Datang Imperial Physician

Chapter 148 Winter Revolution

Chapter 148 Winter Revolution

After staying up in the middle of the night and coming to Datang for more than half a year, the biological clocks of Wei Jia and Xie Jiu have changed a lot. Now, like all the people of Datang, they go to bed early and get up early. Back at the infirmary, fell down and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the beautiful sister was still asleep on the bed. Wei Jia got up consciously, ate breakfast, called Dahu, Erhu, and Weiwen, and gave an order: "Ducks! Buy a lot of ducks and come back. !"

As soon as the order was issued, Qin Meng and Cheng Ming, who were obviously still suffering from a hangover and headache, came to the door with pale faces. Wei Jia asked with a funny face, "Both brothers, sleep well if you are not at home. Good morning, come to my humble house, what advice do you have?"

Qin Meng and Cheng Ming looked at each other, smiled wryly and said, "You'll know right away, do you have hangover soup? Let's have some first, I lost too badly last night, and I was bullied by the old man."

Poker games, fighting the landlord, upgrading, etc., have already spread among the dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty. Originally, when playing with Wei Chi, the loser was the sticky note.When Qin Meng and Cheng Ming brought the wine back, they had selfish intentions. They wanted to drink good wine, so they changed it to drinking. The end result was that they were hungover for several days, making their lives worse than death, and their faces changed when they heard the wine.Wei Jia laughed loudly when he heard it: "This is called self-inflicted evil, you can't live. Is the wine in my house so delicious?"

"Ugh... don't mention the word wine again! I want to vomit!"

Cheng Ming begged in pain.It made Wei Jia laugh again, and while he was talking and laughing, Cheng Zhijie's loud voice yelled from all the way: "Wei Silang, the old man is here, hurry up and greet him."

Wei Jia's complexion changed, and he looked at Qin Meng and Cheng Ming with tangled eyes. They both smiled wryly at him and nodded. Wei Jia's shoulders collapsed, and he hurried out to greet him. The four old men were still together, and all the members of the Locust Army were present.

"Bring good wine and good food. The wine should be brewed by your own family. Bring out the fun ones. By the way, let's play the Landlord Fight."

Cheng Zhijie was honest and blunt, and sat down.Wei Zhi greeted them one by one, and quickly had two pots of wine warmed and brought up, cooked a few dishes and served them up. As for Fighting the Landlord, there were a little more people, and it seemed that there was not enough poker.

Wei Chi quickly took out the mahjong and said, "Father, uncles, let's play a new thing today."

As he said that, he quickly contributed the mahjong that he had made last time, explained the gameplay, and immediately diverted the attention of the four old men, focusing all their energy on mahjong.

Xie Jiu heard voices in a daze. The voices seemed to be the four old men, Qin Meng, and Cheng Ming getting up to wash up.As soon as she got up, the figure of little Lolita Zhaodi appeared, carrying face water and all other toiletries, Xie Jiu asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

Zhaodi said: "Uncle Cheng asked me to come, saying that Zhaodi is Madam's personal maid, and Zhaodi will follow wherever Madam goes."

Xie Jiu patted her on the head with a smile and asked her to help her dress and wash.After waking up, washing up, and having breakfast, Xie Jiu turned to the front hall for a consultation. When passing by the living room, he suddenly heard Mr. Qin yelling "Push dao!"

Xie Jiu's feet were weak, and he almost fell. The brother Zhao next to him was quick-eyed, and quickly helped her, and said with a smile: "Madam, the young master is playing mahjong with a few old men. It is estimated that Qin Guogong won just now."

Xie Jiu asked, "What does winning have to do with pushing?"

Brother Zhao looked strange, and said with a smile: "Madam, can you not play mahjong?"

"Can play, what's wrong?"

"The young master said, if you win, you call it Tui Dao. Just now, Lord Qin won the card."

There was a black line on Xie Jiu's forehead, one could tell without thinking, it must be the result of Wei Chi's mischief.Weakly asked Brother Zhao: "The one who wins is called Tui Dao, but what about the one who loses?"

Little Lolita had an innocent face, smiled Mimi, and said with pure eyes: "The young master said, if you lose, you will be pushed!"

"Cough cough..."

Xie Jiu was almost choked to death by saliva, coughed for a long time, stroked his forehead with his hands, and sighed, God, winning a card is called pushing dao, and losing a card is called being pushed.Should we praise Wei Chi for his genius or criticize him for being funny? !Xie Jiu smiled wryly, walked to his seat, and began to attend the consultation.

In other words, Wei Jia also snickered inside so that his stomach was about to cramp. There are fun things, but he can't smile openly. , and find another excuse, the four old men, Qin Meng, and Cheng Ming probably suspect that he has kidney deficiency.Just when Wei Jia suspected that he would become the first person in the world to suffocate from laughter, Wei Wen came back and drove a flock of ducks. For a while, the backyard of the medical center was filled with the sound of ducks quacking.

Wei Chi's order was only a simple and clear sentence: "Kill! Be careful when you pluck the hair, and keep the hair. Besides, Wei Wen, go and find Mrs. Zhou Carpenter's tailor, and don't forget to get two horses from the accountant. Here come the white cloth."

Wei Wen quickly took the order and left, the kitchen was busy, killing ducks and plucking their feathers, Wei Jia personally went to the battle to command, with only one purpose - duck down.As for what to do with the ducks, Wei turned his head to look at the four old men and the two young men playing mahjong in the living room, and firmly believed that as long as they were there, there would be no worries about endless ducks, and they would all be made into lo-mei.

After three days of hard work, Datang's first eiderdown sweater and first eiderdown quilt were finally made.Made two sets of each, one big and one small, and dedicated the big one to Mr. Taizu. Mr. Taizu left duck down gloves, duck down socks and so on. He hugged her and kissed her hard, and patted his chest to promise that he would collect the materials as soon as possible and make it for her again.Wei Chi brought the small set into the palace and gave it to the little princess Sizi.

The little princess has recovered. His Majesty Li Er followed Wei Jia's advice and found goat milk for her. He took a bowl of goat's milk every morning and evening, and he must take care of her well.

"So soft! Just like a bunny!"

The little princess hugged the eiderdown quilt sent by Wei Jia, and said with a smile, her innocent face is so cute.Wei Chi followed with a smirk, and said, "From now on, the princess won't suffer from frostbite anymore! You don't have to take bitter medicine anymore."

"Well! Sizi doesn't like to drink medicine, it's bitter."

The little princess nodded heavily, with a happy expression on her face, and Wei Chi also followed suit.When the children in the palace heard that Wei Jia was coming, they all ran over and pestered Wei Jia to tell stories, saying that they hadn't told a story for a long time, and hadn't played with them.

Wei Jia scratched his head and thought for a while. It seemed that he hadn't been the head of a child for a long time, so he readily agreed. The children all gathered on the kang, and everyone gathered around the kang table to eat snacks and tell stories.

Speaking of which, on the day of Pankang, the officials of Taichang Temple jumped out and clamored that it was not proper and decent, and was scolded by His Majesty Li Er. His Majesty Li Er said: "Do you want my children to get sick from the cold, or do you want to be polite?" system?"

A group of people were immediately speechless.His Majesty Li Er said: "The ancient etiquette system has been passed down from Zhou Gong to today. Have you not changed at all? You are all officials in charge of etiquette. Who will tell me whether it has been changed?"

(End of this chapter)

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