The rest of my life is only early summer

Chapter 1121 Their Little Beauty

Chapter 1121 Their Little Beauty (2)

After careful consideration, Qiao Chuxia decided to temporarily add another concert on the second day of the concert.

Qiao Chuxia waited until the entire concert was over, and it was also a month later that Qiao Chuxia finally had a rare vacation.

Li Jinchen planned to take advantage of this vacation to travel around the world with Qiao Chuxia, just to make up for her honeymoon.

But Qiao Chuxia was worried that Xiaomian would stay at home alone. She was worried, and she didn't let go, and agreed to Li Jinchen.

In the end, after repeated persuasion and reassurance by Xue Jingfu and Qiao Rulan, Qiao Chuxia finally let go and agreed to the plan to travel around the world with Li Jinchen.

Li Jinchen and Qiao Chuxia didn't make any strategies, they just booked the air tickets and set off, swimming wherever they thought, without thinking too much, they just followed their intuition and chose the route of traveling around the world.

By the time Qiao Chuxia and Li Jinchen completed their entire round-the-world travel, about seven or eight months had passed.

Little Mianmian was about to turn one year old, and Xue Jingfu began to organize a birthday party for Little Mianmian again.

Li Jinchen and Qiao Chuxia actually didn't want to make a fuss about Little Mianmian's first birthday party. First, they thought it was unnecessary, and second, Qiao Chuxia didn't want Little Mianmian to be exposed to others at such a young age.

Qiao Chuxia's original plan was to take Little Mianmian to Hainan for a few days on vacation, which was considered to be his birthday celebration.

But Qiao Chuxia saw that Xue Jingfu was already busy preparing for the birthday party, and Qiao Chuxia couldn't bear to stop her, so she had to put her previous plan back a little bit.

Little Cotton's birthday party was held as scheduled at the Grand Hyatt Hotel a month later, and it was no less grand than the wedding of Qiao Chuxia and Li Jinchen.

Almost all prominent people in the political and business circles in City A are on the guest list.

Before Qiao Chuxia didn't ask Xue Jingfu too much about the details of Little Mianhua's birthday party. When Qiao Chuxia was at Little Mianhua's birthday party, she watched as a group of powerful bigwigs from all walks of life appeared in her sight one after another. Qiao Chuxia was in a daze for a moment when he was in the school.

Who will tell her what her mother has done?
She clearly heard from her mother (Xue Jingfu) that it was just an ordinary party, so why are there so many big names that she can only see on TV now?

Can't her mother (Xue Jingfu) let Little Mianmian be a beautiful boy in peace?

But Qiao Chuxia also understands that since the matter has come to this point, she can only accept all this happily, and understands that this is all because Xue Jingfu loves Little Mianmian, so she will give everything to him like this.

He wants to give the whole world to Little Cotton, so that he has already appeared at the pinnacle of his life since he was born.

After Little Cotton's first birthday party, Qiao Chuxia flew to Hainan with her little milk bag for a long and leisurely vacation.

It's just that when Qiao Chuxia and Li Jinchen were just in the middle of their vacation, Qiao Chuxia was unwell, and because of the constant vomiting and nausea in the morning, Li Jinchen immediately ended the trip, arranged a special plane, and returned to city A in advance.

After Li Jinchen and Qiao Chuxia returned to City A, Xue Jingfu picked up Little Mianmian at the airport, and Li Jinchen didn't dare to delay for a moment, and took Qiao Chuxia directly to the hospital.

After Qiao Chuxia went through a series of examinations, she learned from the doctor that Qiao Chuxia was pregnant for more than two months.

(End of this chapter)

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