Chapter 371
Hanwang Li Yuanchang took the lead? !

Xie Jiu's brows became tighter and tighter. That person has no friendly relationship with Weifu. Could it be that he conspired to kidnap Wei Jia?Li Yuanchang did have the strength to plan careful actions, but there was no reason!No matter what happens, there needs to be a reason. For an insignificant little doctor like Wei Jia, do you need to take such a big risk?Has the grievance between him and Wei Jia, and his hatred for Wei Jia reached such a point?
Of course, another person, Qi Wang Li You, is also suspected. This person is ignorant and reckless. He even dared to moles Xie Jiu in the palace. Such a crazy guy is more like a guy who will do crazy things.So, could it be Qi Wangyou?

As for Li Min, the King of Shu, Xie Jiu ruled out this possibility. The King of Shu is a fool, but he respects his mother and elder brother very much. With the wisdom of Li Ke, the King of Wu, and the low-keyness of Concubine Yang, he must have been seriously warned. Yin never troubled Wei Jia, and obviously planned to expose it.

Xie Jiu thought for a while, but couldn't think of a reason, rubbed his eyebrows and sighed, his strengths were not here, the suspect's arguments were not enough, and he didn't know enough about the suspect.With a faint sigh in his heart, Xie Jiu seemed to suddenly realize, with a sad expression on his face, and lamented: "My wife understands, and my wife will definitely follow His Majesty's will. The priority, my wife understands in her heart, and she has no complaints."

His Majesty Li Er seemed to have looked at Xie Jiu very strangely, and then looked at Empress Changsun. His Majesty Li Er said: "I just said that I will not leave Wei Chi alone, right? When will my words not count?" ?”

Xie Jiu seemed to be taken aback, staring blankly at His Majesty Li Er, not knowing what to say for a moment.Empress Changsun smiled slightly and walked over, grabbed Xie Jiu's hand and patted it, saying: "Mrs. Wei, looking for Ziyue is not contradictory to suppressing the rebellion."

Xie Jiu was startled, and regardless of whether she was rude or offensive, she held Empress Changsun's limp hand and asked in surprise, "What does your empress mean?"

Empress Changsun nodded seriously, and looked at His Majesty Li Er. His Majesty Li Er said, "I already know who kidnapped Wei Jia. Hmph, someone has a big conspiracy in their hearts, and I can't wait!"

His Majesty Li Er didn't say who it was, and Xie Jiu couldn't ask further, but with the definite news, he did feel a little more relaxed.After resigning, Xie Jiu said she was going back to her room to rest, but she didn't fall asleep. She lay there in a daze for a while, but dreamed that Wei Jia was being carried back covered in blood. She cried and rushed over to replace Wei Jia. He was treating the wound, but only touched the warm blood. No matter how hard she looked, she couldn't find where the wound was. She was so anxious that tears kept streaming down her cheeks. She was so anxious that she woke up suddenly.

Woke up with a violent panting, and subconsciously raised his hand to see that his hand was wet and hot, but it was not Wei Jia's blood, and Wei Jia had not seen him back, and he was still in the room of the post station, with his hand covered. It was Qiqi's urine that was stained——Qiqi wet the bed!

This situation made Xie Jiu's gloomy mood feel better, and a loving smile appeared on the corner of his lips. He lowered his head and kissed his daughter's little face, then picked up her daughter and began to change her clothes and bedding.For the two siblings, Linlin already knows how to call someone when he needs to pee or poop, but Qiqi is not very good at it, and sometimes he still spills on his pants, and wetting the bed at night is a daily necessity.Wei Jia said, this is normal, every child is different, some children will still wet the bed when they are six or seven years old, we will wait until they are older to see the situation.

Thinking of the child's father, Xie Jiu's heart softened. The dream just now was the worst situation, and there should be nothing worse than this. Thinking about it this way, his heart became firmer, Wei Jia will definitely come back safely.

After tidying up Qiqi and coaxing her to sleep again, Xie Jiu didn’t fall asleep again until it was light and the team was about to leave for Beijing. At this time, all the people who went out to chase came back, and the tiger waited for Xie Jiu. When I got up, I came to see Xie Jiu and told her about the pursuit.

Dumb and the guards searched for traces and chased them out for a day's journey. It is certain that they took the waterway, and the waterway could not continue to pursue, so Dumb and others had to turn back.If you go by water, His Majesty Li Er has sent someone to issue an urgent edict, ordering the states and counties along the way to strictly check the passing ships, and must rescue Wei Jia.But this is not the surprise of the chase this time. Another surprise of the chase this time is that Dumb caught three people, and these three people belonged to two parties.

