Chapter 379 Why?
In the tent of Marshal Li Ji, the Great Tang rehabilitated army, the warm tea was steaming, accompanied by a faint fragrance. Li Ji sat on the top seat and looked at Wei Chi who was sitting at the bottom with a strange expression.As for the person sitting below, his face was full of coyness and shame, his face was flushed, even the tips of his ears were red, he lowered his head, and said nothing.

"...Should I say you were lucky or unlucky?" Mr. Li Ji sighed, and gave Wei Chi a strange look.Wei Chi was very conscious, and took the initiative to say: "Overall, I'm lucky, the ending is slightly flawed, and it's within the tolerable range."

After hearing this, the old man showed a smile that was not a smile, and said: "It seems that I have reached a conclusion, and I see it quite openly, not bad, not bad."

Wei Chi smiled shyly, Li Ji couldn't hold back this smile any longer, he burst out laughing, the laughter was full of vigor, I'm afraid everyone outside the tent could hear it.Wei Jia could only rub his nose embarrassingly, well, he was laughed at again, so far, only one habit can comfort himself.Yes, the current situation is that after Wei Jia returned to the camp with Li Ji, Li Ji was concerned about his "injured" shoulder, Wei Jia was forced to confess, and the result of the confession was the above situation, Very frustrating.

After laughing for a while, Li Ji is not Cheng Zhijie's kind of rogue plus villain attributes, but Wei Jia stopped laughing after making a joke, stroked his beard and sighed: "I can save a life from a game that must die, but in the end I was just killed by bugs." A sting is considered a lucky brat."

Wei Chi smiled and said, "My nephew thought the same way. When I decided to take the gamble, there was only one sentence in my head, to kill the bold and starve the timid. Take a gamble, and if you make the right bet, you will live. Losing the bet won't make the situation worse, but fortunately, God bless, the bet won."

Li Jidao: "It's rare that Jiang Rui is a person who knows how to serve his family and country. Let you bet right and escape from Li Yuanchang's hands. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Wei Jia hurriedly nodded in agreement, and said: "Yes, after thinking about it, it's too dangerous. Uncle knows that my nephew can't drink, so it's too painful to get myself drunk on purpose. Fortunately, my nephew knows how to be drunk." The realm of understanding, otherwise I will explain."

Li Ji smiled and nodded, and said: "From what you said, Jiang Rui has some skills, but the guilt of kidnapping you is not so easy to expose."

The old man gritted his teeth when he said this.They are old, although Wei Jia is their nephew in name, but with Wei Jia's young appearance, if they hadn't been fighting outside all the year round, I am afraid that their grandsons would be older than Wei Jia.That guy Wei Chi is sensible, and the elders love him very much.Even His Majesty today, if Qin Shubao hadn't been ahead of him, he might have accepted Wei Chi as his adoptive son in the end.Such a caring boy, if he is wronged, he doesn't care about it, there will naturally be someone who helps him care about it, the loss is not for nothing.

Wei Jia hurriedly said: "Uncle, I promised them that I will keep me safe, and I will keep them safe. Uncle can't make me say nothing, right?"

Li Ji said: "Don't worry, they won't hurt their lives, just let them suffer a little bit, beat and beat, otherwise, once their origins and identities are exposed, how will they gain a foothold in the army! You have to do it thoroughly and let them They will always remember your kindness. In the future, even if the old ones of us are gone, there must be people who can talk to protect you little ones in the army. , and rest in peace.”

Wei Jia's heart warmed up, he bowed his head and bowed, expressing his gratitude silently. He really didn't know how to express his gratitude for the love the elders showed to them juniors.Whoever says the grass-inch heart will get three Chunhui.

Li Ji smiled slightly, and patted Wei Jia's intact right shoulder. In the four houses, there are brave children and grandchildren, people who know how to endure, and people who know the wisdom of officialdom. However, there are only people who can be as careful as Wei Jia. him one.As long as these little ones can unite in the future, know forbearance, and be able to hold back and not challenge, then it will not be difficult to survive smoothly.The older generation has reached the pinnacle of power, if the younger ones follow, no matter how open-minded His Majesty is today, it may not be the blessing of the family, and the tiger father and dog son are sometimes a means of self-protection.

Wei Chi sighed: "The ancients said it well, good fortune is where misfortune lies, and misfortune is where blessings rest. I thought I was out of danger, but in the end, I became the object of the Qing emperor and the court. It's a big deal." Blame! Hou Junji used this excuse because he didn’t know why Li Yuanchang wanted to tie me up. Logically speaking, if he was also on the side of the Qing emperor and Su’s court, it seemed like a mistake to tie me up in advance. He should arrest me after the matter is over. Go out and behead your head as a public display... Ouch!"

