Zongling Biography

Chapter 736 Six Jubilee Says Wrong Chapter

Chapter 736 Six Jubilee Speaks Wrong Words
Zong Muyin called Ji Sijiu to apologize for what He Zhiyue did.

Ji Sijiu didn't complain to her at all, and it had nothing to do with her, so naturally he wouldn't be angry with her.

Zong Muyin said that the matter of Si Wen's family was resolved very well this time, and fortunately there was no major incident in time.

Old man Si Wen also conveyed his meaning. He is old and doesn't want to take care of outside affairs anymore.

From now on, whatever other people want, so be it.

When Ji Sijiu heard it, the corners of her mouth immediately curled up.

The fourth reason for her is that she guessed this would be the result.

It's not that old man Si Wen is totally indifferent, otherwise he wouldn't have established the family business.

He just doesn't allow others to violate his majesty. Although he hasn't passed the past, but the matter is resolved, it can be regarded as an olive branch.

He wouldn't be repaying a grievance with virtue, would he?
Liuxi and Ji Sijiu share the same bed every night, and she likes to listen to Ji Sijiu telling her stories.

Tell those stories about Qiu An Chunman when she was a child.

No matter how you listen to it, you will never get bored, and you will be clamoring to hear it over and over again.

When Ji Sijiu left last time, Yiluo went to look for the child left behind by Second Master Chang.

He helped a lot this time, and Ji Sijiu naturally had a high opinion of him.

Although grateful, but also afraid.

His hands are too fast and more ruthless, which is exactly the opposite of his temperament.

A person's decision to do things is inseparable from his personality, and Ji Sijiu knew that he was not simple.

Under the polite appearance, there must be a heart that you don't want others to see through.

As for whether it is good or bad, it is temporarily unknown.

After he came back with Ji Sijiu, he left without resting at all, and mysteriously said that he would give her a big gift when he came next time.

Ji Sijiu didn't keep him, and sent him down the mountain personally.

Before he left, he didn't forget to tell Liu Xi whether he would stay or not. Ji Sijiu nodded perfunctorily, saying that she had a sense of proportion.

He threw down a sentence: What kind of sense do you have, and if you have the sense, you won't keep her.

He pretended to be angry and left.
Liuxi did bring Ji Sijiu some small discomfort.

For example, always cold, such as lethargy, such as dizziness, and sometimes the bones of the body will be particularly painful.

She never said a word, and she endured it when she could.

It was only then that she realized the meaning of the phrase, "Being a mother is just being strong."

After all, Liu Xi is a child of her own family. The evil ghosts who come in from outside never dare to enter the gate, and Liu Xi plays around all day, and there is no place she dare not go in the hall and ancestral hall.

The ancestors of the immortal family at home also like her, otherwise you, a kid, can enter happily.

Once the little ghost disappeared for a few days, and when Duobao was brought back, she said that she had gone to see Father.

Ji Sijiu was so angry that she almost took her away with the Soul Locking Tower.

"Did I tell you not to let you go to see Father?"

Liuxi shook her head aggrievedly: "No."

"Then why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"I'm afraid that Mommy is still angry with Dad, so you won't be happy if I go to see her."

Ji Sijiu gritted her teeth and asked, "Then am I happy now?"

Liuxi suddenly started playing tricks.

"Don't be angry, Ma'am, I won't go again, and I won't go if Daddy asks me to go."

Ji Sijiu's eyes flashed, Dad told her to go?
She sighed and waved to her, "Okay, Mommy, don't be angry anymore, tell Mommy what your daddy said to you?"

Liu Xi said: "I asked him to come to see you with me, but he said that you were angry and dared not come over."

Ji Sijiu raised the corners of her lips, and said, "How did your father see you, a brat?"

(End of this chapter)

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