Lord of all tribes

Chapter 107 Austas' Thoughts

Chapter 107 Austas' Thoughts

Now outside the Dawn City, there is an army of [-] troops led by the Duke of Renault, Luo Kaide, who is staring at the Dawn City. In the Dawn City, there are also [-] troops from the Aowei Kingdom. Defending the city is also a match for the opponent, evenly matched.

After crossing the Rosegar River, Austas came directly to Dawn City. He found an opportunity at night to forcefully open an opening in the middle of the Renault Kingdom army besieging Dawn City, and rushed in.

Although it was a surprise battle at night, when Austas was waiting to reach the city of Dawn, there were only a few hundred of the [-] remnants under his command.

Of the [-] elite cavalry, less than [-] could enter Dawn City. The huge casualty ratio made Austas feel a little bad.

Loughlin was in a worse mood than Austas. This cavalry team was trained by him himself. Here, he cared for these soldiers from the heart at that time.

Too many soldiers died on the road to escape. Loklin watched them die on the way, but felt powerless, so he could only grit his teeth and remain silent.

Relatively speaking, the defensive facilities in Shuguang City are pretty good. Various giant crossbows emerge endlessly on the city walls, rolling stones, and wood are also piled up like mountains. The morale of the soldiers is also considered good, and the original residents in the city are not very resistant.

It has to be said that this is a city suitable for holding on. The food reserves in the city are enough to feed [-] troops for half a year. The strong defense and sufficient food and grass make Austas confident.

He thought that if he controlled Dawn City, he would be able to achieve this level at most. On this point, he still admires Earl Horatio, who has never been prominent in the Oval Kingdom. The guy who doesn't leak water and only likes to do practical things has always been a strange thing ignored by the upper nobles.

Austas' previous impression of Horatio was only at the level of honesty and honesty. Now it seems that this Earl, who is known for his simplicity and honesty, is still very capable.

Dawn City is guarded by Earl Horatio. Although Austas is a marquis and his rank is higher than him, he only has the right to make suggestions in terms of deployment and operations, but not to make decisions. That is to say, the defense of Dawn City is still under the control of this On the Earl of Horatio, nothing more.

Fortunately, this honest-looking Earl is just as he looks, very happy with the arrival of Austas, and all the defense work in the city also comes to consult and negotiate with the Marquis Austas.

Earl Horatio's attitude made the Marquis Austas very useful, and the eyes of Earl Horatio began to become gentle. Austas liked the capable person, and Ostas liked the capable and obedient one. Tass loves it very much.

There are [-] defenders in Dawn City, and they forcibly blocked the [-] army of Duke Luo Kaide outside the city wall, and they were not allowed to advance. This was based on the fact that the difference in strength between the two sides was within a certain range. Your opponent will not give you a chance to breathe, and will rush to bite and devour you immediately.

The naked law of the jungle has always been practical.

Austas is worried. He has seen the power of Stanling's army in Dawn City. Such an elite army is no worse than some of their ace troops in the Aowei Kingdom. Tas's commanding ability is not enough to be beaten in a few days and can only break out to survive.

Although there is a large disparity in the strength of the two sides, it also shows the strength of the army led by Steinling from another aspect.

If Stanley also leads his army across the Rosgar River to the east bank of the Rosgar River, and joins the army of the Kingdom of Renault under Dawn City, then by then, relying on the strength of Dawn City, it will definitely not be able to fully defend , when the time comes, the consequences will be the destruction of the city and the death of the people!
Austas, who has experienced that kind of feeling once, is now terrified of that kind of suffering. If he evacuates from Dawn City now, the army of the Kingdom of Renault under the city will inevitably sweep up. Can't please.

Although there are two cavalry regiments with a total of 1 cavalry in the [-]-strong army, this situation cannot be changed, because what they are facing is not the scattered and disorderly lord's private soldiers, but a group of soldiers under strict military law. Renault Kingdom regular army.

The difference between the regular army and the lord's private soldiers can only be understood by those who have seen them. One is a professional soldier who has been trained on the battlefield for several years, and the other is a peasant soldier who has just put down his hoe and trained for a few months. The difference between the two can be imagined Know.

At that time, the armies of Stanley and Luo Kaide will be combined into one, and it will be the death of the Auwei soldiers in Dawn City.

The heavy pressure made Austas a little suffocated, and the peaceful chaos in front of him made him extremely uncomfortable, and it affected his whole body. Every decision he made now would determine the fate of the [-] hero Aowei soldiers. Fate, Austas had to be cautious.

The cost of breaking through is too high, and Austas will not choose this strategy until the last moment, but if there is a way, Austas will not choose this strategy, which will lead most of the elite soldiers into the abyss of death and complete a small army. The way some people survived.

If the kingdom can send a support army, it doesn't need much, as long as there is a division of troops, the chaos in front of us can be stabilized
Austas secretly resented, the noise within the kingdom was getting louder and louder, but not many people cared about the foreign war, it was really ridiculous, and they couldn't tell the priority.

Austas hated this phenomenon very much. He has never been able to understand that he is the prince of a country, why can't he rely on each other, expand the territory, and make the kingdom prosperous and prosperous. Isn't it good?
Wasting energy on the boring battle for the throne, Austas felt that they were still too selfish to let go of their thoughts.

In fact, some things are very simple to say, but when you really do it, you will find that there are actually many things that we can't predict, and we can't even make clear the decisions we made from the beginning.

Sometimes, it is a chain of interlocking arrangements prompted by fate, not because you are eager to keep your original intention and you will be able to fulfill your wish. This is just an unrealistic idea in an ideal state.

The throne, for those who are not likely to get him, can be open-minded and boring, but if it is really at your fingertips, this wish is likely to become a reality. At this time, what you do is worth thinking about.

(End of this chapter)

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