Du Hu interrogated the captives, one was from the capital, and the other two were helping to cover the kidnapper who had kidnapped Wei Chi and retreated.Their identities, one belonged to Niu Jinda, and the other two belonged to Han Palace.

Xie Jiu hurriedly asked: "So, the one who kidnapped Master is the King of Han?"

Dahu said: "Yes, it belongs to the King of Han's mansion. It is said that Jiang Rui, a subordinate of the King of Han, presided over and planned this matter. They started planning more than a month ago. The master will be tied back alive!"

Xie Jiu sat down and said: "So, the master will not be in danger for the time being, Dahu, how many days is the journey from here to Hanwang's mansion?"

Dahu said: "I have asked the guards. It will take about five days by water, and two days by land, a total of seven days. Ma'am, please let me lead someone to continue chasing them out. We will also go by water and quietly sneak into the King of Han's mansion to rescue him." master."

Just as Xie Jiu was about to agree, she remembered the urgent secret report that His Majesty Li Er had shown her, and shook her head again, saying, "No, at this time, I can't bring a large group of people over there, it's too conspicuous."


Xie Jiu waved his hands, pondered for a while, his face showed determination, and said: "Dahu, you are too famous. It is obvious that the king of Han plotted to guard the mansion for a long time. If you are allowed to go, it will be unsafe and easy to be exposed. Choose a few faces from the guards again. Let them hurry over and pay attention to the situation, in a few days, the territory of the King of Han will be in chaos, and at that time, we will take advantage of the chaos to rescue the master, otherwise, we have no chance of winning."

Dahu wanted to say more, but Xie Jiu firmly refused, so he agreed with a sullen head, and went out to pick someone out.Xie Jiu also followed.This time, the guards who followed were all loyal and tried and tested loyal guards. Except for Duo, the rest were assigned by Mr. Cheng Zhijie, and they were absolutely reliable in skill and loyalty.

Du Hu hangs out with them every day, knowing each other's skills and temperament, the people he chooses are very suitable, and the appearance and the like are also the kind that can't be found in the crowd, no matter how ordinary or ordinary , it looks like a brave person, it is not within the scope of consideration.Weifu brought a total of ten guards over, and Xie Jiu picked five of them.

Seeing that no one was there, Xie Jiu looked solemn, bowed down and gave a blessing, and the five people were startled, and hurriedly stepped aside, saying repeatedly: "Madam is such a great gift, I dare not accept it!"

Xie Jiu said: "I know that everyone has parents and wives and children. Now I feel uneasy about letting you take risks for the sake of the master, but I am just a weak woman, and I am really powerless to save the husband. I can only ask everyone, we Jiawei Chi relies on five people, and the five people will definitely accept this gift. I hope that the five people can come back with the master, if... your wives, children, old and young, as long as they have my Weifu for a day, they will be able to keep them fed and clothed Warm, rich and healthy."

The leading guard, Cheng Jianxin, said: "Ma'am, you are serious. This is what we should do. Old General Cheng sent us to the Wei Mansion to protect your lord's safety. Now that something happened to Mr. Wei, we have no face to face the expedition. Old General Cheng, Madam, please rest assured, we will be able to bring the master back! Madam, take care, I will take my leave, brothers, let's go!"

The five of them left the station in casual clothes.Xie Jiu looked at the backs of the five people leaving. For some reason, tears fell, and he clutched the collar of his chest tightly, praying silently, Wei Jia, you must come back with them.

Xie Jiu wiped away tears and bit his lower lip. Although his face was pale, he still said firmly: "Pack up your things and return to Beijing with Your Majesty!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Everyone in the Wei Mansion obeyed Xie Jiu's order, packed their luggage, and returned to Beijing with His Majesty Li Er.As for His Majesty Li Er, from last night to today, people kept coming in and out, and fast horses galloped out all the time, all at the fastest speed. The power of the entire Tang Empire did not come into operation until this moment. .Li Shimin, the eternal emperor capable of conquering and fighting, seems to have been forgotten by some people. They seem to think that he is dying, but they forget that even a sleeping lion is still a lion.When the emperor was angry, blood flowed for thousands of miles.

"Strange, why do you feel that there are so many fewer people today! are you going to do?"

