Datang Imperial Physician

Chapter 146 The contract is signed

Chapter 146 The contract is signed
After the meal, Qin Meng and Cheng Ming went back with drunken fists and were supported by the servants who came with them. When they went back, they were still praising the wine brewed by Weifu.Wei Zhi asked someone to fill two large barrels of hot pot base ingredients and two large vats of brewed shochu, and brought them back to the two of them. He specially told the members of the Cheng family to tell Cheng Zhijie to tell Mr. Cheng that this is what he ordered to eat. The elderly like it.

The servant of the Cheng family looked at Wei Chi with sympathy, and solemnly stated that he must bring the words to him.Wei Jia was very grateful. He took his hand and shook it twice. He wanted to say that he understood Long Live, but for some reason, the servant's expression changed. Cheng Ming ran away.It made both Wei Jia and Xie Jiu baffled. By the way, is it necessary to be so excited to shake hands?
When the couple went home, Xie Jiu showed Wei Chi the signed contract.Today I made an appointment with Li Ji to sign the contract, and agreed to take him to the pharmaceutical factory that has already been built.In fact, the general conditions have already been negotiated by the two parties. If Hou Junji hadn't made a fuss and caused Wei Chi to be injured, and it had been delayed for a few days, the contract should have been signed a long time ago, and there was no need to delay it until Xie Jiu and Li Ji came. Show up.It's just that when Li Ji came, there was another unexpected person, and that was His Majesty Li Er.

Li Ji asked Xie Jiu to draw up the terms of the contract.Back then when we cooperated with Weifu to open a tea shop, I had seen the young couple’s detailed and comprehensive contract. At that time, the four families were ashamed. To describe it in a crude way, it's all a compliment.

When Xie Jiu took out the thick stack of contracts that had been drawn up, His Majesty Li Er was the first to take it over and read it patiently. In other words, this contract is indeed unique."

Li Ji said: "Your Majesty, when we signed the tea house contract with that kid Wei Jia, seeing their contract, the old minister was too embarrassed to come up with what he had drawn up. It's embarrassing."

His Majesty Li Er laughed, and said: "I dare not say that I can draw up such a contract. The young couple in the Weifu, they are knowledgeable, and they are different from ordinary learned people. They are really like Wei. As Chi said, all knowledge of the world is knowledge."

Xie Jiu said indifferently: "Your Majesty has won the award, but it's just some common things, not learned. If there is no objection, please sign the contract, Mr. Li. After signing, we will go to the pharmaceutical factory to have a look."

His Majesty Li Er couldn't help but smile because of the completely different ways of doing things between the couple.If it was Wei Chi now, at this moment, he would definitely be able to drag His Majesty Li Er and old man Li Ji to talk about the mountains and stun them.

Sign the contract and lead the two of them to the pharmaceutical factory. The division of the pharmaceutical factory is also divided according to the layout of the general factory in later generations. The production area and the living area are strictly separated. , must be strict.Although it hasn't started yet, everything seems to be in order and predictable. After the start of work, it is worth looking forward to.

His Majesty Li Er and old man Li Ji were very satisfied, and praised them very much. Xie Jiu accepted it frankly. Speaking of which, the identities of the two are just cooperation partners. Xie Jiu clearly distinguishes this point, and the rights and responsibilities are clearly separated, which is convenient for management.Therefore, I just led the two people to visit, and didn't ask for opinions or anything.

Wei Jia scanned the contract and smirked: "Madam, those two, do you have any objections to the contract?"

Xie Jiu rolled his eyes at him and said, "No! You are simply a bully, and you just put together a specious contract and went out to bluff people. Now, you are successful."

Wei Chi smiled and said: "There is no way to do this. This is a feudal society, not socialism. Our private company signed a contract with the imperial court. Who knows how many years it will last. This kind of contract without any guarantees, signed a lot of money. It’s fine to suffer a loss, if you want to cheat people, you don’t have to think about it at all.”

Xie Jiu smiled wryly: "If you make up things like this, you are simply bullying the ancients in the lobby as if they are legal blind."

Wei Jia quickly distinguished: "Wrong! We never looked down on the ancients, nor did we bully the ancients as blind people. We just bullied them as learned blind people."

Xie Jiu chuckled, ignoring his trickery.Actually, just kidding, the laws of the Tang Dynasty are completely different from the laws of modern times. The contract drawn up by Wei Chi is nothing more than a patchwork of things. However, most people are simple and honest now, who would make such a detailed contract? Only Wei Jia, a traveler, habitually thinks complicatedly, and the contract is so detailed that His Majesty Li Er and Mr. Li Ji really think that he has some profound knowledge.

While recuperating at home, Wei Jia had nothing to do, so he simply asked the housekeeper to go to Xishi to set up a store, specializing in selling hot pot, and let Wu Liu take care of it.

Not to mention, this Wu Liu, although he doesn't know a lot of big characters, is really talented in business, he is more down-to-earth, he never does things that cut corners, they are all real, plus the dishes are made Well, it has really given him a good reputation, and there are many repeat customers. Speaking of the goodness of Dongshi, if you come to the restaurant again, it will make many people drool, but the consumption is a bit high.

In Wei Chi's words, in Dongshi, it is high-end consumption.When he said this, a certain man thought of some outrageously priced big hotels in modern times. Leaving aside the taste, entering those big hotels is a symbol of status.When we do business, we must also follow that direction.

The hot pot restaurants in Xishi are facing low-end consumers. Wei Jia thinks that eating hot pot is the happiest thing when people get together, invite friends, shake off their arms, and eat lively. a meal.

If you still pay attention to table manners when eating hot pot, and pay attention to what you eat without saying anything, then what fun is there!Has anyone ever seen someone who eats a hot pot and wipes his mouth with a napkin?Don't you see, hot pot restaurants are always the busiest places.When it is so hot that you suck your mouth, the fun is beyond words.

After Wei Jia's feet returned to normal, the winter snow began to fall. He heard from Mr. Li Ji that people often freeze to death in winter. If you have any illness, remember to come to Wei Jia or Xie Jiu as soon as possible. Don't delay, and don't be afraid of running out of money. People are the most important thing.

Just as the tenants were relieved, the little eunuch Huang from the palace hurriedly came to pass the decree, asking Wei Jia and Xie Jiu to enter the palace immediately. The little princess of Jinyang, Sizi, was ill, so let them go and see.Wei Jia and Xie Jiu hurriedly packed the medical kit and rushed to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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