Datang Imperial Physician

Chapter 321 The So-Called Protagonist Mode

Chapter 321 The So-Called Protagonist Mode
What is the process of casting the legendary curse of death?Thinking of this question, Wei Jia must be a little bit ready to move. This guy has always felt that the best thing about being a time traveler is not because he can predict the trajectory of history, nor is he able to understand more advanced knowledge, but to be able to personally participate in historical events. .

Compared with Wei Jia's excitement, Xie Jiu looked calmer, with a slight smile on his lips, and soft eyes watching a certain guy with a frightened face, and went into the palace with him.When he arrived in the palace, a group of important officials were already present. Fu Yi's face was flushed, pretending to be serious, and he talked with all the officials in the palace, saying nothing more than that the so-called death curse technique was fake.Just as he was talking, seeing the young couple from Wei's mansion come in, they actually pulled Wei Jia into a strong momentum: "...Master Wei and his wife are well-informed, and the two of them and the old man also share the same opinion. The so-called death curse technique is all fake. , It’s just a way to confuse people, and it’s just a kind of medical method, isn’t it? Lord Wei.”

Wei Jia and Xie Jiu looked at each other, Wei Jia's eyes were full of helplessness, Xie Jiu's eyes were full of smiles, and he gently pushed Wei Jia's arm, Wei Jia could only hold a seemingly bright smile, and replied: "It's true. As Mr. Fu said, the so-called death curse technique is probably just the use of a medical method called hypnotism. It is just because it has a strong color of religious mysticism, so it is said to be magical and unpredictable. It is the use of a technique. People often hold a kind of fear for things they don’t understand or can’t explain clearly. Things that are originally simple are magnified again and again because of people’s fear, and finally they themselves are alive. Scared to death."

Wei Jia went to his seat and sat down, Xie Jiu sat next to him in a gentle and quiet posture.After Wei Jia sat down, he simply followed Fu Yi's words and pulled away. It would be better to do a psychological training for everyone in the hall first, so as not to be affected when Mahdi performed the spell later.

"His Majesty is here!"

After talking for a while, His Majesty Li Er arrived, and all the officials knelt down to greet him.Wei Chi took a peek and saw that Empress Changsun came with all the concubines in the harem. The prince Chengqian, Li Zhi, Li Zhen, and Li Shen followed behind and filed in. There were not many princesses, all of whom were adults. , a little loli like Sizi was not brought.

After everyone finished their ceremony and took their seats, His Majesty Li Er gave a brief signal to the little Eunuch Huang who was next to him, and the little Eunuch Huang immediately understood, and shouted the decree: "Master Mahathir, the mantra, will meet you."

That Mahdi had been waiting outside the hall, and he came in when he heard Xuan.The demeanor is serene and calm, the sharpness is hidden between the eyes opening and closing, but the face is peaceful, and he salutes: "The poor monk Mahababa sees His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, and wishes His Majesty a long life and boundless life."

His Majesty Li Er said: "Pingshen. I have heard a lot of miraculous anecdotes about the mage recently. I don't know where the mage came from? What country is he from?"

Mahdi saluted, and replied in a low voice and respect: "Your Majesty, the poor monk is a monk. Since he has no family, how can he come to the country?"

All the ministers looked at Mahdi, the old man Fu Yi sneered, His Majesty Li Er remained calm, and said: "Master is so high-level, which is admirable. I don't know why the master came to Tang Dynasty?"

Mahathir said humbly: "Your Majesty, all the countries in the Western Regions say that there is a powerful Tang Dynasty in the East. The monarch is wise and the subjects are diligent and kind. My disciples, we should carry forward the Buddhadharma, so that good men and believers in the Tang Dynasty can achieve true results."

His Majesty Li Er said again: "Don't you and other Buddhists preach the abstinence from killing? Why does the mage possess the art of cursing death? What's the explanation?"

Mahdi did not look flustered, and continued to speak calmly: "Your Majesty, there are good men and women in the world, and there are also demons who disrespect my Buddha, do all kinds of evil, create boundless karma, and refuse to convert to my Buddha. Compassionate means cannot be converted. It is also necessary to show my means of thunder and thunder, that punishing evil is promoting good."

His Majesty Li Er nodded and continued to ask questions.Wei Chi said quietly to Xie Jiu: "It's like a high-ranking monk. Sure enough, a magic stick is called a magic stick if you can't see it from the outside."

As he said that, he looked towards Li Chunfeng in the crowd with pointed eyes, and said, the matter of naming the Qilin twins is still vivid in his memory, and the experience is always hard to forget.

After inquiring about Mahdi's details, His Majesty Li Er said: "According to the master, this death curse technique is the thunderbolt method of Buddhism, which is used to deter all evil?"

