Datang Imperial Physician

Chapter 219 From the old surname

Chapter 219 From the Common People

Later, Wei Jia asked Xie Jiu how she settled the two little lolitas, Xie Jiu just smiled and didn't answer, and refused to tell Wei Jia the details, as if she wanted to keep it a secret for a lifetime.It's hard to understand how a woman thinks.

Later, Gao Yang's little loli didn't know how to torture His Majesty Li Er, so hard that His Majesty Li Er agreed with her to worship Xie Jiu as her master. Of course, this was private and Xie Jiu's request. The royal etiquette is too complicated. Xie Jiu Annoyed, Wei Jia was also annoyed, so he simply gave up, but it seemed that His Majesty Li Er had no intention of hiding it. Although there was no ceremony, everyone in the palace treated Xie Jiu as a teacher.

Before the palace's decision was made, Wei Jia was completely idle.Accompanying Sun Simiao at home to talk about medical knowledge, picking strawberries, gnawing a couple of green corns, and tinkering with jam in his spare time.

Considering the storage problem of jam, Wei Zhi simply waved his hand and rebuilt an underground ice cellar. Anyway, there is a lot of saltpeter, so it is a great pioneering work to make thick ice cubes and build a simple artificial refrigerator.

Idle is idle, with a simple-level artificial refrigerator, it can’t be wasted, no, cold shrimp, jelly, and even pea jelly are all adjusted. In summer, mix it with such a bowl, sour and hot Eat it, how can it be a cool word.

However, a certain mother-to-be cannot enjoy this kind of welfare, which makes her very psychologically unbalanced, and a certain man is very arrogant and often wanders over to others to eat.Poor Xie Jiu, looking at all the people in Wei's mansion, including Sun Dada, who were all eating and snoring, felt so depressed that he couldn't bring it up. For this reason, he often attacked Wei Chi's waist.

Regardless of whether the imperial court allowed the establishment of a medical school, Wei Chi had already started the plan to compile teaching materials, and the compilation of teaching materials should of course start from the shallower to the deeper.The western medicine he studied is not bad, and he is thinking about making it up, Chinese medicine, but he has to ask his brother Sun Yi for advice.What the two of them discussed these days was all about this aspect.

In other words, because of that autopsy, in the words of Sun Dada, Wei Jia opened a window for him, and saw many scenery that he had never seen before. Whenever he was free, he took Wei Jia to draw Anatomical studies of the human body.Wei Chi was extremely skeptical. If it wasn't for the fact that the corpse could not be found, and stealing the corpse would be against the law, Sun Da would probably go to the cemetery to dig up a corpse and cut it open to see for himself.It's a sin to bring Sun Dada to Cheng'er, Wei Jia has a good conscience, while snickering and sighing, he reflects meaningfully.

Movable type printing, under the increasing demand, has been successfully tested by Wei Chi. The first successfully printed work is Sun Simiao's "A Thousand Gold Prescriptions". However, it is not the thirty volumes handed down to later generations, but only ten volumes Because Sun Da said that after discussing with Wei Xie and his wife, he has new ideas about certain diseases, and he needs to study them before writing them in the book, and he can't kill people.The rigorous academic spirit is admirable.

After it was printed, Wei Chi privately withheld the original manuscript and the finished product. The original manuscript, of course, was kept to add to Wei's fantasy collection, and the finished product was kept for study.

Sun Da used a brush and Wei Zhi used a quill. Of course, Wei Zhi was faster in terms of writing speed. The writing was getting slower and slower. It was Wei Jia who protested twice, and Sun Simiao had to speed up the progress by asking Sun Dada to exchange the written manuscript. Chi exchange.

"Huh! What is this?"

Wei Chi took a look at Sun Da’s manuscript, and found that it was all meridians, such as Taiyang, Yangming, Shaoyang, Taiyin, Jueyin, and Shaoyin. I have read many times in martial arts novels in the past, and I think it is very mysterious noun.

Xie Jiu turned his head to look at it, and said, "This is the dialectics of the Six Classics, proposed by Zhang Zhongjing. Brother Sun has already taught me, haven't you learned it yet?"

Wei Jia looked confused, shook his head, a little ashamed, he was far behind Xie Jiu.Xie Jiu wrinkled his small nose, showing off a little proudly, "The dialectics of the Six Classics was proposed by Zhang Zhongjing in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", and it is currently recognized as the dialectical treatment program of traditional Chinese medicine. Brother Sun listed this as the basis, but it is not Appropriate too."

Wei Jia looked at it carefully, was confused, and said with a wry smile: "Is this too difficult? It is not difficult for people with basic knowledge, and people like me are not blind for nothing? By the way, I remember Chinese medicine. Don’t you use the yin and yang to diagnose the disease? I remember that I used to accompany my mother to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and that’s what they said.”

