Chapter 118 Checkout
Looking at the fine products harvested from time to time, Song Beibei even smiled and said, "Brother Xia Xiang, you really did not bring the wrong person. After the barbecue is over, I will reward you well."

Xia Xiang said: "It's a deal." He didn't stop at all, and quickly picked a few more high-quality oysters.

Suddenly, Xia Xiang noticed that Song Beibei's speed had slowed down, and soon found the reason - he only cared about picking seafood and didn't think of helping Song Beibei carry it.

Xia Xiang quickly reached out and snatched the bucket of seafood from Song Beibei's hands: "Beibei, why didn't you tell me if I couldn't remember it?"

"It's not because you're busy picking good seafood, I don't want to bother you." Song Beibei said shyly.

Xia Xiang said unhappily: "Look at what you said, why are you my sister? If there is any trouble, don't bother. You will be alienated like this."

Song Beibei nodded and said that it would not be like this in the future.

"Are you planning to buy barbecue ingredients for several people?" Xia Xiang asked Song Beibei.

Song Beibei folded her fingers and pointed: "Brother Song Liunian has one, sister Su Ran has one, you have one, and I have one, that's the four of us."

"Oh, that's about it. Anyway, I won't only eat seafood, but also eat other things." Xia Xiang suggested to Song Beibei.

"Yeah, you can also buy some vegetables, chicken wings, etc." Song Beibei said enlightenedly.


Xia Xiang didn't want to go shopping in the noisy seafood market all the time, so he took the selected seafood to the boss to pay the bill.

Song Beibei refused to let Xia Xiang go to pay the bill. After all, he was treating guests by himself, so he lined up with a bucket and waited for the bill.

Soon it was Song Beibei's turn, and the boss was very familiar with helping her weigh the scale and calculate the price.

"Beauty, the total is 36670 yuan. Since you are here for the first time, the mantissa will not count as yours. I will charge you 36000." The boss said with a shrewd smile.

The cute Song Beibei had no idea about the price of seafood, but knew that the boss undercharged her by more than 600 yuan, so she hurriedly paid the bill.

The boss still smiled harmlessly, thinking that this faceless little girl was really easy to deceive.

Suddenly, Xia Xiang tugged at the corner of Song Beibei's clothes, not allowing her to pay the bill.

Although Song Beibei didn't know why, she still didn't settle the bill out of trust in Xia Xiang.

I saw Xia Xiang stepped forward and said calmly to the boss: "Boss, it seems that you are going too far in bullying like this."

The boss said calmly at first: "How is it possible? We are famous for being innocent. If you don't believe me, you can ask everyone." He still winked from time to time.

Around him, his buddies and the like were also busy chiming in and said: "We are the booth that is often rated as the best."

Seeing that they still refused to give in, Xia Xiang came to the boss and whispered in his ear the normal market price and general purchase price of the seafood they bought, and even pointed out that the purchase price of some seafood would be lower in those places .

The boss didn't expect that Xia Xiang had a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of seafood prices than he did, and he couldn't fool him no matter what.

Xia Xiang still told the boss a figure higher than the cost price to save face.

The boss also nodded happily and even wanted to recruit Xia Xiang with a lot of money to be in charge of the procurement of their seafood city.

Xia Xiang just smiled and said nothing.

Song Beibei looked at Xia Xiang and casually whispered to the boss, lowered the price a lot, and asked curiously: "Brother Xia Xiang, how did you let the boss sell it to us so much cheaper? "

Xia Xiang happily scratched Song Beibei's little nose and said, "It's nothing, just visit the seafood market more."

(End of this chapter)

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