Mahathir said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, that's exactly the case. Before ancient times, my Buddha Sakyamuni used this method to repel all evils many times, so that the Dharma can be promoted in the world. The master who preached the poor monk also relied on this method. Dharma, punish those who destroyed my Buddha's golden body and demolished my mountain gate, and repelled the rest of my followers, so as to maintain the majesty of my Buddha in the world. A few days ago, on the way to Chang'an, the poor monk encountered robbers, such robbers burned, killed and looted , Do all kinds of evil. The poor monk used Buddhist compassionate means to no avail, so he had no choice but to cast the death curse spell to show the power of the Buddhist thunderbolt. Remove the death curse spell of the chief evil thief and bring him back to life. After experiencing life and death, the chief evil also repents and is willing to do good. He vows to follow the poor monk and listen to the wonderful truth of Buddhism in order to correct the fruit."

Mahdi talked eloquently, and what he said was nothing more than the glorious history of the death curse.Xie Jiu tugged on La Weizhi's sleeve, and said in a low voice: "He started to do psychological training, taking the opportunity to exert influence on everyone."

Wei Jia nodded, and was about to speak when a man dressed as a military officer in the palace with an honest appearance saluted and said, "I would like to report to your Majesty, Master Mahdi said so, the bandit leader must follow him, why don't you announce that?" People come up and think it is evidence?"

Wei Jia cursed the idiot in his heart, and gave him a blank look. He knew this person and had collected his calligraphy. He was also a famous historical figure named Zhang Liang.His Majesty Li Er seemed a little moved, and was about to agree, Wei Jia said quickly: "Hold on, Your Majesty, I have something to say."

"Come on."

"Yes. Your Majesty, the purpose of announcing the audience of Master Mahdi today is to invite the Master to demonstrate the art of cursing death. Since the Master just said it with certainty, there is no need to announce whether the bandit is not a bandit? Please, Your Majesty Please ask Master Mahdi to show his miraculous death curse, so as to set the record straight.”

His Majesty Li Er heard the words, remembered what Wei Jia said yesterday, understood his intentions, nodded and said: "Ziyue's words are reasonable, so, Master Mehadi, please show yourself to me and all my ministers." That miraculous curse-death technique, let me wait and see the method of the Buddhist thunderbolt."

Seeing that he couldn't evade it, Mahdi simply said: "Observe the order. Your Majesty, who is willing to let the poor monk cast a curse?"

As he said that, the slightly drooping eyelids opened, and his gaze swept sharply at everyone in the hall, not to mention, it was a bit powerful.Wei Jia murmured in a low voice: "It seems that the magic stick is also good at exerting psychological pressure on people."

Xie Jiu pursed his lips and smiled, and pulled Wei Jia to signal him to be serious.Wei Jia laughed silently in his heart, imitating Xie Jiu, pretending to be serious.Here, His Majesty Li Er said with a smile: "My old minister Fu Yi has always told me that the so-called curse of death is nonsense. It is rare that there is an eminent monk today. If you are willing to cast spells, the mage will cast a curse on him, and let that stubborn old man experience the Buddhist method of thunderbolt."

Fu Yi stood up, gave Mahdi a cold look, bowed and saluted, and said loudly: "Thank you for your compliment, I'm just arguing with reason, this is what I should do." After finishing speaking, he turned to Mahdi , sneered: "Master Mahdi, we meet again, please let the mage show his magic skills. I am confident in life and death. Your Majesty and everyone in the Tang Dynasty will never trouble the mage because of this."

Mahathir looked at Fu Yi carefully, and suddenly said softly: "Master Fu Yi, you have repeatedly asked the poor monk to cast spells on you, but the poor monk has repeatedly declined, do you know why?"

Fu Yi proudly said: "This old man knows. It's because this old man has never believed in any miracles of Buddhism, and he doesn't believe in the existence of a so-called Buddha in this world. Moreover, this old man is born with perseverance. That is to say, as my king said, this old man is a stubborn old man!"

Mahdi shook his head and smiled lightly after hearing this: "That's not the case. Mr. Fu, the reason why the poor monk has repeatedly refused is not only because Mr. Fu Yi is upright and has no serious consequences. He is based on the compassion of Buddhism. In my heart, Mr. Fu Yi should not be given the curse of death. This is one. Second, Mr. Fu Yi is old and frail, and his soul is already old. He is very fragile and may not be able to withstand life and death. The torment of death cannot last until the poor monk performs the resurrection technique. Therefore, the poor monk suggested that it is better to replace a young and strong person. The poor monk heard a few days ago that Master Chiwei, the wine sacrifice guard of your country's medical school, He is a person who has returned from overseas via the Western Regions, and has a lot of experience, so how about inviting him here?"

