Zongling Biography

Chapter 376 Admitting Mistakes

Chapter 376 Admitting Mistakes
After Xiao Shitou came out of Mengju, he jumped up with a whoosh.

Play some tricks in exchange for 2000!
This is a profitable business, although Xiao Jiujiu is more difficult to deal with, but thinking about her cultivation, it is worth it to be killed by her! -
two months later.

After eating breakfast, Ji Sijiu found that no one came to line up today. She was overjoyed that she could finally have a good rest for the day.

But it didn't take long for Jin to rush to her study to look for her in a panic.

She stopped the pen in her hand, waited for Jin Jin to catch her breath, and reported to her.

"Patriarch, someone is looking for you outside the door."

find her?

Ordinary people looking for her would make Jin Jin's complexion so ugly?

She asked curiously, and continued to practice brush calligraphy on the rice paper with her head down.

"The couple who slandered you that day."

She pondered in her head for a while, but still couldn't figure out who slandered her.

She has too many affairs to deal with every day, and disputes are common, so she really couldn't find the couple after a while.

Jin Jin helped her strengthen her memory again, and said: "The couple who smashed your incense burner, her daughter made a fool of herself, but you are still the couple who are liars."

Ji Sijiu suddenly realized and raised his head, "It's them! What's wrong?"

"They came with their children in their arms, kowtowed at the door, and couldn't get up no matter how hard they pulled."

Ji Sijiu nodded knowingly, and didn't speak any more.

Jin Jin asked: "Patriarch, why don't you go over?"

She shook her head and said with a smile, "Kowtow is to admit mistakes in our lobby. They smashed other people's bowls. Isn't it normal to admit mistakes?"

The sun shone on her body, making the fiery red skirt even more gorgeous.

She lowered her head seriously like an ancient painting, her thick and long eyelashes fluttered slightly, her sexy crimson lips were often pursed, revealing a lofty indifference and dignity.

She is like a goddess high above, overlooking everything.

Jin Jin scratched his head in embarrassment, "Don't worry about it, right?"

Ji Sijiu hummed in his throat, and Jin Jin withdrew.

When he walked to the gate, he reported to Uncle Hua: "The owner said don't worry about it."

Uncle Hua hurriedly circled back and forth, "Oh! Miss Xinsi would say that if I wanted to, but that child is about to fail!"

Jin Jin tentatively asked: "Then I'll ask the Patriarch again?"

Uncle Hua waved his hand, "Go and look at that couple, I'll go to Miss and see what it means, it doesn't sound good to die in front of our house, doesn't it!"

Jin Jin hurried out after hearing the order, and the couple could be heard crying through the red solid wood gate: "We were wrong, we dare not."

The door of Ji's house was tightly closed, and the gold came out through the small door on one side. Without opening the door, no one was allowed to enter without permission.

Jin Jin leaned over and persuaded: "You guys should go back! My Patriarch won't come out!"

The child's mother knelt down to Jin Jin's feet and grabbed his trouser legs, "Tell her, we will pay! We will pay for everything! And I should be damned, I shouldn't call her a liar, you let her save me Daughter, please!"

She kept slapping herself, just to prove her determination and sincerity of apologizing.

Scared, Jin Jin immediately reached out and grabbed her wrist, not wanting her to hurt herself, "Don't do this, my Patriarch is not short of your little money."

(End of this chapter)

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