Chapter 7

Qiao Mei lived as a "lazy pig" in bed for five whole days under the wholehearted care of her family. Although there is no computer or TV or mobile phone, she may read quietly and have her brother, grandma, and parents every day. With her, no matter how life is, she will not feel dull.

Under the visual inspection of her father and colleagues, they all felt that Qiao Mei's recovery was very good, and her bones were cracked, not broken. Therefore, proper exercise is conducive to recovery. Under her strong request, she was finally approved. , You can 'properly' get out of bed, but for the first few days, be careful not to let the injured thigh bear gravity!
Under Qiao Mei's tears, and her very thin and flushed face, the catheter was finally removed.Although her mother's technique is very good, she still broke the skin somewhere that is now very delicate and fragile. Every time she went to the toilet, she made her subconsciously nervous and afraid.

For this reason, she deliberately reduced the number of times she drank water, and only when her mouth was too dry, she took a small sip of water to moisten it, which made sister Qiao die of heartache.

But she came out in a hurry. When she heard her daughter say that her eldest granddaughter had a car accident, she didn't care about grabbing her wallet and came to the town, so she didn't bring anything.

Kill the driver today!Every time she saw her darling frowning, her heart ached, and she wanted to curse that brainless driver in her heart!

"Yu'er, why don't we go back to the village?" Miss Qiao turned around and took her daughter's arm, discussing with her in a low voice: "Going back to the village has good air quality and a quiet environment, which is more beneficial to the eldest granddaughter's injury. There is still myself at home. The local chicken raised is much more authentic than the ones bought in the vegetable market!"

"Yeah, mom, I think so too, we are indeed a real mother and daughter, and we have a good heart!" Qiao Yu nodded and hugged her mother's thinner and thinner body affectionately, thinking that her mother had a good girlfriend in the village to chat with God, I don't have to keep my baby around all day, I should be in a better mood, I immediately said happily.

The most important thing is that the vegetables grown at home are definitely more reassuring to eat than the pesticide vegetables bought in the market.

"Really? Sister, let's go back to the village tomorrow! That's great~" After hearing the conversation between his mother and grandma, Gu Xun got a nod of approval from his grandma, and immediately turned around and ran to his sister to claim credit.

After Qiao Mei and Qiao Yu watched Qiao Mei's "discomfort" for most of the day, the two women who made the decisions in the family waved their hands and said: "Tomorrow is Saturday, let's go back to the village!"
Gu Min, who was instructed, borrowed a spacious private car from a colleague early on.If it weren't for the fact that private cars are still a bit expensive now, it would be too flashy for him to buy a car just after he was promoted to director, he would have wanted to buy it a long time ago!It will be more convenient to go back to the village after having a car, especially when my daughter is injured now.

next day saturday

The whole family got up early in the morning, simply drank a bowl of millet porridge for breakfast, and carefully packed the things to take away.In particular, Qiao Mei told her brother to bring all the textbooks from the first and second grades with her, so that when she recuperates in the village, she can review what she has learned before!
That's right, Qiao Mei didn't plan to go back to school after her legs recovered!
Anyway, Dad has already asked for her leave. When she goes to school, she will have her final exam. During this time, she will go back to the village to make up for her grandma!She can also make up for the knowledge she has forgotten, otherwise her grades will drop too badly, how will she explain to her family...

From the town back to the village, if it takes nearly an hour by bus, I can drive back by myself, but it takes less than 10 minutes for Xiao Er to drive the car into his small yard.

The country is much more free than the town!

The most important thing is that her family is in Qiao's Village, but she is a real 'landlord'!And her home is very close to 'Luoyun Peak', although winter is approaching, but their side belongs to the south, and it will have to wait until late December if it gets colder!
In other words, her house is two farmyards of the same size, and it still has the atmosphere of the Republic of China. I heard from my grandma that these two houses have been built for more than 50 years, and they were built with the best stone bricks!Don't look at it from the outside, it looks a little beautiful and old, but once inside, it is smooth and clean.

The two farmhouses are just simple big five rooms, in addition to the main room, two side rooms, a warehouse, and a kitchen.Because grandma and grandpa grew up as childhood sweethearts and lived closest to each other, after they got married, they opened a small arch in the wall between the two courtyards to allow their family members to come in and out.

These two farmhouses occupy a huge area, and the left and right yards together cover nearly eight or nine acres of land!

Speaking of which, Qiaojia Village is the most xenophobic small village. In the whole village, except for the surname Qiao, there is no other surname.Moreover, in Qiaojia Village, marriages with the same surname are basically common, as long as it can be proved that the husband and wife have two clothes.

From the perspective of outsiders, this feels a bit out of order.In a small and remote place like Town C, because it is relatively close to the mountains and forests, the mountain roads in the old days were quite difficult to walk, and the whole village was deliberately closed to the outside world. Therefore, in the eyes of the people in the same city, this village is particularly "unforgettable".

It was only in the 60s and [-]s that they began to communicate with their neighbors one after another. Coupled with the development of the country, it was not completely out of touch with society.

In the village, her home is located at the end of the village, and ordinary villagers will not come to their field, except when villagers in need need some bamboo to cut wood, they will come to this "back mountain" place - this village is called Luo Yunfeng is called "Houshan" or directly called Dashan.

There is a small hill in front of Luoyun Peak, which is only about a quarter of the height of Luoyun Peak. Hillside Activities!

The main reason is that there are no large animals on this small hillside. At most, there are some small animals such as badgers, hedgehogs, rabbits, and wild pheasants. They are very suitable for rural children who are basically free-range. !
Of course, there are quite a few snakes, but if you don't get close to the junction with Luoyun Peak, there are usually no very poisonous snakes.

And despite the fact that the hillside is not high, the vegetation is very rich, especially after the rainy day. In just a short time, you can find mushrooms and fungus like bamboo shoots after the rain.

There are also abundant wild fruit trees on the hillside. Although the taste is not very good, for the children in the village, this little snack picked up for nothing, the wild fruit you snatched from me, is delicious!
In this way, the old farmers in the village are more assured that children, big and small, can play in the hills, as long as they don't enter the wilder mountains, they can play as they like, especially in the area close to the fields, even snakes are basically there is none left.

Every winter, the old hunters in the village would put a lot of realgar powder on the border near the back mountain, and mark it with wood, so that the children would not carelessly enter the deep mountain after having too much fun.

Therefore, in recent years, there have been few cases of villagers being bitten by snakes in the village. It is a natural amusement park, where children can play and get some extra game, and adults can farm the fields with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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