This proposal shocked everyone. Wei Chi was taken aback, put his hand on his forehead and sighed: "Could this be the legendary protagonist mode? Don't provoke me, I will come to you by myself. Being the protagonist is really meow." easy."

Wei Jia sighed here, but Xie Jiu stared at Mahdi with cold eyes, and turned back to comfort Wei Jia: "Don't worry, there is a more powerful protagonist mode. The protagonist will never die, right?"

Wei Chihan, if it weren't for the fact that there are too many people now and it's not easy to hide, I really want to go over and kiss his lovely Mr. Tai Zuo, and fully express my wishes with my eyes, which arouses the coquettish and coquettish white eyes of the leading comrades After the big one, Wei Jia stood up and said with a smile: "I am Wei Jia, Master Mahdi, right? It's done, I have no problem asking me to test the death curse technique."


"Wei Xiaosi!"

As soon as Wei Jia finished speaking, Li Ji, Cheng Zhijie, and Yu Chigong jumped up, Cheng Zhijie even jumped over, and his head fell directly on Wei Jia's head, scolding: "Your father didn't come, the three of us are still here!" Here, when will it be your turn to be brave! Then who is Mahdi, if you want to find Wei Xiaosi, first ask my old Cheng's big axe if he agrees!"

After all, his angry eyes widened, glaring at him with murderous intent, his fingers creaked, like a legendary god of killing.Mahdi probably had never seen such a rogue and confident guy before, his face turned pale.Wei Jia was also snarled with ringing ears, his heart was hot, and he secretly calculated in his heart that if Old Man Cheng bullied him again in the future, he would not only become steel with all his patience, he would definitely bear it with all his strength, and stop fooling others.

Fu Yi saw the opportunity and said: "Master Mahdi, this Master Cheng Zhijie, is a famous general in our Tang Dynasty. He led his army to kill countless enemies. The bones of the enemies killed by himself can be piled from Chang'an to Tuyuhun. Master Wei He is one of his most beloved nephews, if something goes wrong, maybe the mage can bear it?"

There is no doubt that the meaning of threat is obvious in the language. Cheng Zhijie grinned his teeth cooperatively, making a murderous look. Wei Zhi watched from the side with the corners of his mouth twitching, and his heart was quite entangled. In fact, he wanted to tell Cheng Zhijie that he is not called murderous now. Skin cramps and a toothache patient, but considering Cheng Zhijie's rather high force value for him, I can only whisper in my heart.

Mahathir looked at Cheng Zhijie fearfully, and said: "Since General Cheng loves the younger generation, the poor monk has no choice but to cast spells on Mr. Fu. Mr. Fu, you are old and weak, if something unexpected happens..."

The old man Fu Yi has a quick temper, and hastily said: "If there is any accident, the old man is conceited, please Your Majesty and all the gentlemen in the palace to testify!"

His Majesty Li Er touched his beard and said solemnly: "I testify! Master Mahdi, please."

"Master Fu, if you believe it, you have it, if you don't believe it, you don't!" Wei Chi glanced at Cheng Zhijie, Li Ji, and Yu Chigong, and yelled at Fu Yi helplessly.Fu Yi understood, and said with a smile: "Master Wei, please rest assured. Master Mahdi, please, the old man is ready."

Witnessed by the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty, Mahdi cursed Fu Yi to death in front of everyone.The process of performing the technique, to be honest, is not fancy at all, even very simple.It was Mahdi who made a gesture, chanted a few incomprehensible mantras, pointed at the center of Fu Yi's eyebrows, turned his finger slightly, and shouted loudly: "My Buddha is merciful, those who have done all the evil will not come back quickly!"

When he finished reading, everyone looked at Fu Yi nervously, but saw Fu Yi with a sneer on his face, sharp and confident eyes facing Mahathir, standing gracefully, with a rosy complexion full of luster, and he was in good spirits. As an advertising model for melatonin, he has not seen the slightest influence of the curse of death on him.

On the contrary, Mahdi, who cast the spell, saw that Fu Yi's face was flushed, his eyes were full of disbelief, his face was dilapidated, and suddenly turned blood red, and he grabbed his neck with both hands, as if he was having difficulty breathing.

When Wei Jia saw it, he and Xie Jiu looked at each other, and the two rushed forward, one felt the pulse and the other listened to the heartbeat, but they were unable to recover. They shook their heads together, facing the questioning and surprised eyes of everyone in the hall, Wei Jia sighed : "He scared himself to death!"

Laziness is indeed the greatest sin of mankind!I was urged by the editor, please update quickly!Hey, there's more tonight!Children's shoes, shout with me, don't kneel down to the CPU, don't call desperately!

(End of this chapter)

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