Lord of all tribes

Chapter 381 The Scarlet Heart Under the Belly

Chapter 381 The Scarlet Heart Under the Belly
In fact, the Marquis Drummond figured it out a long time ago.

All his previous actions seemed so childish and ridiculous.

What's even more ridiculous is that he was still complacent and self-righteous before.

His cheap son, the cheap son who has never been paid attention to by him, is no longer something he can move if he wants to.

Although the Marquis of Drummond was very depressed, he would only choose to hide this depression completely in his heart.

He is willing to hide in a dark and dark house, he is willing to let everyone forget his existence, he is willing to disappear into the invisible.

Since the Marquis Drummond thought about it, he rarely left this dark house.

Firstly, it was unnecessary, and secondly, Marquis Drummond was unwilling to face the current situation of the Drummond family.

A large area of ​​territory has been lost, and these territories were all acquired by the ancestors of the Drummond family with military exploits.

The Drummond family can have today's powerful scale, relying on the blood of their ancestors to fight bravely.

Every step I took was not easy, and the footprints left by walking were stained with blood.

Along the way, only you know the hardships and hardships.

The family business laid down by the ancestors is now being bit by bit defeated by his descendants.

The Drummond family is no longer as strong as it used to be.

Even, he could only huddle in the city of Betty Stara, not daring to take a step outside.

The dozens of small noble knights who had previously surrendered to the Drummond family also began to gradually separate from Earl Drummond.

In fact, the Marquis Drummond understands that the so-called allegiance and submission are only based on the strength of the Drummond family. If the Drummond family can't even protect themselves, what ability will they have to protect those little ones? What about noble knights?

Correspondingly, there is no qualification to require their loyalty.

Only the strong can make people submit.

In the era of the jungle, the weak are the original sin.

As for Daryl who was standing respectfully in front of him, Marquis Drummond was not even interested in listening to the so-called suggestion made by his eldest son.

The Drummond family is like this now, do you still want to die?

After going through a lot of things, I can see it, and some things are actually not so difficult to accept, such as his precious son.

Although, the Marquis of Drummond has always been worried about the fact that Rollin's biological mother Agnes was born prematurely, and has always believed that Rollin's background is unknown, so he has always hated Rollin in every possible way.

If the Drummond family has always been strong, if Rollin has always relied on the Drummond family to survive, the Marquis of Drummond will naturally continue to face Rollin with that lofty and arrogant attitude.

But the situation is different now. The Drummond family has declined, but Rollin has a huge family business after becoming independent from the Drummond family.

The thousands of miles of territory in the northwest of the Reynolds Kingdom and nearly half of the territory in the north can defeat the mighty army of the Orc Kingdom and the Kaina Principality Alliance.
Even, I heard that a few days ago, his cheap son Luo Lin led an army to conquer the Principality of Sells himself, and asked the Principality of Sells to send [-] troops to recruit as soldiers.

All of this made the Marquis Drummond very emotional. Is this really something that a boy who is not yet 20 years old can do?

His wrist and foresight, his talent in military warfare and his super foresight ability amazed the battle-tested Marquis Drummond.

This is a peerless genius!

Perhaps, the millennium rule of the Renault Kingdom will end in the hands of this young man.

Although this idea seems absurd now, for some reason, Marquis Drummond just had this premonition.

As for the lords and nobles who are making trouble in the hinterland of the kingdom, I am afraid that in the end they are just making wedding dresses for others.
"You go back. From now on, all plans that will harm Rollin and the interests of the Galatians will be terminated. Whoever dares to act rashly and touch the foundation of my Drummond family, I don't mind letting him try my method."

The voice of Marquis Drummond suddenly became gloomy. Under the dim light of the oil lamp, Daryl could see Marquis Drummond's face gradually getting colder, his body and mind trembled, and there was also a little fear on his cheeks. meaning.

For this ruthless father, Daryl has always served him with a trembling attitude. He has no doubts about what his father, the Marquis of Drummond, said, even if Daryl is his son, not excluded.

"Father, then...then how should we deal with Luo Luolin who is about to return?"

Darryl lowered his head, his face became ferocious, and Darryl had a heart-pounding hatred for Rollin.

He was grounded for several months because of him before, and because of him later, tens of thousands of elite members of the Drummond family were destroyed and reduced to the half-dead situation they are today.

Now when the world mentions the Drummond family, what they think of is not Daryl, but the Earl of the kingdom who defeated the orcs on the battlefield in the northern border and killed the enemy army of the Principality of Kaina.

This rising star of the kingdom has used miracles to tell the world that he is rising!Rise without fear!There is no power that can restrain his rise!
"Spread the news, just say, if my son, Luo Lin, is willing to return to the Drummond family, I am willing to offer it as the patriarch of the family!
I'm old, and it's time to hand over this seat. "

When he said these words, Marquis Drummond seemed to be ten years old for an instant, and his voice was weak and low, but when he said these words, he paused every word, which was extremely clear.

Daryl was stunned. He didn't expect things to develop in this direction. This was completely different from what he expected. Isn't he the next patriarch of the Drummond family?
What are you kidding?He is the eldest son of the Drummond family, and he should inherit that noble position, including the noble title of Marquis.

Even though the Drummond family has declined a lot now, there are still [-] nails on the broken ship. The accumulation of the Drummond family for hundreds of years is so huge.

For a long time, Daryl felt that he would be the sole successor of these.

Perhaps when he suppressed Luo Lin in the first place, he also had the same thoughts at work.

Even though Rowling showed extremely poor talent at that time, in order to be able to inherit that position and those wealth 100%, it is not surprising that Daryl chose such means and methods to defeat Rowling.

Never trust the human heart too much, the scarlet human heart is placed under the cortex, you can't see it, you can't touch it, relying on the regular vibration, you can't really see the human heart clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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