The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 683 Is Your Family's Business Still Going On?

Chapter 683 Is Your Family's Business Still Going On?
As soon as these words came out, all the people present were covered in cold sweat.

Because this kind of thing has never happened before. As merchants, they have the lowest status and are the easiest to become the fat pigs that are killed, and they also have to carry a frame of shame that will humiliate their descendants.

"Therefore, the only way to make the higher-ups and the common people notice the value of our existence is to strike the market." Seeing that everyone's emotions had been mobilized, Bai Yingying spoke slowly.

Someone raised a question: "However, if we go on strike and the higher-ups blame us, what should we do? Our status is humble, and if they want to arrest us, we really have nothing to do."

Bai Yingying smiled slightly: "Uncle, with such a high tax, can your family's business continue?"

"This..." The man was stunned for a moment and shook his head: "If we can't do this anymore, even if the price is raised, the common people have no money in their hands, and they can't spend money to buy things. Now the business is very deserted every day. The next time the higher-ups come to collect taxes, my family won’t be able to get them out, so I’m afraid we can only use the goods to offset them.”

Bai Yingying glanced at the others again: "Is your family's business going to continue?"

Those with small businesses at home shook their heads and sighed.

Those who have done a big business also lowered their heads. After all, no matter how big the family business is, it can't stand such a toss.

Bai Yingying nodded slightly: "That's it. Since everyone's business can't continue, we have no choice but to stop. There is no law in Nanchu that stipulates that we can't close our doors and go out of business. Everyone agrees."

"Yeah! We're just closing our doors, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

"That's right, strike the market! Strike the market!"



All of a sudden, the crowd surged, and everyone made up their minds to let the upper class and common people in Nanchu realize the importance of these merchants who usually live at the bottom through the strike.

Bai Yingying raised her hands to signal everyone to be silent.

Now, everyone looked at Bai Yingying with a trace of reverence, so when she raised her hand, everyone stopped voluntarily.

"We want to strike the market, especially the ones above." Bai Yingying looked at everyone: "I believe that most of the people who have jointly raised prices this time are aimed at ordinary people. It won't go up too far.

But think about it, ordinary people, compared with the people above, who has more money and who has less money? "

"Naturally, those rich and powerful have more money, how much money can ordinary people have?"

"That's right, after the price increase, many ordinary people can't afford to eat."


Bai Yingying nodded: "So, this time, our strike targets are mainly targeted at the top."

Everyone was confused immediately, and a voice asked: "What is the meaning of Mr. Bai? Could it be that we are allowed to open the door to do business, and then only select poor people to do business, and those who wear noble clothes are not allowed to enter the door? It has never been like this since ancient times. In business, it’s like hitting a stone with an egg.”

Bai Yingying knew that everyone had such doubts in their hearts, so this time, she directly stated her approach: "Of course it's not like this. A strike is to let everyone close all the shops and cut off all business routes with the above. As for ordinary people, what they want and need is nothing more than food and clothing.

Today, I have opened a reservation channel for cheap food in Jiulixiang. This channel is the last channel between us and the common people.

With this channel, the lives of ordinary people can continue, and they will be grateful for our efforts and understand our role. "

(End of this chapter)

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