Chapter 331

For the most honorable title of Grand Duke in the Principality of Sairs, Earl Clahan yearned in his heart. He once imagined that one day he would be able to wear the crown that symbolized honor.

But sometimes happiness comes too suddenly, which inevitably makes people feel unreal.

Earl Krahan still questioned whether he really had the ability to take on this important task, or whether he had the opportunity.

"Now I only control less than one-fifth of the army in the principality. What use can this army be?"

Earl Claghan smiled contemptuously, and there was a hint of bitterness in his smile.

All these Chris saw in his eyes, and the smiles on his face piled up more and more. He could see that the Earl whom he was loyal to had already approved and agreed to this plan in his heart.

It's just that some external factors seem a little less sure.

But these obviously cannot be a roadblock to the smooth implementation of this plan.

"The general of the Renault Kingdom is willing to assist us"

Chris appropriately reminded Earl Krahan.

"Will they really help us? With their help, can the Principality of Sairs really exist?"

Earl Krahan's gaze was slackened forward, and his expression became lonely and silent.

Indeed, he wanted that position, but this should be discussed on the basis of no loss or price. If he had to pay something because of this, then it was obvious that the benevolent Earl Krahan was still very unhappy.

"My lord, do you think we still have a choice? Do you really think that with blood and blood, you can really withstand those heavily armed Renault Kingdom troops? Their cavalry even put on horses. Armor, but what about us? Even mid-level officers charge forward wearing tattered leather armor.

Such a gap, with all due respect, if war really breaks out, not only the city of Daner will be destroyed, but even the entire Principality of Sayers will not be spared.

The Kingdom of Renault is a behemoth, and this behemoth is not something we can afford to provoke now! "

Chris took pains to find some basis to persuade the Earl Krahan, and now Chris has obviously completed the plan proposed by Rollin as the most urgent task.

"The commander of the Renault Kingdom said that after three days, if they don't get the answer they hoped for, they will launch a full-scale siege! At that time"

Chris didn't say anything more when he said this, he believed that Earl Krahan had already measured it in his heart.

"Is there no choice? It's really miserable." Earl Krahan sighed, and didn't say much, but his eyes were a little lost.

"My lord, do you think Earl Krahan can accept this condition?"

Hans stood aside, wearing a special black armor, with a one-meter-long war knife hanging from his right waist, and he looked very imposing.

Ever since he became the division commander of the first division of Galadyland, Hans has paid more attention to the study of strategy.

It was as if he had suddenly realized that Rowling's previous impression of Cassius had always been cautious, brave and fearless.

Luo Lin also had some concerns about letting him be the division head of the first division. After all, controlling a division with tens of thousands of people and commanding a regiment with thousands of people is not the same concept.

A division is almost half of the current strength of the Galatians.

To a certain extent, Hans has already been able to make preliminary decisions on the military movements and military planning of the Garadi Land.

Previously, Cassius had some concerns about Hans being the head of the First Division, and he wanted to find a capable assistant for him.

But looking at Hans' current state, Rowling felt much more relieved. Since Hans had already started to take an interest in war strategy, it was a good start.

"Actually, he doesn't have much chance of refusing, does he?"

Rollins fixed his eyes on Hans, smiled slightly, and asked softly.

Rowling still has this confidence. Although he doesn't know when the lie he fabricated will be exposed, the expression and reaction shown by Chris at the time fully show that he must have never discovered any flaws.

In the heart of the Chris envoy, Rowling represents the Reynolds Kingdom. The Reynolds Kingdom has decided to retaliate against the Principality of Seers, and hundreds of thousands of troops have gathered
In fact, lies and truth are only separated by a thin layer of paper, and the two are surprisingly similar. It is not so difficult to confuse right and wrong when outsiders don't know.

"The lord means that we will support that Earl Krahan to sit on the position of Grand Duke of the Duchy of Sells, and then control the entire Duchy of Sells through his hands?"

Hans nodded half-understanding, and fixed his eyes on Rollin with some doubts.

"What I said above is correct, but there is one thing wrong." Rollin raised his mouth at an appropriate angle, "I don't want to control the entire Duchy of Sayers, and the Duchy of Sayrs should still be controlled by them. Man governs and rules by himself.

I just want to recruit some Saiers to join my army, and even the food supply I promised is true.

In other words, in fact, I don't want to find a vassal country for Garadi, but I hope to get a strong ally.

Of course, the premise is that this ally treats us sincerely. If one day they have some unbearable emotions, my butcher knife will not always be dull. "

Rollin spoke to Hans while talking.

If you can sort out the profound connotation and implication, it will be of great benefit to the growth of a general.

In terms of the strategy for managing the Principality of Sayers, it would be the best if Luo Lin's needs could be met without bloodshed through this method. This is a win-win cooperation, but the way of cooperation is a bit arbitrary.

Of course, if this is not the case, this win-win opportunity will not exist. For Luo Lin, the structure of the entire plan is extremely clear. As long as the first step of the plan can be perfected and started, the progress of the subsequent plan will obviously be extremely smooth.

What Rowling was afraid of was that the Principality of Sellers would unite into an iron bucket, and the Dukedom of Sellers with millions of people would make him feel very troublesome, but right now, a gap has been opened in this thorn bush, and the next You can use the weapon in your hand to cut off the connection between these thorns at will.

And the final harvest will be the expected success.

(End of this chapter)

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