Chapter 125 Big Action (510)

Longding Bay villa is too quiet.

Since Su Muyan went to repair her mobile phone, Chuhe was the only one at home.

Don't look at Su Muyan's twittering and annoying, but when she left, Chuhe was quite uncomfortable.

He practiced the erhu for a while, and then planned to go out.

The purpose is to buy a special erhu for practice.

The erhu that Chuhe is using now was given to him by the old man Tianqiao. It is relatively old, and the old man Tianqiao has used it for many years, so it is easy to break.

Chuhe felt that if he continued to pull it, he would have to break it. It would be better to buy a new pair of erhu for practice. After all, he kept this erhu, which had special meaning to him.

After changing a suit of clothes, Chu He went out and headed straight to the city.

It was near noon, and the sun was extremely fierce, but the city was still full of people, and the restaurants and taverns were bustling with business.

The place where the Chu River goes is clean, and it is called Yuwen Musical Instrument Shop.

This is a musical instrument store that I like to hear, and it is out of place with the surrounding gyms and restaurants, and there are no customers in the store.

When Chu He went in, he didn't even see a clerk, and the huge musical instrument store was empty.

"Boss Le?" Chuhe shouted, looking around the store, and quickly locked on to the erhu.

Cylinder erhu, octagonal erhu, hexagonal erhu, flat tube erhu... No other store has more types of erhu than here.

Chuhe liked it, but he didn't touch it, so as not to stain his hands with sweat.

I am happy to hear that there is no movement, and the store is still quiet.

Chu He looked away, and called out again: "Boss Le?"

He walked to the lounge, and after two steps, he saw Le Yuwen coming out in a suit. He ignored Chu River and rushed towards the door, which was about to close.

Chuhe hurriedly said, "Boss Le!"

Le Yuwen was taken aback: "Mr. Chu, why are you here?"

"I've called you several times. What are you going to do?" Chuhe was puzzled. If he was happy to hear it, he would be overjoyed. He was afraid that something happy would happen.

"I'm really sorry, I was on the phone with someone just now." Le Yuwen was still excited, "Mr. Chu, coincidentally, I was looking for you too, there is a big move in the instrumental music circle!"

Happy to smell the eyes light up.

Chuhe asked him what was the big move, he rubbed his hands and said: "Southern Satellite TV launched the program "Under the Stars of Chinese Music", with the strong support of more than a dozen instrumental music associations behind it, and some old artists did it themselves. Now everyone in the instrumental music circle is very happy I'm busy signing up, we instrumentalists finally have a stage to perform!"

Le Yuwen grabbed Chu He's hand: "Mr. Chu, let's go, we Jiangcheng instrumentalists also have to join in and go to Yangcheng to perform on stage. Even if we can't win a million prize money, we still have to be majestic."

When Chuhe was mentioned by him, he remembered Tianmeng recommending him to participate in the show.

It seems that the program is "Under the Starry Sky of Chinese Music".

Judging by the reaction of being happy to hear, that program might not be easy.But Tianmeng hasn't told herself the result yet, and she doesn't know what the TV station thinks.

"Boss Le, please be safe and don't be impatient. The show won't run, so you can help me choose an erhu first." Chu He said with a smile. It was the first time he had seen Le Yuwen so excited.

"Erhu?" Le Yuwen was a little surprised: "Mr. Chu is interested in Erhu?"

Yue Yuwen doesn't know how powerful Chuhe is. He only knows that Chuhe is great at blowing conch shells. As for the other musical instruments, he has never seen Chuhe play them.

"Idle is idle, let's play the erhu." Chu He looked at the erhu again.

Le Yuwen directly pointed to an ebony erhu and said, "This is good. The Suzhou Huqiu erhu has sensitive pronunciation, pure sound quality and moderate scales. It is my favorite erhu."

Chu He looked at it and nodded: "That's fine, I'll buy this one according to your opinion."

Le Yuwen was obviously still in a hurry to get busy with the show, so he immediately helped Chuhe pack it, and then suggested: "Mr. Chu, put the erhu here first, let's go to the Musical Instrument Association, and discuss with everyone about participating in the show. You're still a member anyway, so it's not good for you not to show up."

Chuhe thought for a while and agreed, and he was willing to invite him face to face. If he didn't go, it would be too embarrassing.

Immediately, the two drove to the Jiangcheng Musical Instrument Association Hall.

