Datang Imperial Physician

Chapter 294 Differences in Ideas

Chapter 294 Differences in Ideas
There are fewer people who resist passively. When Wei Chi's measures and policies were implemented, there was no resistance, but it was much smaller.When Wei Jia started class, because of his consistent virtue, he was not serious at all, and the classroom atmosphere was completely relaxed.

Wei Chi sat casually in his position, holding a pointer in his hand, pointing at the wooden carved human body beside him, and said, "Today we will talk about the digestive system. The digestive system consists of two parts, the digestive tract and the digestive gland. The digestive tract... "

The structure of the human body is the basic course of Western medicine. Considering the current conditions, there is no condition to observe cells and tissues, and it is impossible to give students an intuitive feeling. Some things that cannot be learned under the current conditions can only be selectively discarded. This is also impossible. Choice of approach.

"...This is called the cecum, behind the duodenum, it is a place that is more prone to lesions. This is called the appendix, and it is also a place where inflammation occurs. If there is a lesion in this area, it is what we often call the intestinal tract. Carbuncle. If the appendix and cecum are inflamed, surgery can be used to remove them according to Western medicine. However, the symptoms are different, and the treatment methods are also different. It does not mean that all intestinal carbuncles must be removed. treatment method."

Intestinal carbuncle is still a disease with a relatively high mortality rate in this era. There is a saying that if you get intestinal carbuncle, you can only depend on luck, and death is very common.In fact, the so-called luck is the difference in symptoms. Some people die from perforation, while others will be fine as long as the inflammation is eliminated.Wei Chi talked eloquently, and all the students looked at him with shining eyes. His subordinates memorized quickly, for fear of missing something.

"Okay, that's it for today's class. The homework after class is very simple. Draw a diagram of the human body structure, a diagram of the digestive system, and get out of class is over." After talking for an hour, the class ended, and he picked up his teacup and took a sip of water. Wei Chi announced the dismissal of get out of class.

"Mr. Xie, sir, you have worked hard." The students all got up and saluted Wei Jia. Wei Jia waved his hand with a smile. Just as he was about to leave the classroom, he was stopped by someone: "Professor Wei."

As soon as Wei Jia heard this title, Wei Jia felt a headache. Almost subconsciously, he wanted to cover his ears with his hands, but he couldn't do so. He had to put on a smile and turned his head to salute: "Ding Siye, call Stay with me, what's the matter?"

The one who stopped Wei Jia was his subordinate, Si Ye from the medical school, and the respected old doctor Ding Shoucheng.The old imperial doctor looked solemn, first saluted Wei Chi, and said: "Professor Wei is very skilled in medicine, so I don't need to say too much, but I have to nag again about Professor Wei's teaching! The class is about studying knowledge. , a rigorous and solemn place to improve medical skills, should your attitude be more cautious and serious?"

"Heh... heh heh... heh heh heh"

Wei Chi laughed dryly, scratching his head, not knowing what to say.Yes, Wei Jia’s teaching attitude is a problem. This guy is completely following the teaching method he liked when he was in college. The classroom atmosphere is more relaxed, and students are given time to raise their hands to ask questions. Half of the teaching process is used to explain knowledge. Half of it is used to discuss with students to deepen students' understanding and memory.

This style is still very new in this era, and the students are not quite used to it, a little shy, coy, and not active in speaking.In particular, many professors came to Wei Jia's class, and a group of teachers were present, making the students even more uncomfortable.

Wei Chi couldn't tell others not to come, so he had to let nature take its course and try to speak in a relaxed and interesting way, lest the students would be overly stressed due to too many teachers listening to the class, resulting in inattention. Judging from the results of these few lessons, it was clearly a discussion for students, but in the end it would become a discussion between several teachers.However, even if this is the case, there are still people who can't understand it. Master Ding Shoucheng is the backbone of it. For Wei Jia's attitude, this is the third time he has talked to Wei Jia. When speaking, his words and posture are still the same The torrential river, the continuous type, can hear someone's head, not only two, but three or four, it's too horrible to look at.Wei Chi scratched his head, feeling that it was time to solve the problem of this difference in concept.

After thinking for a while, he raised the lesson plan in his hands and signaled: "Students and teachers, please stop. Since Ding Siye raised this question again, it will take a little time for everyone. You may wish to discuss it. I hope you can speak freely."

After finishing speaking, he turned back to the podium and sat down, smiling at everyone.When everyone saw it, they also went back and sat down.

Wei Jia smiled and said, "Ding Siye, since you have doubts about my method, which one do you think is the best way to teach?"

