Zongling Biography

Chapter 374 Last Words

Chapter 374 Last Words
The soliloquy in Afu's mouth was actually Ji Sijiu arguing with Xiaoshitou.

She couldn't hear Xiao Shijiu's voice, so she thought Ji Sijiu was talking to herself.

She kept asking Xiao Shitou, "Why do people close to me have only one ending? Why do they all leave?"

Xiao Shitou said helplessly: "You should know the meaning of the word fate! Isn't it normal to be born, grow old, get sick and die?"

She was soaked already, not just from the rain, because she was just below the small waterfall, catching the water with her body.

"Then why is everyone dying because of me? What do you make me think? I'm going to think I'm a fucking killer!"

Xiao Shitou shook his head lightly, and explained: "That's not the case. Even if she doesn't dig ginseng, she will leave because of other things. She has reached the end of her lifespan, otherwise how could she suddenly see a soul?"

This sentence stings the guilt point in her heart the most, and she has been struggling with this issue and can't get out.

She knew that Grandma Tao could see ghosts, but she was not willing to think about it at that time, but it was too late.

If she could have thought more at that time, even if she couldn't change the result, at least she could have spent more time with her, or asked her if she had any unfulfilled wishes.

But now?Everyone has left, and it's too late to say anything.

This is why she has always refused to let go of her mistakes.

She looked at Xiao Shitou blankly, "Shouldn't I have feelings for anyone? This way my heart won't hurt?"

"Xiao Jiujiu, I know you're sad, but it's not what you think. You also got a lot of warmth from Grandma, right? It hurts when you are happy than you care about it. This is a good thing. If you are a ruthless person , then what is the meaning of life?"

Her atrium, which gradually opened, closed again.

This time, I'm afraid I won't dare to open it again.
She is cowardly, unable to bear the taste of losing again and again.

She came out of the waterfall pond in a daze, and when she passed by the dumb girl and Afu, she said softly: "I'm fine, you go back!"

How dare the mute girl let her go back alone, she kept chasing after her, seeing her go back to her room and close the door tightly, she reached out and knocked on the door.

Ji Sijiu's voice sounded from inside, "I said I'm fine, you go and rest!"

"Miss, Ah Lu said, Grandma told him something, do you want to hear it?"

The door of Ji Sijiu's room was opened, and water was still dripping from her body, which wet the ground.

"Call Alu over here."

The dumb girl agreed with a smile, and hurried to find Ah Lu.

It took a long time before Ah Lu was brought here. Ji Sijiu sat on the mahogany chair in a daze, and she asked, "Did Grandma leave any last words?"

Ah Lu scratched and said, "It's not a last word, but we did talk a little bit that night."

She stretched out her hand to signal him to speak out, and Ah Lu said, "I asked her why she was so kind to you. She said she liked you and you are a kind person. She also said that she might not be able to make it through. If she really If you leave, no one will cook your favorite snacks for you, she told me the recipe step by step, and asked me to make it for you often."

A-mei put the tray in front of Ji Sijiu. On it was a food cup. After she opened it, she found that it was full of mung bean soup.

She scooped it up with a spoon, and a drop of tear silently dripped into the food cup and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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