Heavens crossing system

Chapter 2 Traveling through the system!

Chapter 2 Traveling through the system!

Lin Yun looked around in horror, his body trembling involuntarily.I was wondering if I met some ghost. Although Lin Yun usually thought he was brave, he still couldn't help being afraid when he encountered such a weird thing, "What if it eats me up?" Lin Yun couldn't help thinking.

"The host doesn't have to be afraid. I'm the tool spirit of the traversing system of the heavens. I'm not a ghost. I already recognize the host as the master, so don't worry that I will hurt you."

"Ah, ghost!"

"Oh, it hurts me to death." The voice suddenly rang in my ears again, and Lin Yun, who was already very nervous, yelled out, and was knocked over by the chair in panic, and fell straight to the ground.But Lin Yun also calmed down, thinking about the voice just now!
"The Heavens Traversing System? What is this?" Lin Yun said to himself.

"Hey, what is that? Qi Ling, are you there?" Lin Yun tried to whisper to the surroundings.

"The host can just think of what he wants to say in his heart, and he doesn't have to say it."

"Oh, so, that, where are you?" Lin Yun asked in his heart.

"Ah, in my brain, why don't I feel it!" Lin Yun said. "Then how can I see you?"

"The host thinks in his heart that the heavens will travel through the system, and if he enters silently, he will be able to see me." The system spirit said.

"The heavens travel through the system, can they travel through the world? No matter, let's go in first, and then it will be clear." Lin Yun entered silently as Qi Ling said, but saw a dazzling white light, which hurt his eyes. , Tears flowed.When the white light dissipated, a huge space appeared in front of him. Lin Yun estimated that it was about 50 square meters, and the height was about [-] meters.

The space was silent, except for Lin Yun, there was nothing else. The top of the space exuded beautiful colored light, illuminating the surroundings, while the ground under the feet was like white jade, and it was a bit soft to step on.But outside the huge space, there is endless darkness.

"Qi Ling, where are you?" Lin Yun shouted.

"Hello, host!" A colorful light flashed in front of Lin Yun, and a figure of a middle-aged man formed, greeting Lin Yun.

"Ah, oh, hello, are you the spirit of the heavens through the system?" Lin Yun rolled his eyes and asked, the sudden appearance of the spirit still surprised Lin Yun.

"Yes, I am Qi Ling of the Heavens Traversing System, and I am also the guide of the host. If the host has any questions, feel free to ask me." Qi Ling said.

"Where did the Heavens Traversing System come from? What is its function?" Lin Yun asked repeatedly.

"Because the host's strength is not enough, we can't know the origin of the Heavens Traversing System for the time being," Qi Ling said.

"Insufficient strength?" Lin Yun looked at himself, speechless, "What's the effect?"

"The host doesn't need to worry, I will explain to the host slowly." Qi Ling said.Lin Yun smiled embarrassingly, he was too impatient.

"The traversal system of the heavens, as the name suggests, allows the host to travel to the world of various novels, movies, and TV shows, use foresight and familiarity with the plot to seize various opportunities, experience cultivation, and strengthen oneself. Of course, all of this ultimately depends on the host. , otherwise the opportunity is in front of you, without the corresponding strength, it is useless, so the host has to work hard and take every world seriously, although not every world is useful to the host."

"Yeah, there is such a chance to become stronger. If you don't work hard, I'm afraid even God will not see it. Destiny has given people different roles. There are noble ones and ordinary ones. There are radiant ones and some The light is dim. Originally, I was just an ordinary mortal who couldn't be more ordinary. Now that I have the Heavens Traversing System, as long as I work hard, I will definitely become the protagonist of the world." Lin Yun thought silently.

Moreover, pies that fall from the sky are often poisonous, and chances that fall from the sky are also poisonous, because you don't know how much cause and effect is involved behind the chances.But Lin Yun couldn't refuse this opportunity, and he didn't want to refuse, even if it was poisonous.

"Do you have a name? Don't you want to keep calling you Qi Ling?" Lin Yun asked.

"No, the host can get one for me," Qi Ling replied.

"That's it!" Lin Yun nodded, thought for a while and said, "From now on, I will call you Steward Wu, and you don't want to be called by the host host, just call me Young Master." Lin Yun said.

"Okay, master." The mist steward said.

"Fog Steward, can I freely choose the movies and TVs I travel through and the time and place I enter? Can I bring out the secret scripts and weapons I have obtained through experience in movies and TV?" Lin Yun asked.

"The movies and TVs that you travel through are all random, and the time and place you enter are also random. However, the young master can choose to quit the world of film and television at any time, but it is very difficult to re-enter. If the film and television plot ends, the young master has 24 hours. Stay time, once the time is up, you will be forced to quit. As for the young master's experience, you can take it out, and put it in this space when you don't need it." Said the mist steward.

"So it can be used as a storage space!" Lin Yun said looking at the space of a thousand square meters.

Butler Wu went on to say: "Because the young master is currently in the growth stage, in order to allow the young master to better obtain opportunities and experience growth, there will be three growth movies for the young master to enter and gain some abilities. In these movies, the young master will not die, only Will quit the film world. These three young masters of the film world can choose freely."

Lin Yun felt his heart beat faster after hearing this, and he didn't know which movie world to go to.

"However..." the steward Wu said in a drawn-out tone.

"But what, Steward Wu, can you stop talking halfway?" Lin Yun said angrily.

"The young master can combine three growth movies into one growth movie, and the abilities obtained can be perfectly integrated with the young master. The potential is huge, and there is a chance to draw a lottery," said the mist steward.

"Huh? Can you still draw prizes?" Lin Yun asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the Heavens Traversing System has many functions, and the young master needs to explore and open them on his own. If the young master combines three bonus movies into one, he can use the lottery function once in advance," said the fog steward.

After hearing this, Lin Yun fell silent, thinking about where to go.

"It is necessary to choose the fastest, most direct and effective abilities. In this way, there are only supernatural abilities. However, supernatural abilities can't achieve much, and they are only useful in the early stage. Although I don't know how far I can reach, I will definitely Yes, it’s not low. You need to choose carefully.”

Thinking about it, Lin Yun thought of the spiritual consciousness in cultivating immortals. Lin Yun usually read many novels about cultivating immortals. Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, the benefits of powerful spiritual consciousness written in the books moved Lin Yun's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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