Wei Chi muttered there with his chin in his hands. Before he could finish speaking, he was hit on the head by Li Ji. He could only hold his head and look at Li Ji innocently.Li Ji looked like he hated iron for being weak, and scolded: "Idiot! Stupid boy!"

Wei Chi met Li Ji's reproachful eyes very innocently, and bowed respectfully to salute: "Please give me some advice, my nephew has been unable to figure it out."

Li Jidao: "Hou Junji, needless to say, this person has always been arrogant, arrogant and self-reliant, and he is very happy, but it is too early to follow His Majesty. His Majesty thought of his friendship with him, and asked Li Yaoshi to teach him a few tactics. , otherwise, with that girl's ability, can you win the battle? Isn't that nonsense!"

Wei Chi nodded, now he understands why the Hou Junji mentioned in the old Tang book feels a little different from the Hou Junji who has repeatedly made military exploits, and the feeling is "processed" the day after tomorrow.Li Jidao: "The excuse Hou Junji made this time is his strategy. This move is equivalent to slapping His Majesty in the face. You are a person promoted by His Majesty himself. When he said that, he was talking about His Majesty. If you have a bad vision, it is a bad idea! However, it will be a great disadvantage to you, and your reputation will be over after this battle!"

Having said that, Li Ji sighed, feeling sorry for Wei Chi.Wei Jia smiled, and said: "It's over, it's over. I just hope to be a doctor and a petty official in peace, and I don't expect to be successful. I also hope that because of this incident, Your Majesty will Give away my title. These days, it is always right to be low-key. Anyway, I have a few uncles who support me. After this, there are very few people who can bully me. Besides, Your Majesty will not I will leave me alone, if my reputation is damaged because of this time, His Majesty will still think about me in his heart."

Li Ji said with a smile: "You really have a good plan, yes, sometimes, to lose is to take advantage. It's good that you can figure this out at a young age, I'm afraid you can't bear it."

Wei Chi said: "Hou Junji, my nephew really never put him in his eyes. This person can't make a big deal. But Li Yuanchang, I was puzzled. I couldn't figure it out. Why did he want to tie me up?" What? I can’t understand this problem, I’m really unconvinced, I can’t eat or sleep happily.”

Li Ji frowned, and with a pensive expression on his face, he said: "Li Yuanchang has always been famous for his talent, and was praised by a group of literati as a master of both calligraphy and painting. When the late emperor was around, he loved him very much, and His Majesty also praised him. However, his mother and concubine did not come from a good background, she was just a concubine in the late emperor's palace. At that time, Empress Taimu died young and entrusted a group of children to Concubine Wan Gui, who was the head of the harem after the death of Empress Taimu However, the young and beautiful Concubine Yin De and Zhang Meiren were the most favored by the late Emperor. It was not Concubine Wan Gui who could really talk to the late Emperor, but Concubine Yin De and Zhang Meiren. The real talker in the harem."

Wei Jia was confused, and didn't understand what this had to do with Li Yuanchang, and why Li Ji wanted to tell him.Li Ji did not explain, but went on to say: "Back then, Your Majesty was away from the palace all the year round, and he was not in touch with the late emperor and his son. Compared with Xi Wang Jiancheng, although his military exploits were outstanding, but in front of the late emperor, he made great achievements. At that time, Zhang Meiren once asked His Majesty, but was rejected by His Majesty, but Jian Jiancheng took the opportunity to please Zhang Yin and Zhang Yin, and often gave them gold, silver and jewelry, and also gave benefits to the second concubine's family. , the second concubine received the benefits, and often said good things about King Xi and bad things about His Majesty in the ears of the late Emperor, which made the late Emperor's impression of His Majesty worse and worse. Li Yuanchang's mother Sun Concubine accepted the benefits of King Xi. In the entire harem, except for Concubine Wan Gui, everyone is speaking ill of His Majesty. If the Empress Changsun had not always adhered to the way of daughter-in-law and always made up for the father-son relationship between His Majesty and the late Emperor, I am afraid that His Majesty's situation would have been even worse back then."

Wei Jia now understands that Li Yuanchang's mother once said bad things about His Majesty Li Er behind his back, but how did Li Ji know these secrets? !

Li Ji saw Wei Chi's doubts, and said with a smile: "This is not a secret. All the old people in the Qin Palace knew that the grievances His Majesty suffered back then were far more than these."

