The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 740 Check!Check it out for me!

Chapter 740 Check!Check it out for me!
"In other words, 25 taels of silver were stolen, and 3 taels of gold were stolen."

Bai Yingying's complexion was as usual, her tone was flat.

Lu Yuan's eyebrows and eyes were wrinkled together: "But, they take off their clothes when they go in and out, how can they steal? Is there really a mouse hole in the wall of the treasury?"

Yue Tingfeng murmured: "If there is a mouse hole, then the stolen property should not be just gold and silver. Besides, what kind of mouse can empty the treasury of 10,000+ taels of silver and 3 taels of gold?"

Lu Yuan looked distressed: "If it's not a mouse hole, then what is it? It's almost time to pay the salary. How can I get paid with just so much money?"

"Lord Lu, this matter is of great importance and we must report it to the emperor. However, before we report it to the emperor, we must not startle the snake." Bai Yingying said, and glanced at the two: "Let's go out in a while, everyone, please keep quiet."

Lu Yuan thought for a while and said, "However, if outsiders unite with the silver collectors to guard against theft, then they should know about the lack of gold and silver in the treasury. Even if we don't say anything, they will know about it."

Bai Yingying looked at Lu Yuan: "Lord Lu, do Li Mingzi and the others know about the account books of the household department?"

Lu Yuan shook his head: "The household department is the household department, and the treasury management is the treasury management. The two are independent. They will not know the account books of the household department."

Yue Tingfeng said: "In this way, they will be lucky, because Jiangliang's corruption case just came out, and everyone knows that the treasury is now empty."

Bai Yingying: "Master Yue is right, they are very likely to take advantage of Jiangliang's corruption case just happened, and take the opportunity to steal more gold and silver."

After the three discussed it properly, they left the treasury together.

Li Mingzi came up to him quickly with his people: "My lord, my lord, how did you find out? Is there any loss in the treasury?"

Lu Yuan: "The accounts and the items in the warehouse basically match. Steward Li has worked hard. I, the concubine, and Lord Yue are going to report to the emperor so that the emperor can rest assured, so I will leave first."

Li Mingzi breathed a sigh of relief, and then sent Bai Yingying and the others out of the treasury.

The three of Bai Yingying came to Qiluan Hall, and after Lu Yuan reported the situation of the state treasury to Emperor Chu, Emperor Chu was so angry that the veins on his face popped up.

"You said, there are only 5 taels of silver and 25 taels of gold in the treasury now? 3 taels of silver and [-] taels of gold disappeared out of thin air?"

Lu Yuan nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty, the salary payment day is coming soon, and the money won't even last for a month."

"Check it out! Let me check it out!" Emperor Chu threw the teacup in his hand on the ground vigorously, and the tea splashed all over the place, and the fragments flew all over the ground.

Yue Tingfeng subconsciously took a step forward, and naturally stood in front of Bai Yingying: "Your Majesty, the treasury was stolen. It is very likely that the treasury management department stole it themselves. It can be seen that the current treasury management regulations are problematic."

Emperor Chu stared at Yue Tingfeng with a gloomy face: "Then according to what Yue Aiqing saw, how should we deal with this matter?"

"Of course we need to investigate." Yue Tingfeng had a serious expression on his face: "However, the treasury's management system also needs to be revised and revised. Only in this way can the problem be solved fundamentally."

Emperor Chu nodded slightly: "Yue Aiqing has a good solution?"

Yue Tingfeng: "The modification of this system cannot be formulated in a short period of time. Moreover, the cause of the theft needs to be investigated first. Only in this way can the right medicine be prescribed."

(End of this chapter)

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