The rest of my life is only early summer

Chapter 685 You Should Know The Way, Right?

Chapter 685 You Should Know The Way, Right?

When the little girl said this, she couldn't help showing embarrassment and admiration on her face, and even the tone of her mouth contained a hint of admiration and admiration for Qiao Chuxia: "Of course, sister Xia will teach at school. We sing and play the cello for us. Sometimes brother Yu will borrow the piano from the principal, and sister Xia will play the piano for me. Not only that, sister Xia will also teach us to recognize a lot of words, we all like it very much Sister Xia."

Paused, as if he suddenly thought of something, his brows and eyes suddenly sank, and he said again in a muffled tone: "But I don't know what happened to Sister Xia recently, every time I went to find her, Brother Yu said that Xia My sister is sleepy, sleeping in the house, and told me not to wake her up. I don't know why sister Xia has become so lazy recently. She stays lazy in bed every day and can't get up. I want to play with her, but I don't have time. "

Has she already started a new life?
Has she forgotten everything about City A?Even forget him, forget everything about him and her.

Wipe out her past, his past and her past.

And him?But still standing where she left, staying at that moment, unable to leave for a long time, unable to let go, even after such a long time, still unable to accept the fact that she has left.

After all, from the beginning to the end, he was the only one who couldn't get out.

Thinking of this, Li Jinchen couldn't help but a bitter smile rose from the corner of his mouth, his heart suddenly felt empty, empty and lonely, as if something important was slowly flowing away from his palm.

But in just a second, he thought about it again, what kind of determination and hope did he have to come here, to this place with her and his dream.

How could it be possible that he didn't do anything, when nothing happened, he had already retreated, and persuaded him to choose to give up and quit?

Thinking of this, Li Jinchen immediately withdrew his thoughts, and said to the little girl, "Can I drive over here?"

The little girl nodded, "Yes, but I don't know how to drive, and I don't have a car."

Fuck!Why didn't you say you can drive sooner!
She didn't know to ask him if he had a car first?
Or does he look a lot like someone without a car?

Li Jinchen looked at the childish little girl very speechlessly, raised his chin at the off-road vehicle that he had booked in advance and rented from an intermediary company, and said in a bad tone: "You should know the way Right? Let's drive there."

After finishing speaking, it didn't matter whether the little girl wanted to follow him or not, or whether she heard his words clearly, she already walked towards the off-road vehicle parked not far away with her long legs.

It was only a ten-minute drive by Li Jinchen, and he soon found the small town that the little girl was talking about.

Li Jinchen parked the car, got out of the car with the little girl, turned around for a while on the narrow path, and walked for a certain distance before finally coming to a hut built by the sea.

The hut should have been built not long ago, and there are still some unused building materials next to the hut. The surroundings of the hut are full of colorful wild flowers, and there is a two-seater hanging chair in front of it. blue sea and blue sky.

There was only such a hut left on the whole beach, except for the rustling sound of the sea water beating against the shore, the surrounding area was completely quiet, without any annoying noise.

(End of this chapter)

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