Chapter 147 Small Water Flows (4)

Song Liunian had kept this tree mysteriously all along, so it was only at this time that Song Beibei saw the true face of Lushan Mountain for the first time.

The straight trunk is staggered with branches, and the leaves feel a little bit dry due to the long-term transportation.

Song Liunian asked Song Beibei: "Have you seen its fruit?"

Song Beibei shook her head, she had heard a lot about Hongdou, but she had never seen the real thing.

"Ripe red beans are like little red hearts, hence the name Acacia beans." Song Liunian also explained.

The two men gently picked up the red bean tree, and carefully put it under the hole they dug just now.

Song Beibei volunteered to bury it with soil, and then poured water on it.

Under the nourishment of the water, the red bean tree quickly recovered its vitality. After absorbing sufficient water piece by piece, the leaves looked extraordinarily green and full of vitality.

"Brother Liunian, the two of us, like this tree, will thrive under our careful care." Song Beibei looked at Song Liunian happily.

Song Liunian also made a promise to Song Beibei: "Beibei, let's water this mature tree together in our twilight years."

Hearing the promise of this life, Song Beibei felt like drinking honey in her heart.

At this time, Doctor Liu in white clothes appeared in front of the two of them.

Song Beibei quickly asked: "Doctor Liu, is there any latest progress in Grandpa's condition?"

"Well, two good news, one about you and one about the master, which one do you want to hear first?" Dr. Liu also asked the two of them a multiple-choice question.

"You can say that first if you like." Song Liunian said the same lukewarm words from his mouth.

Song Beibei said kindly: "Don't listen to him, Doctor Liu, don't be angry, let's talk about grandpa first, we are not in a hurry."

After she finished speaking, she politely went to make a cup of tea.

Dr. Liu took a sip and said: "Master's condition is basically under control, as long as he stays in the hospital for observation for a week, he can be discharged without any accidents."

"That's great, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep well. After all, grandpa is the best person to me." Song Beibei said with a smile while smiling happily.

After talking about the above matter, Dr. Liu paused and continued: "Actually, the latter matter is more important to the two of you. The master knows the relationship between the two of you and encourages you to pursue your own happiness."

Song Beibei looked at Dr. Liu incredulously: "What, grandpa knows everything. Not only did he not object but he encouraged us. What's going on?"

Doctor Liu just wanted to tell the whole story about the conversation he had with Mrs. Song in the hospital, but Song Liunian interrupted him.

"Bebe, these are normal. Grandpa knows about us because of his amazing intuition or years of experience."

"There's such an accurate intuition."

"Beibei, if it was someone else, I might not believe it. Grandpa must have it. You haven't gotten along with him for long. You don't know that he just relied on his intuition to turn the company from crisis to safety." Song Liunian said with great admiration. "As for why he encourages us instead of against it, it's simpler because he knows me and who I am."

"Then please tell me what kind of person you are, the fleeting young master?"

"I am simple and direct, and I must try my best to get what I believe."

Song Beibei hit him and said, "You, it's like boasting how great you are. In fact, I think the most important reason why grandpa encourages us is that he is your grandpa and your family. He just wants you to live happily .”

(End of this chapter)

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