Chapter 316
Fort Wobe.

Time will not stop because of the stagnation of your thoughts, nor will it stop if you want it to stop.

Although the Earl Drummond temporarily kept the armies of Earl Singara and Viscount Nolch in the Wobe Fortress to guard the walls of the Wobe Fortress by some means of seduction and coaxing.

But they will only last one more day.

And what can be done with this extra day is very limited, not to mention His Majesty's reinforcements, even a letter from King Alexis has never been there.

This is a sad story, and the protagonist of the story is the Earl Drummond.

He numbly watched the night fall again, and once again saw Earl Singlar and Viscount Norci making a move to evacuate from Fort Wobe.

But at this time, he no longer had the motivation to make the final effort.

Because I tried my best.

The armies are also fighting for the same. At this time, Earl Drummond can only sigh sincerely in his heart. He still underestimated the combat effectiveness of the northern army, underestimated the combat effectiveness of the army led by Galady, and even underestimated his previous history. The ability and courage of the useless son he looked down upon.

At this time, Earl Drummond was able to fully believe that Rollins had taken control of the Northern Border Army.

Perhaps, this era is really different from what he realized, and he is also getting old.

Earl Drummond stood up tremblingly, with unwillingness and anger in his eyes, he really wanted to kill all the troops belonging to the Garadi Land that were still attacking madly, but he knew that he did less than.

In addition to the strength of the army, Drummond was speechless and desperate for the frequent occurrence of high-ranking strongmen in the army led by Galati.

In the general army, a sixth-level fighter or a sixth-level magician can already serve as the captain. Like his Earl Drummond, there are only five sixth-level powerhouses.

This is already the scale of a high-level powerhouse that can only be found in a strong territory.

Once, Earl Drummond was very proud of being able to recruit so many high-level powerhouses under his command, but now...
He felt that he was vulgar to the extreme, how ignorant and arrogant he was in the past.

In the army led by Galactica, Earl Drummond felt at least the aura of fifty powerhouses above the sixth rank, and even many of them were more majestic than the sixth rank powerhouses.
Earl Drummond's vision was broadened by those puppets who were brave enough to climb towards the wall of Wobe Fortress.

Each of these puppets can at least fight against the fifth-level powerhouse without losing the wind. One or two Earl Drummonds of this kind of high-level puppets feel very satisfied.

But when he saw more than 100 puppets of different shapes charging towards the wall of Wobe Fortress, his heart was tangled and collapsed.

How many secrets did Galatiling still have that he hadn't discovered? How far has this useless son who once made him feel ashamed has grown, and is it too naive for him to choose to kill him now?

In other words, reverse obliteration is more normal.

Desolate, desolate, sad, sad.

This feeling is very complicated and entangled.

After Earl Singlar and Viscount Norch chose to withdraw their troops, the Earl Drummond, who was caught in mixed feelings, did not choose to continue to stay on the wall of Fort Wobe beyond his limits.

He tried his best to keep his face tense, and tried his best to keep his figure from shaking too much, then found a horse in the fortress, and evacuated directly to the other side of Wobe Fortress with his personal guards.

Walking freely and casually, there were still private soldiers of the Drummond family still fighting on the city wall. When they felt that they had lost their Lord Earl, the Earl Drummond was already watching from afar. Vobe Fortress, still in the throes of war.
"Your Majesty, you will live up to your fate!"

Hans, whose whole body looked like he had been soaked in a river of blood, knelt down on one knee in front of Rollin the moment he climbed onto the wall of Wobe Fortress.

What Rollin gave Hans at the beginning was that the Wobe Fortress must be captured in three days, but now, only two days later, the Wobe Fortress has been reoccupied by the army of the Kardashians.

Rollins slapped the blood armor on Hans's body heavily with both hands, and then held it tightly.

The blood on the black armor had formed scabs because it hadn't been cleaned for a long time, and it was a bit painful, but Luo Lin liked this feeling, it was very fulfilling.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Rowling didn't have too many words or words of encouragement, only these three words.

Sometimes, there is actually no need for too many gorgeous words to modify a certain relationship, maybe just a look at each other and a heart-warming greeting are enough.

This is the case with Luo Lin and Hans. Although the three words 'hard work' are simple, they are full of the heavy feelings of generals and monarchs.

It's subtle, it's down to earth.

"My lord, Earl Drummond has escaped from Fort Wobe, should we pursue the victory?"

Hans stood steadily in front of Rollin, with his usual expression and sincere eyes.

As for the hesitation in the words, it was all because Earl Drummond was Rollin's nominal father after all, which was really hard to explain sometimes.

"No, the Drummond family has almost been drained of blood this time, and the troops accumulated over the years have also been exhausted in this battle. They have no real threat, so why should we waste energy on them.

One day, I'm going to make them pay.

However, not now. "

Rollin said softly, he had his own thoughts on the Drummond family, and Rollin, the Earl of Drummond who didn't care about the relationship between father and son, naturally didn't need to be polite to him.

Speaking of which, that Earl Drummond is only related to Rollin's body. For Rollin, he has no emotion for this Earl Drummond.

If it was for a loving father, Luo Lin would not mind being a filial son, but he didn't know if there was a difference between the rules of this world and what Luo Lin knew, or if this was a special accident in itself.

All in all, for that Drummond family, Rowling only had indifference and sneer in his heart.

In Rowling's eyes, the only good memory left by that family is his loving mother Agnes.

Luo Lin had to admit that the feeling of being cared for at the beginning made him enjoy and doubt, and he would never forget the picture of his mother Agnes crying in his mind.

Although it was just a physical connection, Luo Lin's feeling and excitement were real, without any false elements.

(End of this chapter)

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