Tang Dynasty good doctor

Chapter 149 Postpartum 3 emergencies

Chapter 149 Three postpartum emergencies

Wang Pingan walked quickly to the gate, turned around and said, "Brother Yin, come in with me!"

Needless to say, Yin Jiucheng couldn't stay outside, so he followed behind, and the two of them squeezed in through the crack of the door together.

As soon as they entered, Ding Danruo glanced outside and said in a low voice: "Women give birth, men come here to join in the fun!" He slammed the door shut!
The people standing behind couldn't hear Ding Danruo's muttering, but the people standing in front heard it clearly, and they couldn't help being a little embarrassed. Many people thought in their hearts: "It's really unreasonable for this little girl to speak like that. We We are not here to watch women give birth, we are here to watch the little Guanyin!"

Nianku pretended not to hear, turned around, and said to the crowd: "Little Guanyin has already entered, the Bodhisattva must first instruct him, and then he can relieve the danger of the pregnant woman. Since everyone has come, why don't you just chant the Buddha here. Move God with sincerity, and help little Guanyin!"

Hamidi said: "That's right, that's exactly what it should be. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Let's recite the Buddha quickly and save the life of the pregnant woman!"

The monks in the White Horse Temple immediately began to recite the scriptures, and the rest of the crowd also began to mutter and recite Amitabha!

At first, the voices of everyone chanting were not loud, but suddenly, a woman's exclamation came from the hall, and the voices of everyone outside the hall stopped chanting. After a short pause, everyone started chanting again, but the voice became louder!
In the middle of the night, hundreds of people inside and outside the courtyard were all chanting Buddha loudly, their voices were buzzing, so loud that it was heard far, far away in the middle of the night!

Wang Pingan entered the main hall, walked quickly to the incense table, and saw Mrs. Ninth was covered with several large quilts, and the four newborns were wrapped up well and placed on the other side of the incense table. Ke Lianwu was very busy. Khan, I have to look after children and adults at the same time.

Wang Ping'an said: "No, this won't work. The two of them don't have enough manpower to take care of the mother and child. Brother Yin, you have to send someone back quickly and find some of your servants!"

Yin Jiucheng ran to Mrs. Nine, held her hand, turned to Wang Ping'an and said, "Just now I sent someone back, it's just a matter of one sentence, and it doesn't take much trouble!"

Wang Pingan hummed, and stretched out his hand to open the quilt covering Mrs. Ninth.Just now when a large group of them rushed in, they brought a lot of quilts and utensils. After Mrs. Ninth gave birth, Ke Lianwu and Ding Dan feared that she would catch a cold, so they covered her with several quilts and covered her tightly. Strictly!

As soon as she opened the quilt, she saw Mrs. Ninth was drenched all over, and a foul smell came out of her nostrils.Wang Pingan frowned and asked, "Did she have diarrhea?"

Ke Lianwu hurriedly nodded and said: "Yes, I can't stop diarrhea, we really can't deal with her, so we have to ask the young master to come in!"

As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Ninth leaned her body and vomited. Wang Pingan was standing beside her, and she was vomited all over her body. It was rotten!

Ding Danruo screamed, and hurriedly wiped Wang Pingan's clothes, shouting: "Master, do you want to change clothes?"

Wang Pingan said: "How can I care about clothes now!" He reached out to touch Mrs. Ninth's forehead, then went to test her armpits, shook his head and said: "It's hot, but she's not sweating normally. It's night sweat. I gotta see her pooping..."

Before he could turn over Mrs. Ninth's body, Ke Lianwu handed over a towel and whispered: "I can't stop it, so I have to use the towel to wipe as much as I have!"

Wang Pingan looked at the towel, and saw that the defecation on the towel was very yellow and extremely foul-smelling, which was quite different from normal defecation.He waved his hand and told Ke Lianwu to take the towel away, then turned to ask Yin Jiucheng, "What did you feed her today?"

Beads of sweat dripped from Yin Jiucheng's face. He glanced at Mrs. Jiu and then at the child, panicked and lost.Listening to Wang Ping'an's question, he was stunned, and then said: "It's the same as usual... Ah, I ate a few osmanthus gardens. The lard, boiled by the boss!" When he said the boss, he meant the lady.

Wang Pingan was taken aback, and said, "How can I let her eat this after eating cooked lard?"

Yin Jiucheng said in a daze: "Boss sees that she is going to give birth in a few days, so I specially boiled a lot of lard for her. My wives must eat this before giving birth!"

In modern times, of course, very few puerperas drank cooked lard before giving birth, but in the Tang Dynasty, or in ancient times, before giving birth, if the conditions of the family allowed, the puerpera had to drink some cooked lard. Strength, to avoid too much effort during production, resulting in loss of strength.Moreover, not every family can afford to drink cooked lard. Only rich people can drink this for pregnant women. It is a top-level nutritional product!

Wang Pingan said, his forehead was covered with sweat, he let the sweat drip down, and muttered: "I ate osmanthus garden, drank cooked lard... oh, this, this..."

Now Mrs. Ninth's face is flushed, her body is constantly moving, she seems to be uncomfortable no matter how she lies down, her arms and thighs seem to have no place to rest, they keep twisting, her mouth seems to be talking What, but I couldn't hear what she was saying, it was a bit like talking in sleep!
Wang Pingan thought: "vomiting, diarrhea, and night sweats, these are the three postpartum emergencies! Today, the Ninth Madam suffered a lot. She was jolted, carried around, and gave birth to four children in the hall. It would be weird if she was fine!"

