The rest of my life is only early summer

Chapter 764 Early Production

Chapter 764 Early Production
Mike nodded lightly, thoughtfully silent for a moment, and then opened his mouth: "Although this method is a bit risky, it is the only way to protect both mother and baby at the same time. Although it is more dangerous, it is also the only way." The only way is their only chance."

Hearing that there would be danger, Li Jinchen's pupils suddenly constricted, suppressing the uneasiness and fear in his heart, but he was eager to know the specific method: "How big is the danger factor? What exactly do we need to do?"

Mike didn't rush to answer him. After pondering for a while, he opened his mouth cautiously: "There will definitely be dangers, but if you insist on me telling you how high the danger factor is, or whether it will succeed in the end, I will No, and it’s hard to promise you anything, if I open my mouth to promise you anything, it would be irresponsible to you.”

"...The only thing I can tell you is that according to Mrs. Li's current situation, this is the only way we can think of, and it is also the only thing we can do. Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to do this in the end. .”

"...What I need to tell you now is that any operation has risks, and there is no [-]% guarantee that it will be successful, so you must think clearly before you make a decision and give me an answer."

"...This is what your patients and their families need to consider. Now let me tell you what we doctors need to do."

"...First of all, according to Mrs. Li's specific situation, I suggest that it is best for Mrs. Li to raise the baby in a quiet and comfortable environment, and spend the first seven months of pregnancy safely."

"...Why do we say it is the first seven months? Because we plan to operate on Mrs. Li after eight weeks of Mrs. Li's pregnancy No. 20, take out the fetus in Mrs. Li's womb, and separate the fetus from the mother's body."

"...In this way, it can prevent Mrs. Li from causing many other complications due to lack of physical strength and insufficient nutritional supply in the late pregnancy, or even causing the mother to bleed heavily during childbirth. In that case, adults and children are likely to suffer Can't keep it."

"...The second reason is that after we took out the baby, all the functions of Mrs. Li's body can only supply her own nutritional needs. In this way, there is no need to worry about her body being overwhelmed or the baby's malnutrition. Mrs. Li is back to health."

"...The risk has been minimized by doing this. While saving the mother as much as possible, the baby can also be kept, and the damage to the mother is minimized. The risks that Mrs. Li needs to bear are just like ordinary Like a caesarean section, there won't be too much pain, but, but..."

"...However, babies need to wait in the incubator until they are full-term before they can be like ordinary full-term babies. The baby's physique will be a little worse than that of ordinary babies, and the development will naturally not be better than that in the mother's womb."

"...but if you take care of your body in the later stage, and strengthen your exercise properly, you can develop very well, and you may even develop better than ordinary babies."

"...So, in the end, whether Mrs. Li wants to have an early caesarean section and let us take out the baby in advance, you need to make a decision after careful consideration and discussion. As a doctor, I can only give you the most professional medical advice and feasible solutions. Medical measures cannot influence your final decision."

(End of this chapter)

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