Chapter 249
Her tears were like broken pearls, rolling down one after another, running down her cheeks, and finally dripping onto her dress.

Qiao Chuxia suddenly felt an urge to rely on him. She clearly knew that the man in front of her was the last person she could not rely on, and also the person she could not rely on.

She clearly knew that one step further would lead to landslides and an abyss, but she still couldn't control her own heart, and exposed the fragility and weakness hidden in the deepest part of her heart to him without reservation.

Qiao Chuxia's tears were like the gate of the water valve being unloaded, pouring out of her eyes like a tsunami. Because of the violent crying, even her shoulders began to tremble slightly, so that her speech became intermittent: "What should I do? ? Li Jinchen... I can't be fired, I didn't do anything wrong, why should I be fired?..."

"...I can't say that I have insulted the school's reputation just because of...the news on Weibo..."

Qiao Chuxia finally changed from sobbing softly to howling loudly, and burst into tears loudly.

Li Jinchen has never comforted others, and it is impossible to comfort others, so let alone comfort such a girl who has lost control and collapsed, looking helplessly at the crying Qiao Chuxia.

In the past, every time he saw a girl cry, he would only annoy him and hate him, but now Qiao Chuxia was crying without image, with snot and tears, heart-piercing Weeping loudly, but at this time there was no impatience or disgust in his heart.

What flashed in his eyes was more love and pity, and there was even an urge to hold her tightly in his arms, not wanting her to suffer any more grievances and injuries.

Qiao Chuxia seemed to be tired from crying, so she gradually stopped, raised her hand, and wiped away her tears indiscriminately, because her shoulders were still twitching because of crying, and continued to say: "I'm fine. ...but how do I explain it to my can they implicate Professor Zhao because of the incident on Weibo, the whole thing has nothing to do with can they treat him like this? "

Qiao Chuxia's entire speech was incoherent, without any logic at all, and coupled with incoherence, it was difficult to hear what she said.

But even so, Li Jinchen probably understood what happened to her.

Li Jinchen unhurriedly took out two pieces of paper from the tissue box and handed them to Qiao Chuxia.

I didn't know what to say to comfort her, so I didn't say anything, just pointed to the little face that was full of snot and tears, and said in an awkward tone: "Wipe it."

Qiao Chuxia seemed to hear a hint of disgust from the man's tone, took the tissue, looked suspiciously at Li Jinchen, then put down the vanity mirror in front of the passenger seat, moved her head forward, and was startled.

Oh my god!Who is this?

Why are you crying so ugly?
Qiao Chuxia's eyes were red and swollen, like two huge walnuts, her face was full of tears, her eyelashes were wet, and the tip of her nose was also red and swollen.

Qiao Chuxia suddenly regretted that she hadn't been able to control her emotions just now, letting herself go and letting herself cry in front of the person she liked.

When she cries, she can't imitate the No. [-] scheming girl in the TV series. She cries so much that I feel sorry for her, which makes people feel distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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