Wei Chi nodded, showing some sympathy for His Majesty Li Er.His Majesty Li Er was not the only one who worked so hard to fight outside, although it was also for his own ambition. His Majesty Li Er was not the only one who enjoyed the results of the battle. It was the late Emperor Li Yuan who was the emperor at that time.It's fine if you don't understand his hard work, and let others say bad things about him and slander him, no one will be happy.Besides the situation at that time, everyone didn't want to see Li Er, I'm afraid that Empress Changsun and His Majesty Li Er's wives, concubines and children in Chang'an would have a hard time.And women are narrow-minded and vicious, even ghosts would be ashamed of themselves, especially the women in the harem. Wei Chi secretly guessed that during the years when His Majesty Li Er was fighting outside, his wives, concubines, and children were in the palace. Life was not easy. After all, the second concubine Zhang Yin was in charge of the harem at that time. Those two women did not like His Majesty Li Er. Being kind to Empress Changsun, she probably suffered a lot of grievances.

If a man is wronged by his wife and children, is he still a man if he doesn't come out?However, in terms of etiquette, those two women are his father's daughter-in-law. What can His Majesty Li Er do? It's not that he can't do anything but endure it.

Wei Chi shook his head thinking about it, being a royal is too scary.Looking at His Majesty Li Er's attitude towards the youngest sons of the first emperor, there are not many awards and rewards, and they are treated equally. With such a mind, Wei Jia can't do it if he asks himself very honestly.Looking at what His Majesty Li Er is doing now, I'm afraid that all the resentment has been pushed to the head of the late Emperor. Up to now, when His Majesty Li Er mentioned the late Emperor, he is still not very happy, and he probably still has thoughts in his heart.

Wei Jia remembered the real history. After the death of Empress Changsun, His Majesty Taizong often missed him, so he built a platform in the palace to look at Zhaoling where Empress Changsun was buried when he was missing.Seeing this, Wei Zheng told His Majesty Taizong that he thought His Majesty Taizong was looking at the tomb of the late emperor.From this, it can be seen how unhappy Li Shimin is with his father Li Yuan, even the courtiers can see it.

However, thinking about it this way, I can also get a glimpse of Li Yuanchang's thoughts.Li Yuanchang's old lady once said bad things about His Majesty Li Er.It is said that after His Majesty Li Er came to power, both Zhang Yin and Zhang Yin were not taken care of by His Majesty Li Er because they were under the protection of the late emperor. Li Yuanchang's mother was just a small concubine, so it is estimated that he was anxious at that time. More or less affected Li Yuanchang.Recalling the scene when Li Yuanchang faced His Majesty Li Er again, it is estimated that when he faced His Majesty Li Er, he felt guilty in his heart, behaved cautiously, and did not dare to make mistakes.However, since he was afraid of His Majesty Li Er, why did he dare to approach His Majesty Li Er's children? Thinking about it carefully, the people who have good friends with Li Yuanchang seem to be the queen's sons. Tai, Li Zhi, and Li Yuanchang had good friends with Chengqian and Li Zhi, and they fell in love with each other at once. Is this a coincidence or something else?

I remembered what Jiang Rui once said that people sometimes go crazy because of fear, and make some behaviors and decisions that they would never do in normal times, and I also thought that Li Yuanchang seemed to have been reprimanded several times by His Majesty Li Er recently.In terms of psychology, Li Yuanchang's childhood experience made Li Yuanchang extremely afraid of His Majesty Li Er, and being reprimanded so frequently by His Majesty Li Er aroused a shadow in his heart, so he became crazy and prepared to rebel, which is not unreasonable.However, what does this have to do with kidnapping him, Wei Chi? !

"Ah! The more I think about it, the more I don't understand. The evidence is insufficient. It would be great if I could know more. Is Li Yuanchang a lunatic? A mental patient?!"

Wei Chi scratched his head in worry.Li Ji said: "It's okay, things will come to light one day. In today's world, no matter who rebels, they can't make waves. After Li Yuanchang is arrested, the ending will be the same. Let's find another chance at that time."

Wei Chi said helplessly: "I can only talk about it when the time comes. I just don't understand why you have to tie me up. It doesn't make sense, no matter how you think about it, it doesn't make sense."

The two talked for a while, and the military doctor came, saying that he had brought Wei Jia a special medicine to treat insect stings.Those who march and fight all the year round are all in the wild, and minor injuries such as caterpillar stings are too common. There are plasters specially used for such injuries in the barracks, which are much more effective than Wei Chi's cooling oil.

While watching the military doctor treat his wound, Wei Chi sighed, who said that the ancients had no good medicine, but they disappeared in the long river of history because of the passage of time, don't underestimate the ancients!
(End of this chapter)

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