Ding Shoucheng said: "Learning is a solemn and solemn matter. How can it be played for fun? Medical skills are related to human life, let alone play for fun. It should be taken seriously. The method taught by Wei Wei, the words are negligent, and the attitude of playfulness is full. How to let the students Experience the rigor and solemnity in it? If students develop the habit of neglect because of this, in the future, how will they hang the pot to help the world, how to save the dying and heal the wounded! How can they save people from illness!"

What a terrible sublimation, what a big hat!
Wei Zhi smiled wryly and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with a smile: "My opinion and Ding Siye's opinion are just the opposite. I think that when you teach, sir, you should not only impart knowledge to students, but also guide students' interest in learning. Everyone is different. Not everyone is born smart, energy is limited, and memory and comprehension abilities are different. It is the responsibility of the teacher to make everyone understand the knowledge taught in the class as much as possible. Teachers, preaching and teaching karma are also helpful. Some students may not understand some things and some knowledge points, or they may not remember them because the knowledge points are too boring. I use some easy and interesting methods to help students be more intuitive Isn't it more important to understand what I'm teaching and guide students to better grasp the knowledge points?"

Wei Chi's words made everyone think for a while.Generally speaking, the attitude of the ancients towards learning was respectful and serious.Teacher, now is a sacred profession, a respected profession, strict, serious, serious, and responsible, almost the unified image of the existing husbands, like Wei Jia, is really an anomaly.

Seeing that everyone looked pensive, Wei Jia smiled again, and said: "The courses I teach have never been systematically touched by you. When I teach, I have to consider how to arouse everyone's interest. Knowledge is not only based on Hard work, hard work blindly, if you don’t understand thoroughly, it’s not considered learning. Learning is to turn the knowledge of the teacher into your own knowledge. If you can’t turn the knowledge of the teacher into your own knowledge, then all the learning is useless I hope that all the students I teach are better than me in medical skills, and everyone can surpass me. I don't want my students to be old-fashioned people who only know how to repeat the steps of their predecessors. I hope my students learn to think independently , learn to distinguish between right and wrong. You know, on the road of medicine, everyone is a seeker. The reason why I am a gentleman is because I am in the front. People eat whole grains and suffer from various diseases. Can you say that you can cure all diseases? If there is no thinking and hard work of later generations, how can there be any progress in medicine?"

These righteous words caused quite a shock to everyone.Among the teachers of the past dynasties, there are many people who follow the old ways, and some even like to keep a hand, for fear that their disciples will surpass themselves. This kind of ills is also one of the reasons why many knowledge and skills are lost.Wei Chi didn't expect or have the ability to make Quan Datang change this kind of atmosphere, but this kind of habit can't exist in his medical school.

Nie Ziping, the professor of acupuncture and moxibustion class, saluted Wei Chi first, and said with admiration: "Wei Jijiu's mind and spirit are indeed admirable. Ziping should also follow the example of Jijiu and teach the students everything."

"So should I wait."

At the moment, everyone said so one after another.Two or three hesitated for a moment, seeing that everyone was like this, they had no choice but to suppress their thoughts and follow the trend.

Wei Chi smiled and said, "Thank you for your support, and I am willing to work hard with you."

"As it should be."

After saying this, Ding Shoucheng's complexion improved a lot, but he still had some objections to Wei Jia's teaching method.Wei Jia said patiently: "This course of mine is relatively unfamiliar to everyone, and it is quite different from what you have learned in the past. In order to let everyone have a more intuitive and deeper understanding of this course, the following discussion is necessary. The structure of the human body It is the foundation of Western medicine. I want everyone to engrave it in their hearts. Everyone can understand it thoroughly and remember it well. It is the minimum requirement to be familiar with it. This is the first benefit.”

Wei Jia paused, looked at Ding Shoucheng's expression, and continued: "The second benefit, I hope to exercise the students' abilities. Ding Siye and the professors are all elders who have experienced things in the world. Our students, Most of them are still young people, not deeply involved in the world, shy, and taciturn. This is not good. Young people should be confident, self-reliant, and self-reliant. Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman should strive for self-improvement. Open-minded, full of fragrance, I don’t like my students shrinking I hope everyone can learn how to express themselves appropriately, without being frivolous or too clumsy, young people, always have the demeanor of young people."

Wei Chi's words made the young students present blush and encouraged.There are many people here who are clumsy in tongue, don't know how to express themselves, and have suffered in this regard. Now Wei Zhi intends to guide him, and he is somewhat grateful to him in his heart.

