Chapter 1109 Highly Tensed
After repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, he stood up straight, closed the car door, went back to the driver's seat, started the car, lightly stepped on the accelerator, and slowly drove into the traffic flow.

This time was the slowest and most stable driving in Li Jinchen's history. The speed of the car basically did not exceed twenty yards. It was driving slowly, almost slower than the bus he was traveling with.

Originally, it only took 10-[-] minutes by car, but it was abruptly delayed by Li Jinchen for an hour before he finally parked the sports car at the entrance of the villa.

Li Jinchen stopped the car smoothly just a second ago, and Qiao Chuxia unbuckled his seat belt a second later, pushed open the door, and got out of the car.

Standing outside the car, with his head raised, he let out a long breath, trying to calm down the faint anger rising in his heart, then lifted his feet, walked into the garden in front of the villa, and strode into the villa with meteoric strides.

Qiao Chuxia couldn't bear Li Jinchen's overly nervous state.

Along the way, no matter what the road conditions were, Li Jinchen persisted in maintaining a speed of twenty yards per hour.

For a moment, Qiao Chuxia even wanted to drag Li Jinchen out of the driver's seat, and it would be more suitable for her to drive home by herself.
Since Qiao Chuxia became pregnant, Li Jinchen has been in a state of high tension.

He had to look over the three meals a day before letting Qiao Chuxia use his chopsticks.

No matter what Qiao Chuxia wanted to do, Li Jinchen would always put up his best efforts to eliminate all possible dangerous threats for Qiao Chuxia before letting Qiao Chuxia act.

Qiao Chuxia really couldn't bear it at first. Li Jinchen's neurotic state, it seemed that every disturbance would cause him to be highly nervous and panic.

However, I don't know if it's because of getting used to it or something else, Qiao Chuxia also took such meticulous care of Li Jinchen later on, and gradually got used to it, and even enjoyed it a little in the end.

Qiao Chuxia passed through the first trimester quickly and safely, and entered the second trimester smoothly.

When Qiao Chuxia went to the normal pregnancy test, all the normal indicators in the blood routine also returned to normal, and various physical functions also improved a lot.

Only then did Li Jinchen feel a little more at ease with Qiao Chuxia, and also appropriately relaxed the taboos set by Qiao Chuxia.

Sometimes when Qiao Chuxia is really greedy, she will always soft-heartedly let her eat a little of what she likes.

With the passage of time and the passage of time, Qiao Chuxia also reached the third trimester of pregnancy without incident, but she was pregnant with a baby who was eight or nine months old, and Qiao Chuxia's belly was only as big as other people's five or six months pregnant.

Li Jinchen once wondered whether the baby in Qiao Chuxia's womb was really developing well as the doctor said.

Otherwise, how could Qiao Chuxia be so unsympathetic?It is completely on the same level as others when they are about to give birth.

Or was it because Qiao Chuxia was too thin, and when she was about to give birth, she only weighed a hundred catties, so that the baby was also somewhat malnourished.

However, fortunately, Qiao Chuxia's inspection report up to the expected date of delivery has always been within the normal category.

In order to make the baby better and healthier, Qiao Chuxia decisively chose to give birth naturally. She also paid attention to diet control and moderate exercise throughout the pregnancy, and also checked many things that need to be paid attention to during normal delivery.

Two days before Qiao Chuxia's due date, there were signs that she was about to give birth. Li Jinchen asked his servant to prepare everything for Qiao Chuxia early in the morning, including the delivery kit for hospital admission.

(End of this chapter)

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