He stretched out his hand to feel the pulse of Mrs. Ninth, and then opened her mouth to look at the coating on her tongue.Wang Pingan said: "This symptom is dangerous enough. Although the six pulses are slippery and powerful, the tongue coating is thick and greasy. This is a symptom of Yangming stagnation and spleen and stomach disorder."

Yin Jiucheng burst into tears and snotted his nose and said: "Is it dangerous? Can it be cured? Little Guanyin, please hurry up and ask Guanyin Bodhisattva to show his spirit. You can't let a child lose his mother just after he is born!"

Wang Ping'an thought: "I guess it might not be possible to use Dashengsan, and I have to prescribe another prescription!" He asked Ding Danruo to bring over the paper, and seeing that it was still the paper with the Avalokitesvara image printed on it, he sighed and said, "I really can't hide from it! "

He wrote Zhang Fangzi with a pen, and he said: "If this disease is not treated in time, I am afraid that the root cause of the disease will fall in the future, but as long as the medicine is right, it will be cured in a short time, and it will be cured after taking two doses at most."

Yin Jiucheng took the prescription and read: "Huoxiang stem, ginger pinellia..."

Wang Pingan said: "Don't read it anymore, I'll tell you directly, this prescription is used to make fragrance and turbidity, eliminate stagnation and neutralize. Don't you believe me?"

"No, no, I can't trust you, little Guanyin!" Yin Jiucheng hurriedly ran to the door with the prescription.As soon as he opened the door, okay, a burst of Amitabha's voice rushed towards his face, and his tears immediately fell again, good people, all good people, my Xiaojiu is sick, so many people pray for her!
He raised the prescription and shouted: "Come here, someone, take the prescription to grab the medicine, hurry up!" His servant ran over quickly, took the prescription, and was about to leave.

Suddenly, Wang Pingan poked his head out and shouted: "I forgot to write it down just now. This recipe needs to be supplemented with medicine. It needs to use nine longan shells, the fried one!"

The servant quickly agreed, and then squeezed out of the crowd, and ran away all the way.

Wang Pingan closed the door again, and said to Yin Jiucheng: "Your Lady Jiu ate longan and had to use the longan shell to eliminate the stagnation of the flesh. I was so busy just prescribing the medicine that I forgot about it! "

Yin Jiucheng said: "It's good to think about it, it's good to think about it, thank you little Guanyin, thank you Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

Wang Pingan wanted to say a few more words to him, but after thinking about it, he held back and didn't say it.In fact, after giving birth, mothers are often physically exhausted. Coupled with various unfavorable factors, the mortality rate is very high when medical conditions do not permit, and the same is often true for newborn children. This situation was not until the beginning of the [-]th century. was resolved.Of course, there is no need to tell Yin Jiucheng about the danger, lest he increase his fear.

The two of them returned to the incense table to take care of Mrs. Ninth and the four newborn children.After a while, someone knocked on the door, and it was the Yin family's maid who arrived, accompanied by several wives.With their help, Wang Pingan breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door, and wanted to get out of the hall.

This time when he came out again, there was a bang, and everyone in the courtyard said in unison: "Amitabha, little Guanyin, have you cured the sickness of the pregnant woman?"

Wang Pingan withdrew his foot again, slammed the door shut again, and asked, "Is there a back door in this hall?"

No one in the hall knew, Wang Pingan trotted to the back of the hall, and saw a small door behind a huge screen, he quickly opened the door, and ran out through the small door.I have no choice but to run away, but I can't stand those people in front of the hall anymore, and they are too enthusiastic. I don't sleep in the middle of the night, so what are you doing outside? Are you just so free!

I ran back to the abode where I lived, lost my appetite and continued to eat, took the water basin, wiped myself with a towel, and then went to bed!
He was in a daze, and he didn't know how long he had slept, when he suddenly felt someone pushing him, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that it was the old monk who was suffering!
Nianku's wrinkled face was full of smiles, and he said: "Little Guanyin, you actually slipped through the back door and made everyone wait outside the hall. Let me sleep with you!"

Wang Ping'an was terrified, and jumped up from the bed in a fright. Is there any mistake, does this custom still exist in the White Horse Temple?If you find a beautiful woman to serve the bed, it's not too bad, how can you find a monk to serve the bed, and she is still so old!

Nianku saw him jumping up, and said with a smile: "Little Guanyin, are you not going to sleep? That's fine, since you can't stay in bed and talk at night, then it's okay to talk at night with the lamp on. , can you explain a thing or two to me?"

Only then did Wang Pingan feel relieved. It turned out that he was here to chat with himself, but he was taken aback.He said: "The Guanyin Sutra, I don't know much about this, I have never read it before!"

Nianku oh, said: "You are the spiritual body of Guanyin Bodhisattva, this "Guanyin Sutra" must be read. How about this, let the old monk explain it to you, what do you think?"

Wang Pingan sat back on the bed, frowned and said, "The host personally explained it to me, which is what I wish for, but it's too late today, how about talking about it another day?"

This time, Nianku was very easy to talk and didn't get entangled. He nodded, got up and said, "That's okay, the days will be long in the future, don't be in a hurry. After the old monk shaves the little Guanyin, I will offer you to be the abbot of this temple, then It's not too late to talk!"

(End of this chapter)

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