Chapter 699
She learned from the girl's words that her name was Liu Ruoxue, she was from out of town, and she was studying in a local university.

As Ji Sijiu guessed before, she is a bitch.

Sacrifice her to the 'ghost king', this ghost king is not the ghost king of the underworld, but the leader of a gang of mobs led by an evil ghost with some little ghosts around him to do things for him.

As long as someone beats this drum, the so-called ghost king will send a little ghost to help her, this is a contract.

Every time a clean girl is sacrificed and her soul is sealed in the drum forever.

And the person she was looking for was not the murderer, not the parents, but a man.

Ji Sijiu didn't know where she learned about spiritism, and she also knew that spiritism can change people's memory.

But this method is very labor-intensive and detrimental to morality.

After all, if the previous memory is changed, the subsequent choices will naturally be changed for it.

She has never done this before, and she will never use this so-called forbidden technique in her eyes.

"I can't do it."

Liu Ruoxue asked stiffly: "Is it impossible or does not want to do it."

Ji Sijiu was very honest and didn't intend to lie to her at all.

"I don't want to do it."

She stepped forward step by step, A Chuan's eyes followed her steps, and when she got closer, she blocked Ji Sijiu's body.

"Listen to a piece of persuasion. Seeing that you are pitiful and let you out, this is already helping you. Your request is simply unreasonable. If you want to do something, then come to me!"

The girl didn't speak, and she didn't make a fuss, she just raised her legs to show them the tragedy of her life.

The skin on the inner side of both thighs was cut off. It is estimated that the drum maker left some extra for safety.

Ji Sijiu's pupils trembled. Although she knew it was such a cruel method, she would still be shocked to see it with her own eyes.

"Please, will you?"

This is the only time she has an expression.

The dark eyes are full of sorrow, maybe mixed with regret, but it is still unclear.

"Who, what memory do you want to weave?"

After all, she couldn't bear it, and her heart began to shake.

"His name is Gao Jianfei, and he works in the Snow Building."

After hearing this, A Chuan couldn't help taking a step back, and the stiletto of his high-heeled shoes stepped on Ji Sijiu's feet.

She hurriedly turned around in panic, "Sijiu, I'm sorry."

Ji Sijiu looked at her somewhat ugly face and said, "It's okay, do you know that person?"

"Well, the Snow Building belongs to Mr. Tang, and Gao Jianfei naturally belongs to Mr. Tang."

She turned around and asked, "What did Gao Jianfei do? Why him?"

"If it wasn't for him, maybe now that I have graduated from university, I would have a small family of my own in this city, find a job with enough salary, and then take over my parents to honor them.

Maybe, I won’t get any results from working hard in this city, and I’ll go back to my hometown, buy a small house, and live a slow-paced life, which is not bad.

My parents are very old, they are almost 60 years old now, and I am gone, how will the two of them live! "

When Liu Ruoxue talked about her plans for her future, her face was full of longing, as if she had never died, and this was her expectation for her future.

After that, her eyes began to turn red, and her face was full of ruthlessness.

"Gao Jianfei is a liar, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have died!

It was he who chased me with me in the name of falling in love, and then handed me over to those beasts.

Everything belongs to him, I don't want him to die, living is the greatest punishment for him! "

(End of this chapter)

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