The rest of my life is only early summer

Chapter 410 What Did My Wife Make a Mistake?

Chapter 410 What Did My Wife Make a Mistake?
Director Cai saw that Li Jinchen seemed to be ignorant of all this, his face lit up with uncontrollable pride and pleasure, as if Qiao Chuxia would be kicked out of school in the next second, he was so happy that his voice could not hear He became excited: "That's right, Er Shao Li, you don't know yet, right? Qiao Chuxia was sued by the Holy Dynasty Group for deliberately injuring others. If convicted, the maximum penalty can be sentenced to three years in prison. A student like her has Which school dares to ask for it?"

"We also gave her a chance. She didn't cherish it herself, and she couldn't blame others."

Li Jinchen flicked the cigarette ash with his slender fingers, extinguished the cigarette butt, and threw it into the trash can beside him. Feeling cold, cold from the heart: "Why don't I know when it's the turn of the employees of my company to come to the Holy Dynasty Group to intervene? Are you doubting my ability or looking down on MAX?"

After a pause, there was a touch of contempt and disdain in his voice, and he continued: "Also, before the court has officially sentenced, can you already convict and sentence anyone casually?"

After a pause, the topic changed, and he said, "Student like her? I don't quite understand what you mean, Director Cai. What kind of mistake did my wife make to make you force me to do it over and over again? Wife dropped out of school? Or is it that the school is now your director Cai's sole discretion, and you can expel whoever you like as you like, and let you do whatever you want?"

After the voice settled, the whole office fell into a mysterious dead silence, no one spoke first, and weird and dull factors spread in the air.

Director Cai was confused by Li Jinchen's words, and he didn't understand the meaning of Li Jinchen's words for a long time.

What does it mean that Qiao Chuxia is an employee of his company?Could it be that Qiao Chuxia is an employee of MAX Group?

That's not right, Qiao Chuxia obviously signed a contract with Shengchao Group, so how could he be an employee of MAX Group.

Also, why did he say his wife? Could it be that his wife is... Qiao, Chu, Xia? !
What exactly is going on?

Since it was his wife, why didn't she stand up and make it clear before?

Just as Director Cai was racking his brains to sort out what Li Jinchen said just now, a middle-aged man's panting voice suddenly sounded at the door of the office: "Li, Second Young Master Li, why are you here?"

The person who spoke was Principal Zeng. During a meeting with several other leaders of the school just now, he suddenly received a call from the secretary, saying that Li Jinchen had come to the school and went directly to the dean's office.

At first, Principal Zeng didn't understand why Li Jinchen came to the school suddenly, and he went directly to the dean's office. The school and MAX Group seemed to have no business relationship recently. After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure out why. .

Fortunately, before the secretary came, he discovered in time that MAX Group had updated its official Weibo half an hour ago, and for the first time publicly acknowledged the relationship between Li Jinchen and Qiao Chuxia.

Weibo content is:
[Explanation on the termination of the contract and the lawsuit between Miss Qiao Chuxia and the Holy Dynasty Group.

First of all, there have been rumors that the Holy Dynasty Group has terminated the contract with Qiao Chuxia recently, and MAX first explained and explained the contract termination issue.

First, the content of the contract signed by Miss Qiao Chuxia and the Holy Dynasty Group is for the cooperation agreement between Miss Qiao Chuxia and the Sun Ensemble...]

PS: I wish you all a happy May Day holiday, and don’t forget to follow the post and vote during the holiday, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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