Chapter 114

After the autumn society, the slack season came. Wei Jia wanted to escape the morning court with the excuse of busy work, but it seemed impossible. The morning court every morning became the most painful thing.

"I want to resign! I want to retire!"

With his eyes closed, a certain man muttered angrily, because of his sleepiness, anger didn't feel like blood, let alone spirit, it was really an inhumane rule in the early court.

Staring dazedly at the morning court, this guy is very conscious, anyway, it is not his turn to intervene in political affairs, so he simply shrank to the side in a daze, looking forward to the arrival of the word retreat.However, this wish came to nothing, because, thanks to the good weather these days, the corn has dried up, and His Majesty Li Er and the officials wanted to see how to eat cornmeal.

There are many ways to eat corn flour. You only need to mix it with a little water and steam it with rice. When the rice is cooked, the corn flour is also cooked. The rice has the sweetness of corn and is delicious.There are also Wowotou, cornmeal dumplings, corn omelets, etc. There are many ways to do it.

When Wei Chi was a child, his family’s conditions were not good, and he couldn’t afford whole rice. His mother just mixed cornmeal and made it for the whole family to eat. He changed the formula and innovated. This is a very common way of eating in poorer rural areas. .

The price of rice in Datang is very cheap, but the price of rice hurts farmers. In modern society, not everyone can eat rice and white noodles, let alone in Datang!No matter what things, there is always a relative.

"Food is the most important thing for the people. Eating is an instinctive behavior. Like to eat good food, partial eclipse, and picky eaters. These are the shortcomings that people may have. People have different tastes and like foods. Healthy eating habits , Diet structure is of great benefit to the human body. It does not mean that the better the food, the better for the body. Human health requires a variety of nutrients. Different foods contain different things , with a reasonable combination, can have an unexpected health care effect. Have you heard of medicinal diet?"

"Have you heard of it? That's good! When it comes to the origin of medicinal food, you are more knowledgeable than us. You should all know that it is something passed down from our ancestors. It combines medicine with food, cures diseases when you are sick, and strengthens your body when you are not sick. It is the guiding spirit of medicated diet. The ancients said that medicine is three-point poison. There is no disaster or disease. As a doctor, Wei, from a professional point of view, we suggest that everyone should not take medicine, and supplements should not be taken indiscriminately. The doctor recommends it before taking it. Let’s make an analogy, this person is a flat table, and the pillars supporting the table are all kinds of nutrients needed by the human body. You can't make up randomly, too much of any one is bad, too much is easy to tilt, once tilted, the body will collapse."

"How are these pillars built? To put it bluntly, they are taken from your diet. Eating too much meat is not good, and it is easy to cause obesity. It is not good to only eat mutton. The nutrition in each meat is different. Let's eat , we must pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, changing dishes, not overeating, and cultivating healthy eating habits, which are good for the body, health, memory, and longevity. For example, for older people, we pay attention to What’s more, it takes both meat and vegetables into consideration, and emphasizes vegetarianism.”

Speaking up, Wei Chi simply put together the concept of a reasonable diet and a balanced diet structure.After the people who experienced the chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty settled down, their lives got better and better, and their diets got better and better. There were more meat and fish, and when there was more meat, the diseases of wealth and wealth increased.

"Of course, by saying this, I don't mean to make everyone wasteful. Our life has just improved under the leadership of His Majesty. It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but it is difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. We are not advocating waste. While we are working hard on types, we also Pay attention to saving and not wasting."

This servant flattered His Majesty Li Er, and His Majesty Li Er glared at him, pretending to be serious, but the smile in his eyes was not hidden.

Medicinal diet has been handed down since ancient times. It formed a mature theory in the Jin and Tang Dynasties and gradually developed.The earliest ones include "Huangdi Neijing", "Shijing", "Shifang" and other works. Wei Chi's sworn brother, Sun Da, the king of medicine, is also an expert.

This guy, Wei Zhi, made a big detour, and brought out the theory of reasonable dietary structure and balanced nutrition that everyone is familiar with in modern times. Form, very solemnly said: "So, next, I would like to solemnly recommend corn. The nutritional value of corn, according to research by overseas agronomists, contains 510 times more nutrients than rice and wheat. Long-term Eating corn has a positive effect on fighting eye aging, enhancing memory, etc. And, this corn, it tastes pretty good. Eating corn not only pays attention to health, but also takes into account the deliciousness. It can be said to have both fish and bear's paw. Everyone My lord, it happens that the imperial chefs have prepared the dishes, please Your Majesty to taste them first."

"Your Majesty, please taste."

"Hehe, if that's the case, I'll try it."

His Majesty Li Er smiled and grabbed a corn omelet and ate it.This tortilla is different from the method Wei Chi made when the green corn was used. The green corn was fried, but now it is fried and baked.The skin is crispy and fragrant, and the inside is soft and delicious.

His Majesty Li Er tasted one, and he was full of praise, so that all the officials could taste it.This guy Wei Jia just wiped his sweat secretly, and laughed in his heart. Fortunately, Xie Jiu was not here, otherwise, he would definitely find out that what he said just now was similar to those who said about TV shopping on TV. , The difference is that what this guy said is true, the things in the TV shopping, the lines of the movie, the great country, and the honesty.TV shopping is in great need of this quality.

Each of the ministers got a small piece, tasted it, and it can be said that after eating a little bit of taste, it was gone.Judging by the looks of the imperial chefs, it seems that they have no intention of continuing.

Wei Chi looked at His Majesty Li Er with evil, dark, and weird eyes.This guy dares to pat his chest to guarantee that there will definitely be some in the Imperial Food Prison.These are the harvests of his eight acres of land. When grinding the flour, this guy personally supervised the work. Except for his own share, a little bit was reserved for the other members of Qin Laoguo's mansion and the locust army. , took it all to the palace.

However, His Majesty Li Er didn't say if there was any more, so he couldn't pinch his neck and force him to take it out for everyone to eat.It's not kind, Your Majesty Li Er.How can a head of state be so stingy!
"My lords, what do you think of the taste of this corn?"

Wei Chi asked very seriously.Green corn, not everyone is lucky enough to taste it. Many people present are eating food made of corn for the first time.

"Very good, not only has high nutritional value, but also has a good taste, it should be promoted!"

"The best thing is that it can be planted in mountainous areas, without occupying fertile land, and without affecting the planting of five grains. In addition, Mr. Wei's method of interplanting soybeans with soybeans should be vigorously promoted."


The ministers expressed their opinions one by one, and the emperor and ministers of the Tang Dynasty reached a consensus. They agreed that corn should be promoted in the Chang'an area next year, and then slowly spread to the whole country.

(End of this chapter)

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