The guild hall is on the edge of the urban area and belongs to the old city. It used to be a gymnasium, and there are residential buildings nearby.

There are not many people here, and the land price is not expensive. It is estimated that the Musical Instrument Association chose the location here to save money.

The car stopped in front of the guild hall, Le Yuwen took Chu He out of the car, opened the door and went in.

The inside is very spacious, and there are some old musical instruments, which are cleaned very well, and there are rows of chairs and a high platform, which is a bit like a university classroom.

At the moment, there are more than [-] people sitting inside, and they are all discussing "Under the Starry Sky of Chinese Music". After all, this is a program belonging to their own circle.

Chuhe took a brief look and found that the members were all young people, and the oldest was only in his 30s.

Such groups are similar to hip-hop groups, they gather purely for hobbies, but the instrumental music groups are more formal and particular.

But in fact, the status quo is very depressing, and many people simply cannot persist, or they are married and have families, so they can only quit.

"Hey, a new partner is here." Le Wen clapped his hands as soon as he entered, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone stood up to welcome the vice president, Yue Wen.

Chuhe said hello, and everyone responded flatly, because they didn't know Chuhe after all.

"He is the Chuhe I told you about, the top conch master." Le Yuwen introduced enthusiastically.

Everyone's reaction was still very flat, just laughing and applauding.

Chuhe didn't care, so he just found a place to sit down.

Le Yuwen sat next to him and talked: "The president is old and has no business, he can't come."

Le Yuwen said, and patted a young man wearing trendy cards in front of him: "Chen Dongming, tell everyone about the competition rules of "Under the Starry Sky of Chinese Music"."

This young man is lazy, his hair is a little messy, and he seems to have not woken up.

Chuhe looked at him and found that he was a little handsome, but he was more vain, with obvious dark circles, and he looked like a kidney deficiency.

Moreover, the name Chen Dongming is a bit familiar. I was happy to hear him mentioned at the beginning. He is also an Internet celebrity, a flute Internet celebrity who has gone all over the world with one Xiao and one sword.

But he doesn't seem to be developing at station B, and Chuhe has never seen him.

"The rules are very simple, anyone can sign up, and then there will be a preliminary audition, and the winners will be on the TV ensemble. There are only ten groups in each episode, so it's very difficult." Chen Dongming was weak and couldn't get his energy up.

A group of people also feel that there is no hope, because "Under the Starry Sky of Chinese Music" is open to the selection of instrumental musicians across the country, and the members of the Jiangcheng Musical Instrument Association are amateurs, and they can only be cannon fodder to participate in the competition.

"Don't be sick, the most important thing is to participate. It's been many years, and finally there is a national music program. Which one of you will go?" Yue Wen scanned the crowd.

A group of people looked at each other, hesitating.

"Brother Le, I'll go on a trip, will you pay for it?" Chen Dongming was unexpectedly interested, looking eagerly interested in hearing about it.

Le Yuwen raised his hand and knocked: "Chen Dongming, have you become an Internet celebrity and swelled up? Seeing your lack of yang, what did you do last night?"

"Oh, there are so many fans, I can't help it. I'm singing K with a female fan. I finally asked her out." Chen Dongming was triumphant.

"Don't harm girls, it's not good for you to be like this." Le Yuwen frowned, and took Chu He as an example: "You see, Mr. Chu is much more handsome than you, and he is not like you."

Chen Dongming glanced at Chuhe, yawned and said, "My female fan and I are in love with each other, and I made it clear that I will not be responsible, but she is still willing, and I am not a scumbag. But now Youku is getting more and more difficult to get along with." Yes, I am going to enter Bilibili, there are many beauties in Bilibili, to be an Internet celebrity still needs to develop the website."

Le Yue was speechless, and asked Chu He: "Mr. Chu, how is your road to Internet celebrity? Is your development going well?"

"It's okay." Chuhe replied.

Chen Dongming raised his eyebrows: "Brother, are you also an Internet celebrity? What's your name?"

A group of people all looked at Chuhe.

"Chu Dahe at station B." Chuhe smiled, and Chen Dongming was even more interested: "From station B? Brother, take me with you. I just played station B today, and I don't quite understand it yet."

He took out his mobile phone, went to station B to watch Chu Dahe, his eyes popped out: "Damn, more than 100 million fans!"

(End of this chapter)

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