Wei Chi smiled gently, and said, "I'm evasive by nature. I'm not made to be a teacher. I don't want Western medicine to be lost, so I have to take up the position of professor. Professors don't have to be limited to one teaching method. It’s good for students, everyone can find a method that suits them. What do you think?”

"What Master Jijiu said is very true, it is Ding who is too fussy."

Ding Shoucheng said first, looking at his expression, he already agreed with Wei Jia, and he was willing to recognize him as his boss.Even the most respected Ding Shoucheng recognized Wei Jia, let alone the rest.

Only then did Wei Zhi smile with satisfaction.It goes without saying that there were a lot of people who were gentlemen in ancient times.Although seniority and qualifications are extremely important, true talent and character are more important. Today, Wei Jia has truly convinced most people in the medical school. As for the small group of children, Wei Jia is not worried , Take your time, there is always a process, impatient, you can't eat hot tofu.

Wei Jia returned Ding Shoucheng's salute with a smile, and said: "Ding Siye is too modest, Ding Siye's rigorous and serious academic spirit, noble moral character, should be a model, and a role model for my younger generations to learn from. Ding Siye's Experience and experience are the precious wealth of our medical school. Ziyue is young and energetic. If there is something wrong in the future, I hope Ding Siye can continue to correct me. We are a group. The development of the medical school and the development of medicine still need We all work together and hope that through the efforts of all of us, we can teach more good doctors for the world."

Hearing these words, Ding Shoucheng was so excited, he grabbed Wei Jia's hand, and said with tears in his eyes, "You Wei's words about offering wine, this old man is enough. I have worked hard to study medicine for [-] years before I graduated, and I practiced medicine for [-] years." Zai, he was awarded the position of imperial physician, and Lin Lao was transferred to the medical school, thinking that this life would be over, but I didn't expect that the old man was wrong, and Lin Lao met a bosom friend."

Uh... It seems that he accidentally touched the depths of the old doctor's heart.Wei Jia laughed dryly for a while, thought for a while, and said sincerely: "Ding Siye, please don't belittle yourself. People must respect themselves and others will respect them. If we doctors despise ourselves, how can we get the respect of others, right? Let's do it well." Come on, let’s fix the medical school first, if there are more good doctors and more people can be saved, then everything will be fine, right?”

Ding Shoucheng took a deep look at Wei Chi, nodded solemnly, and said, "From now on, this old man will take Wei Zhijiu as his guide."

Wei Jia smiled, patted his hand, didn't say any more, but smiled and said to everyone: "Okay, since it makes sense, let's rest after class."

"Send it to Mister."

All the students saluted together and watched Wei Jia leave the classroom with a group of professors.When I left the classroom, I met Tang Jian's smiling face like a Maitreya Buddha. Behind him stood a honest, handsome and upright young man, about seventeen or eighteen years old, smiling and kind.

Facing Wei Jia, Tang Jian smiled and said: "Zi Yue said a few days ago that he wanted a clerk to help with chores. The old man brought someone here today and waited for Master Wei in the office. I haven't seen you for a long time. No, the old man personally took care of him. Bring it. An Dao, come here, I met Wei Jijiu."

The others walked away knowingly, Wei Jia smiled and looked at the young man's eyes, the young man just laughed, calm and natural, without shyness, nor the arrogance of ordinary young people, but with a simple aura, which Wei Jia liked very much .

The young man bowed to Wei Chi and said, "I was born late in Yin Andao, and I have met Lord Jijiu."

Tang Jian said with a smile: "His name is Yin Hou, and his name is An Dao. He is the grandson of my old friend Yin Kaishan. The Yin family inherited martial arts, and his eldest brother inherited the family's military position. This child is quiet and honest. Practicing martial arts, I see that I am getting old, and I can’t do my writing or martial arts. When my old friend went, the old man promised to take care of him for a while, but Ziyue lacked a document, so he happened to bring him out to practice with you. This should not be counted. Playing favoritism and cheating?"

After all, Tang Jian laughed, Wei Jia smiled and said: "Of course not. An Dao, right? Although we are about the same age, but in terms of seniority, you want to call me an uncle, which is taking advantage of you. "

Yin Andao smiled honestly, and said: "Uncle is Yi Guogong's adoptive son, and An Dao should call you uncle. There is no such thing as taking advantage of it, and the etiquette should be like this."

Wei Jia smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and when he touched his palm, he realized that Yin Hou was far less frail than his appearance. Although the young man was not as tall as Wei Jia, he was very strong. Looking at his conversation, it seemed that Tang Jian really brought him Here comes an interesting kid.

Make up for yesterday! !

(End of this chapter)

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