Chapter 129 Visiting the Sick (2)

At this time, Su Ran was lying on the bed alone, watching while sipping tea, feeling very comfortable.

Song Beibei knocked on Su Ran's door first.

"Who are you? I'll open the door." Su Ran immediately became alert and immediately pretended to be sick.

Song Beibei said honestly, "Sister Ran, it's me, Song Beibei."

Su Ran was full of expectations at first, but it turned out that Song Beibei walked up to her weakly and opened the door for her.

Song Beibei looked at Su Ran's room, which was decorated very warmly, with a crib in a conspicuous place, and couldn't help feeling sad.

"Why, you want to make sure that my child is really gone?" Su Ran said unhappily.

"No, no, I just came to see how you are doing." While speaking, Song Beibei took out the fruit basket and carnations.

Su Ran said disapprovingly: "It's not the same meaning, I tell you, as you wish, I and the fleeting child are gone."

"I've never thought about it that way, why don't you always believe me?" Song Beibei said innocently.

Song Liunian only appeared in front of the two of them at this time.

For a moment, Su Ran felt very surprised, she did not expect Song Liunian to come here with Song Beibei.

After Song Liunian appeared, he said, "Su Ran, you really don't want to die until you reach the Yellow River. Isn't it enough for you to bully Song Beibei? You insist on me telling everything and exposing your ugly side in front of everyone."

"What did you say, I don't know what you mean, what do you know?" Su Ran immediately asked back.

"I know everything you don't want me to know." Song Liunian said calmly.

"Impossible, I have never lied to you, I like you the most, Brother Fleeting Year." Su Ran burst into tears.

Song Beibei looked at the two people without knowing why: "Brother Liunian, sister Ran, what are you two talking about, stop playing charades, okay?"

After Song Liunian took a sip of tea and slowly told him everything he knew, Song Beibei was stunned by the truth.

"It's not true, none of this is true." Su Ran quickly argued.

But Song Liunian ruthlessly threw a stack of photos on Su Ran's face. These photos clearly showed the truth of what he just said.

"Sister Ran, why did you lie to me like this? I treat you so sincerely. You are my first friend." Song Beibei said to her very sadly.

Seeing that most of her affairs were exposed, Su Ran said to Song Beibei directly: "I knew from the very beginning that you were Song Liunian's younger sister and an orphan adopted by the Song family, so I approached you on purpose and asked you to treat me Create a good impression."

"As for why I lied to you, it's because you and Song Liunian are in love with the wrong person. Don't you know that women are selfish? Song Liunian is my personal property, so how can others take it away."

Song Beibei sighed: "For love, are you worth it?"

Su Ran said frankly: "After you really fall in love, you will know that nothing is worth it. Everything should be."

At this time Song Liunian said: "You are not worthy to talk about love, because you don't understand. I have said everything I want to say today. From now on, the two of us will return to the original point and pretend nothing happened."

Knowing that the matter was irreversible, Su Ran nodded resignedly.

Song Beibei thought to herself: But my sister is not a bad person, she really loves too blindly.

(End of this chapter)

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