Zongling Biography

Chapter 201 Rejection

Chapter 201 Rejection
After Liu Niang finished speaking, she asked someone to clear the two of them out, and now she didn't care about tearing up her face, and immediately ran upstairs to the guest room to check on Ji Sijiu's condition.

Chang Luohe looked at the uncle who was being supported by his servants and was talking nonsense, and broke out in a cold sweat.

Is what Liu Niang said true?Such a big bowl, drinking one bowl should be fatal, right?drank three bowls
He learned about the situation from the men who accompanied Chang Erye, and the facts were exactly as Liu Niang said, not only did he drink alcohol, he also destroyed the shoes that Ji Sijiu gave as a gift.

These things went too far, and he rushed home non-stop to discuss with his father how to get round.

When Liu Niang rushed to Sijiu's room, they were sitting at the table laughing, and Ji Sijiu was sitting in the middle, holding a glass of warm water and sipping gently.

Liu Niang checked the door left and right, and after confirming that there were no outsiders, she entered and closed the door tightly.

"Patriarch, why are you awake? Do you need to find a doctor for you?"

Ji Sijiu waved his hand, "No, I'm fine, I was just pretending."

Liu Niang was puzzled and said: "Fake it? Why are you pretending? And after drinking so much wine, won't you get drunk?"

She explained to her: "I took all the wine that I, a little fairy, took away, so I'm fine.

You close the shop now, create the appearance that something happened to me, and let the news spread how Chang Xiong forced a child of me.

Also, if anyone from the Chang family comes today, they will all be gone. "

Liu Niang nodded quickly, "Okay, I'll do it now."

Ji Sijiu watched Liu Niang hurriedly go out to do what she ordered, then held Chunman's hand and said, "I'll buy the lost shoes for you tomorrow."

Chunman shook his head, then smiled and said: "Miss lost this pair of shoes, I'm afraid the shoes delivered tomorrow are enough to open a shoe store?"

Ji Sijiu shook her head lightly, "The gifts from them don't count, I didn't pick them for you myself."

Chunman was so moved beyond words, "Miss, next time you can't scare us like this. If something happens to you, what should we do!"

She nodded obediently, "I see, I won't do it next time."
The door of Chang Zai restaurant was closed tightly, and the second master of the Chang family brought his wife to visit Ji Sijiu in person, but he was locked out.

He had no idea what was going on inside, and his heart was in his throat.

He sat in the car with Wang Xiangyun and did not tell the driver to leave.

Wang Xiangyun stretched out his hands and rubbed his temples, "Second Lord, what should we do! My uncle is too troublesome every day!"

"Wait, what can we do now? I don't know what's going on inside, what about the young Patriarch of the Ji family, tomorrow this matter will cause a lot of trouble in the city!
We have to show our attitude, otherwise it will really hurt the Chang family's face!My big brother may be here to ask for debts in this life! "

Chang Qi felt that because of this incident, his head would turn gray all of a sudden.

In the middle of the night, they were still waiting in the car with Wang Xiangyun, both of them were very tired.

At this time, the secretary sitting in front turned around and said, "Second Master, it's not good!"

Chang Qi frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

The secretary shook the phone and said: "The young master called, something happened to the uncle, let's go back quickly!"

Wang Xiangyun questioned: "What happened? What happened?"

The secretary shook his head in embarrassment, "The young master didn't say anything, but it sounds like he's in a hurry!"

Chang Qi frowned and thought for a while, then looked at the gate of confinement, and waved his hands helplessly, "Drive! Go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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