After drinking the hangover soup, Wei Chi poured down a large glass of water. After reflecting on the harm of drunkenness again, he wanted to take a bath to sober up, but after shouting for a long time, no one brought the water, so he began to wonder if it was alcohol. The world really changed after getting drunk all night, didn't he let him pretend to be a dude from Han Palace?It should be normal for a dude to take a bath, right? It's not that the treatment is so bad that they are not even allowed to take a bath.

Muttering for a while, but no one brought bath water, Wei Chi had to get up with his heavy and painful head to ask for hot water to take a bath. Well, if it doesn’t work, cold water is not against it. Of course, if If you can add another bowl of ginger soup, let him jump into the river to wash it, but the prerequisite is that someone will watch over him. His swimming skills are really not very reliable.

Walking out of the cabin all the way to the deck, I saw a group of soldiers tied up and tied together. Standing beside Jiang Rui with a knife was a group of people. From time to time, some people were tied up and sent over. If Wei Jia remembered correctly, they were tied up. The people here are all from Hanwang's side, that is to say, Jiang Rui and the others are having internal strife.

Hearing Wei Jia's voice, Jiang Rui turned to look at him, his eyes were flushed red, sharp and deep, as if he was ready to go, and he would rush to bite off the enemy's neck whenever he had the chance.

Seeing such gazes, Wei Zhi couldn't help touching his neck. Jiang Rui's eyes reminded him of the story his grandfather told him about hunting in the mountains when he was a child. It is said that the eyes of wolves are also like this.Although I don't know whether what grandpa said is bragging or true, but such eyes are really uncomfortable.

Wei Zhi touched his neck, wiped his face, and said with a dry smile: "Uh... well, I just woke up from drunk, a little thirsty, and a little uncomfortable, so I came out for a walk, well, I'm bothering you, go on, just pretend it's nothing See me, I'll go back to sleep."

"Master Wei!"

As soon as Wei Jia took a few steps, Jiang Rui called out to stop him, and then heard the sound of "bang bang" back and forth. Wei Jia looked back, but it was Jiang Rui who suddenly knelt down on the deck, and his brother behind him They also knelt down.Wei Chi was stunned: "General Jiang, what are you guys...kneeling me for? You don't need to kneel me. If there are officials coming to investigate along the way, I will obediently cooperate. I also want to save my life, right? Hehe... "

There was another burst of meaningless dry laughter, I had never encountered such a situation before.A detailed count of Wei Zhi's life experience up to now, except for the strangeness of time travel, the experience is similar to that of ordinary people. Who would have the experience of being kidnapped by ordinary people, there is no experience to refer to, so he can only think about it by himself, and then Do it stuffedly, and don't dare to think about the consequences, I'm afraid that if you think too much, you won't dare to do it. Isn't the saying that the bold are exhausted, and the timid are starved to death!
Jiang Rui lowered his head and clasped his fists in salute, and said in a solemn voice: "Master Wei, the general is an orphan. His father was just a down-and-out Confucian scholar in the late Sui Dynasty. Weiguo is filial to his parents. My late father left early, so I didn’t have the opportunity to be filial to his old man, so I joined the army, hoping to fulfill my father’s last wish of being loyal to the emperor and defending the country. The last general once thought that this was the King of Han’s appreciation of his talent and gave the young general a chance to show off his ambitions. Even the late general was sometimes confused, following Hanwang’s order to help him kidnap Lord Wei was the ambition that the young general wanted. I wanted an opportunity, but thinking of the kindness of the King of Han, the last general was willing to do it, and came with a group of brothers."

Wei Chi obviously hasn't figured out the situation, he doesn't know which drama he is acting in, or his reputation of being good at listening to other people's worries has spread all over the world, even the kidnappers who kidnapped him came to confide in him, I still said on my knees, the Emei tofu who sells cakes, this world is too exciting, although he is an outsider and doesn't know the local situation, but don't play with him like this!It's not that we don't understand, it's that the world is changing fast!Who will solve Wei Chi's doubts?!
Advertisement time, fans of the history of the Three Kingdoms, I would like to recommend the latest popular book on the Three Kingdoms. The title of the book is "The Secret of the Three Kingdoms", ISBN: 1115743.Those who like the history of the Three Kingdoms can go and see it!
PS: It seems that I eat spicy food, and I have some diarrhea!Khan, it's too late to check the typo!shame. . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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