the way, but I have to wait outside the palace to sweat. What a shame." People have to die, and goods have to be thrown away!"

(End of this chapter)

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