The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 662 Do you love to practice or not?

Chapter 662 Do you love to practice or not?

"Then what about the gray-white dead leaf butterfly and the gadfly on the cow's back? Such a disgusting thing is also a great remedy?" Feng Zicen couldn't understand it at all.

Bai Yingying nodded: "One of our prescriptions pays attention to the monarch, ministers and envoys. The two medicines just now are the most important medicines for the monarch and ministers, and the dead leaf butterfly is the medicine. If there is no such medicine, the other two medicines The medicinal effect of flavor medicine also can't be brought into play.

And the bullfly is an adjuvant medicine. Because the cattle work day and night, the effect of beef to nourish the body is better than that of ordinary pork and chicken. But now it is not stipulated by the law that the cattle cannot be killed, so this adjuvant medicine , I took the gadfly that lives on it all the year round instead. "

"Oh!" Feng Zicen suddenly realized: "The concubine is really a good doctor, I admire her, but, where can I buy these medicines?"

Bai Yingying: "This, you can't buy it outside, you have to catch fresh ones yourself, so that the effect is the best. If you are not feeling well, just ask the servants to catch it."

Feng Zicen immediately looked at his followers: "Xiao Yuan, did you hear me clearly? Hurry up and grab these four medicines for me."

Xiao Yuan nodded in agreement, and immediately went down.

Feng Zicen hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Where is the kung fu that the princess said?"

"That kung fu, I will teach you now. First, you need to find a dam that is wide enough."

Bai Yingying took a look at the yard: "The flat land in front is just fine."

As she spoke, she pointed to the front: "You stand here first."

Feng Zicen hurried over and stood up.

Bai Yingying pointed to the ground: "Get down."

Feng Zicen hesitated for a moment, but finally lay down.

Bai Yingying: "Climb around this dam."

"What? Let me climb?" Feng Zicen got annoyed and wanted to stand up.

Bai Yingying frowned: "It's fine if you don't want to climb. The medicine must be combined with this skill to be effective. You can practice it or not, and you will fall down if you don't practice it."

Feng Zicen had no choice but to follow her orders and climbed around the dam, panting from exhaustion.

Then Bai Yingying said, "Stand up now."

Feng Zicen stood up.

Bai Yingying said again: "Raise your hands above your head, jump and clap your hands."

Feng Zicen complied.

Bai Yingying: "Three times like this, and then climb again. Every time you climb a circle, jump and clap your hands three times. Three rounds a day, after each round of high fives, take a sip of medicine, until you finish drinking a bowl of medicine, it is over."

Feng Zicen was dumbfounded when he heard this, but he didn't dare to question Bai Yingying. After all, his sexual fortune for the rest of his life was at stake here.

Bai Yingying bid farewell and left.

Suddenly, a figure in white fluttered down from a big tree in the courtyard of Feng Zicen's house.

He waved the folding fan, looked at the back of Bai Yingying's leaving not far away, and the smile on his lips grew stronger.

I haven't seen you for a while, and the little girl is even more interesting.

Xiaohong ran to Bai Yingying's side, and asked in a low voice, "Madam, what are the effects of those ants and flies? This prescription is very strange."

Bai Yingying smiled mysteriously: "I lied to him. These things have no effect, but they can't kill people."

"Ah??" Xiaohong asked with question marks all over her head.

Xiao Cui smiled and said, "That Feng Zicen is so bad, he goes around grabbing women, so my mother won't cure him."

"Wrong." Bai Yingying said seriously: "He is bad, but if he finds me as a patient, then I will do my best to treat him. This is the medical ethics of a doctor."

Xiaocui: "The servant girl is confused. Could it be that the prescription can really cure his illness?"

(End of this chapter)

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