Chapter 190 Stargazing (3)

Looking at these delicious snacks, Song Beibei lost the slightest resistance for a long time.

She first picked up a piece of authentic Indian flatbread, which was fried by a chef from India himself.

The outer layer is crispy, and the inner fruit filling is just right. It tastes crisp, sweet, and smells delicious. It is a rare delicacy.

After eating one piece, Song Liunian's voice came out: "Beibei, drink some herbal tea first, Indian pancakes are delicious but easy to get angry."

With deep concern in his tone, Song Liunian immediately handed over a glass of iced sour plum soup.

This is a good product for quenching thirst and cooling down heat, clearing away heat and reducing fire.

Song Beibei took it, and after taking a sip, she felt sour and not tasty at all, so she said coquettishly, "Brother Liunian, I don't want to drink it anymore, it's so sour."

"It's okay, just bear with it, and don't eat anything else."

After hearing this, Song Beibei remembered that there was still a table full of pastries and snacks.

Seeing Song Beibei who was sitting and fighting with the food, Song Liunian smiled happily.

Song Liunian used the telescope to look at the stars by himself. Unlike Song Beibei, he could understand many things.

Looking at it, something caught Song Liunian's attention.

Song Liunian was not sure at first, but after observing it for 2 minutes, he confirmed that it was Halley's Comet, which only returns once in 76 years.

He quickly said to Song Beibei: "Beibei, come and see, there are some good things."

Song Beibei walked over and took a closer look through the binoculars: "What is this, with such a long tail?"

"Bebe, haven't you even heard of the famous Halley's Comet?" Song Liunian said.

"Comet, isn't it the broom star that our folks call?" Song Beibei only remembered a little at this moment.

"Yeah, yes, it's the legendary 'broom star', but it doesn't bring bad luck to the world like folks say." Song Liunian explained to her.

"Is that so, but this thing is still very good-looking, with such a long tail." Song Beibei looked at Halley's Comet in the telescope, which was the most famous comet. It felt very ordinary.

Seeing that she still didn't like it very much, Song Liunian had to whisper in her ear: "Bei Bei, I have another piece of good news for you. The legendary Leonid meteor shower will appear tonight, in about half an hour."

Song Beibei became excited as soon as she heard the meteor shower, let alone a meteor shower.

Song Beibei hurriedly asked Song Liunian, "Brother Liunian, do meteor showers mean meteors want to rain down? Are meteors the kind of wishing we often say?"

"That's right, meteors are the kind of things that are often said to make wishes come true before they disappear. As for meteor showers, there are not as many as you just said, but there are about a dozen of them that don't appear to be exaggerated when it rains."

"There are more than ten, that's not a lot, so we can make many, many wishes." Song Beibei looked at the sky again full of expectation.

Song Liunian began to observe seriously by himself again, sighing interspersed from time to time.

At this time, Song Beibei was eating melon seeds happily while waiting for the Leonid meteor shower to come.

There was a gust of cool wind in the sky, which made the treetops rustle slightly.

With a sound of "咻", a shooting star flew across the sky before everyone noticed.

Song Beibei quickly said: "Brother Liunian, hurry up and make a wish, the meteor shower is coming."

After finishing speaking, Song Beibei folded her palms devoutly and began to make a wish.

Seeing her appearance, Song Liunian knew that she valued this very much in her heart, so instead of laughing at her, she followed her and began to make wishes.

(End of this chapter)

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