Zongling Biography

Chapter 405 Do You Want To Go To School?

Chapter 405 Do You Want To Go To School?
Ever since talking with Aunt Chunman, Ji Sijiu's heart was hanging on every day, and she wished to inquire about what Chunman did in a day and how her health was.

Even knowing that those children had been reincarnated, she still kept the promise for three days.

This is what she promised to those villagers, and it is also her respect for these remains.

After three days, they found an auspicious place and buried more than a dozen coffins.

The Ji family contributed to the whole process, and they didn't even take a piece of paper money for burning.

These hurt parents are also comforted in their hearts.

On the day of the burial, Ji Sijiu met the elder brother that Miao Qu said.

He is really thin and not tall, about fifteen or sixteen years old, not as tall as her.

She asked Miao Qu's parents, "Your eldest?"

Miao Qu's parents nodded repeatedly, "Yes, this is my eldest son, called Shengzi."

Ji Sijiu patted him on the shoulder, "Have a baby? Are you in school yet?"

The boy shook his head, "Never went to school."

"Want to go to school?"

The boy's eyes lit up, it was the light of hope, "Can I go?"

Ji Sijiu nodded, "Ji's family is going to open a school at the foot of the mountain, but you are a bit older and have to put in a lot more effort than others. Do you want to go?"

The son nodded again and again, "I think, I think."

His parents were a little embarrassed and asked, "Miss Ji, is it expensive? Our conditions."

"You don't need money, just send your child! You can't let the child be donated to this mountain forever, they also have their own dreams."

The parents who gave birth to a child looked at the smiling face of the woman in front of them, as if they had seen a living Bodhisattva.

With excited hands clasped together, Ji Sijiu whispered into their ears, "Don't thank me, thank your daughter! She misses you very much in heaven, and she said that she will accumulate merits in exchange for your safety and health."

The mother who gave birth to the child fell to the ground and wailed, her legs went limp. They didn't care what the child who died young had done, and wished they had no ability to save her.

She doesn't blame them, and even blesses them. If a mother knows about it, she will inevitably be unbearable.

On the way back, Zong Musui asked curiously: "Really plan to reopen the school?"

"School? What you said is too big, it can only be regarded as a school!"

"What's wrong with the school? The children are different in size, and the education they receive should be different. You can't coax them together to teach, right? And your teacher can't stand this kind of intensive work alone."

Ji Sijiu didn't think about it so much, it seems that she still needs to think about it in the long run.

Zong Musui saw her distress, smiled and rubbed her hair, "Leave it to me! I'll help you with this matter."

Ji Sijiu raised his eyebrows in disbelief, "Really?"

"When did I lie to you?"

She immediately gave him a hug, "You are so kind! Thank you."

Zong Musui smelled the fragrance from the top of her head, and was a little confused for a while, "Why say thank you, it's not a big deal."

Ji Sijiu let go of him, took his hand and turned around, the two of them stood halfway up the mountain and looked down.

She pointed to the rows of dense colored squares in the distance and said, "Did you see it? There, there are a lot of places, not just the nearby villages. If we have a teaching place here, the children living in that place Then you can go to school, the mountains are no better than the city, some children don't even know what the books look like.

You said, should I thank you. "

(End of this chapter)

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