Xie Jiu said: "Well, that's called Yagang's differentiation, and that's simpler. I only know that there is this method, but I don't know the details. It's just that I heard from friends before that Bagang understands it better. Or, you can tell Sun Da. Let him study it, if it can appear in advance, it should be of some help to the promotion of Chinese medicine."

Wei Chi nodded in agreement.The next day, Zhenzhen presented the Eight Principles of Dialectics to Sun Simiao, dragged Xie Jiu here, and explained it carefully to Sun Simiao.Sun Simiao listened thoughtfully, and said: "The dialectics of the Eight Principles can be found in the "Huangdi Neijing", and also in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", but it is not so specific. Let Brother Yu think about it. It is indeed easier to understand and accept than the theory of the Six Classics.”

Speaking of this, Sun Simiao suddenly smiled, and said to Wei Jia and Xie Jiu: "My younger brother and younger siblings may really be the lucky stars hit by Brother Yu. Under the reminder and guidance of the two, Brother Yu has made great progress in medicine. There are many things that can always touch Brother Yu, such as The Bronze Man of Acupuncture and Moxibustion is also like the dialectical theory of the Eight Principles. Time is also fate.”

Wei Zhi smiled and scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed by the praise, Xie Jiu smiled and said: "Brother, don't say that, brother also helped us a lot, not to mention anything else, just say that brother selflessly taught me and Shiro Medical skills are beyond the reach of ordinary people."

Wei Jia hurriedly continued: "That's right, brother, with our relationship, there is no need to say those things. We are all doctors and love medicine. As long as it is helpful to the development of medicine, don't worry about it so much."

Because of the Dialectics of the Eight Principles, Sun Dada wanted to withdraw the Dialectics of the Six Classics, saying that he wanted to rewrite it, but was stopped by Wei Zhi, who asked Sun Simiao, "Brother, can you take the Dialectics of the Eight Principles as a basic course and the Six Classics as a higher level?" courses? I think it would be better to learn both? We don’t have to throw away the other when we have one, do we?”

Sun Simiao pondered for a while, and praised: "What my brother said is very true, well, I will save the theory of the Six Classics and teach it after I have learned the dialectics of the Eight Principles."

After speaking, Sun Simiao excitedly ran back to his small courtyard to look through medical books.On Wei Chi's side, an order came from the palace to let him enter the palace to participate in the court meeting about his establishment of a medical school.

Wei Chi rushed to the Lizheng Hall, and the ministers from the three provinces and six ministries were there, as was Prince Chengqian.In other words, whether His Majesty Li Er recently went to court or anything else, let Prince Chengqian follow him. It seems that he wants to teach Prince Chengqian about political affairs in person.Wei Chi reckoned that perhaps this was also a gesture, a gesture that showed that Prince Chengqian had not fallen out of favor, and made some people stop thinking that they shouldn't have.Wei Chi felt that this was very good.

"Kowtow to Your Majesty."

"Ziyue is here, sit down, I want you to listen to the thoughts of the ministers."

In fact, His Majesty Li Er was very interested in Wei Chi's statement, otherwise, Wei Chi would not have asked Wei Chi to write a plan for him to read.However, the statement in this plan received firm opposition from several ministers, among which Confucian disciples led by Kong Yingda, a master of Confucianism, opposed it most firmly.

Kong Yingda first said: "Master Wei, I deeply admire your theory of peaceful evolution, and it is quite similar to my Confucian sage's way of enlightenment. It's just that a sage educates people who are not educated, knowing etiquette and reason. "The Analects of Confucius" Zilu chapter No.13, Fan Chi asked to learn from Jia. The Master said: "I am not as good as an old farmer." Please learn as a garden. He said: "I am not as good as an old garden." If good manners are good, the people will not dare to be disrespectful; if righteousness is good, the people will not dare to be disobedient; if good faith is good, the people will not dare not be sympathetic. If this is the case, then the people of the four directions will bear their sons and die. How can they use crops?' "

Kong Yingda quoted scriptures and said a long list, looking at Wei Chi with a smile in his eyes.Although Wei Jia said that he was not very knowledgeable, he understood what he said. Kong Yingda was laughing at him as a villain!
Wei Chi was displeased, and said, "Master Kong, I'm not good at learning, so don't turn a corner and call me a villain, okay? Your Confucian sage Kong is good at learning, but this attitude is not good for me. But I strongly disapprove and look down on the common people? All right! Master Kong, I have no knowledge, I don’t know what to say, and I don’t know classical Chinese. I just want to ask you a simple sentence. Where did the clothes on Master Kong’s body and the food in his mouth come from? And those pens, inks, papers and inkstones, where did they come from? The villain... Hehe, there are no villains that Master Kong looks down upon. Excuse me, Master Kong still has the strength to laugh at Wei as a villain in the Lizheng Palace ?”

