Datang Imperial Physician

Chapter 182 Ask for a ticket! !biochemical version!hey-hey

Chapter 182 Ask for a ticket! !biochemical version!hey-hey

The monthly ticket battle is getting more and more intense. The aunt and the little god are trying to catch up, and the situation is getting more and more dangerous. Therefore, the devil asks Dr. Wei Jiawei for tea...

The devil wiped his tears while drinking tea: "...The situation is like this, if Dr. Wei and his wife don't go out, I will lose! For everyone's better tomorrow, you two, don't you..."

Wei Chi chuckled, and patted his chest to promise: "Understood! My son once said that if a husband and wife are of the same mind, their benefits will cut through gold. Leave it to us!"

The devil humbly asked for advice: "Excuse me, who ever said this sentence?"

Wei Chi said solemnly: "This is a secret of the Wei Mansion, and we will not announce it."


Wei Zhi returned to the medical clinic, and as soon as he entered the house, he ran to Xie Jiu with a serious face: "Ma'am, get ready for surgery!"

"What surgery?"


"Is there such an operation?"

"There are no roads on the ground, but when there are more people walking, there will be roads. The development of things is related to supply and demand. In the same way, because there are people who need it, the disembowelling operation appears."

Xie Jiu was speechless, but still helped her prepare based on the principle of supporting her husband.Putting on a mask, putting on a sterile gown, and holding a shiny silver scalpel, Wei Chi said quietly, "Do you know the biggest feature of the scalpel?"

Xie Jiu shook his head: "I'm in internal medicine, not surgery."

"Let me tell you! The scalpel is sharp, it can tear open the stomach, disassemble the liver and so on, it is very useful! Do you know Hannibal? It is said that when he ate liver, the knife and fork he used was a scalpel and a fork. Very tasteful choice."

Xie Jiu's head was full of black lines: "'ve watched too many horror movies!"

Wei Zhi sighed helplessly, with a regretful tone: "Actually, the chainsaw killer is better. Unfortunately, we are doctors, not lumberjacks. We don't have that much research on chainsaws, and we don't use them as neatly as scalpels. , we want to try the feeling of a chainsaw even more!"

Xie Jiu was also a little bit into the atmosphere when he said it: "Where is the old corpse in the mountain village? The midnight bell is also good, it is said that they are quite scary!"

Wei Zhi sighed: "Ma'am, we are a fiction of history, not a fantasy, we can't jump in the queue randomly!"

Suddenly, Xie Jiu took the initiative to undertake the task: "Actually, I also have research on ether! I can help a little!"

Wei Jia hurriedly thanked: "Thank you, Ma'am! That's who, did you see that, who looked at the computer screen and smiled smirkly, who read books and didn't vote, read pirated posts and didn't give recommendation votes, they are all within the scope!"

Dr. Hannibal said that once someone tried to investigate me, and I ate his liver with fava beans and wine.Wei Chi said, once someone read a book and didn't vote. After my family Xie Jiu used ether to fascinate him, we disemboweled him and made contributions to medical research!
Holding up the bleeding scalpel, Wei Jia yelled: Who else hasn't voted? !Welcome everyone to contribute light and heat to medical research!History will remember everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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