Kong Yingda was stunned, and smiled wryly: "Lord Wei, don't get angry, the old man is just talking about his own point of view, if Lord Wei disagrees, you can refute the old man, it's not beautiful to get angry."

Wei Chi said: "I'm not angry! I just don't agree with Master Kong's statement. I also know that what Confucius said is nothing more than a sage's educational philosophy. The sage believes that people in high positions don't need to learn how to grow crops For knowledge such as vegetables, it is enough to pay attention to etiquette, righteousness, and faith. He trains students not to grow crops and vegetables in the future, but to become officials in politics.”

"In the age of the sage, after all, few people received education. Laborers can engage in agricultural production as long as they have sufficient physical strength, and the purpose of education is to cultivate intellectuals who can rule. Therefore, the purpose of sage education It is not to train laborers. This is relatively reasonable under the historical conditions at that time. However, what we are talking about now is the country’s foreign policy. When it comes to foreign affairs, the highest principle should be the national interest! The mind must be different. Master Kong said to educate, practice, educate, taught others etiquette and letter, let them develop, and then came to plot my great country in China, may I ask, are you enlightening or cultivating enemies?"

"Furthermore, let's talk about the villains that saints despise. In the eyes of saints, those who are not officials in everything and those who have no knowledge in everything are villains, right? But it is these villains that make up a country." The cornerstone of the composition is a symbol of a country's national strength. Let's talk about being an official, this is an official, Master Kong thinks, what is a good official?"

Wei Chi's expression was very serious.This guy can't see that these scholars, the superiors, look down on ordinary people, there are no ordinary people, what do they eat and drink, if they are full from studying every day, why do they still buy rice and land?

Kong Yingda thought for a while, and said: "Eating the king's salary, worrying about the king's affairs. As an official, he governs peace, does not close the door at night, does not pick up things on the road, the old is as old as the old, the young is as young as the young, the young, the widowed, Lonely, lonely, all have something to support, men have a share, and women have a return."

Wei Zhi felt like yawning, and sneered: "Then, Master Kong, who has done it? Has the sage done it?"

Kong Yingda choked, and said: "This is the goal, the goal that the old man and other Confucian disciples are working hard for, it is an ideal."

Wei Chi said lazily: "Master Kong said that it is a goal and an ideal, but it has not been realized yet. I am a medical student, and I pay attention to seeking truth from facts. Everything starts from reality. The foundation of a tall building is still there. It is not our style to imagine the beautiful scenery after the high-rise buildings are built before the fight. In my opinion, the standard of a good official is very simple. It depends on the people under his rule, whether they have clothes to wear, and their stomachs are full No. This is the foundation. Only when the common people are fed and clothed warmly can they have the strength to work and plow the land. The granaries know the etiquette. Everyone is hungry. Who cares about those who can’t even save their lives? What is etiquette? Master Kong is a person who has experienced wars. I wonder if you have been among the disaster victims? Or have you been among the prisoners who stole, smashed and beat you? Have you ever asked them why they made trouble?"

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry to say something disrespectful. In all dynasties, those who committed rebellion and rebelled, nine out of ten were ordinary people who were forced to live without food and clothing. On a peaceful and happy day, who would want to fight, who would want to rebel? Who would not want to live in peace?"

"Master Kong is a master of Confucianism. He is an official. He doesn't disdain farming and vegetable cultivation, but he disdains craftsmen. But this is just because everyone's business is different. If you compare the country to a tower, your majesty is the top of the tower, and you adults are the ones who make up the tower." The upper part of the tower is the lower part of the tower, especially Nong. Nong is the cornerstone of this tower and the foundation for how high the tower can be. Why His Majesty encourages Nong Sang is because His Majesty is far-sighted, wise and wise, and has seen Nong Sang’s contribution to the tower. The importance of a country. If nothing else, let’s talk about Master Kong’s enlightenment of the barbarians. Excuse me, if there is no guarantee from my Tang Dynasty’s strong soldiers and horses, where would you go to spread and educate? I am afraid that you will be killed before you reach the country. People have been typed out! If there is no prosperity of my Tang Dynasty, who would believe that your Tang culture is the most advanced and the most should be learned? Without the guarantee of national power, everything is nonsense! A sage overseas once said If you lag behind, you will be beaten! Master Kong, please think about it, if you are not a villain, please be careful in the future."

Make up for yesterday!Alas, I don't have enough inspiration, so I crawled away depressed and continued to code!

(End of this chapter)

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