Chapter 607
Emperor Chu frowned, and looked at the others: "What about you? What do you think?"

Hou Zewen: "What Master Lu and Master Yue said are both reasonable. If it was a peaceful time, Southern Chu would be able to recuperate. However, now that there are strong enemies on both sides of the north and the south, if there is a war, the 200 million taels of treasury revenue will not be enough. used."

Feng Qiu: "Your Majesty, the old minister agrees with Lord Lu. As Lord Lu said, there are powerful enemies on both sides of the north and south, and war may be triggered at any time. If additional taxes are imposed, it may cause civil strife. At that time, the whole country will be in chaos. I am afraid that even the southern Chu The foundation of the country will be shaken."

Yue Tingfeng: "Your Majesty, all of us here know that if there is a war, the 200 taels of silver will not be enough. I have an idea to fill up the treasury of Nanchu as soon as possible."

When Emperor Chu heard this, his eyes lit up: "Yue Aiqing, tell me quickly!"

Yue Tingfeng: "Now that Nanzhao is invading our southern border of Southern Chu, if we attack them heavily, defeat them, and force them into Taihe, the capital of Nanzhao, then we can force them to negotiate peace with us.

The two countries have always been at war, and the compensation for peace talks is convenient for the party that loses the war. Therefore, as long as we defeat Nanzhao, we can force them to pay us compensation and pay tribute every year. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds to increase an income for the future? "

Emperor Chu didn't speak, but looked at the others.

Feng Qiu frowned and said: "Your Majesty, Master Yue's proposal is a dangerous move by the army. If it wins, it's fine. If it loses, I'm afraid Southern Chu will be in danger."

Hou Zewen also nodded: "Your Majesty, what Master Feng said is very true. Now that the national treasury is empty, Nan Chu doesn't have much bargaining chips. If everything is put in the war with Nanzhao, I'm afraid Northern Qi will take advantage of it."

Emperor Chu glanced at the two of them: "Those two think, what should we do next?"

Feng Qiu: "Now that the three cities of Runan, Pingnan, and Daizhou have fallen, the veteran thinks that more troops should be stationed in the two cities of Jianyang and Yiling. As long as these two cities are guarded, Jinling will be safe. In the next two years, everyone will work together, and when we are fully prepared, we can go south to recover the lost ground."

Hou Zewen: "A strong man loses his arm. Sometimes it hurts, but it can prevent the pain from spreading. I think that on the bright side, I can send a brave general to the south to defend against the enemy. If I win, I can negotiate peace with Nanzhao for money." , if we cannot win, then we will stick to Jianyang Yiling, block the Nanzhao soldiers and horses from this line of defense, and at the same time buy more time for the recovery of Southern Chu."

Yue Tingfeng looked at Emperor Chu: "Three cities and 30 people are looking forward to the emperor sending troops to rescue them. Is the emperor really going to abandon these three cities and 30 people like shoes?"

Feng Qiu persuaded in a heavy voice: "Master Yue, the emperor is naturally unwilling to give up these three cities, but under the current conditions, what should we use to fight?"

Hou Zewen also said: "If there is only Nanzhao, we in Nanchu can still give it a go. The key is that there is a Northern Qi in the north. If we fight, we will probably suffer from the enemy."

"Your Majesty, I have a plan, and I have a good chance of winning." Yue Tingfeng looked at Emperor Chu, his eyes were full of brilliance.

"Oh?" Emperor Chu raised his eyebrows: "Let's hear it."

Yue Tingfeng: "Now Nanzhao soldiers and horses have captured three cities. With their strength, they must have drawn out most of the country's elite. Then we can force the Nanzhao soldiers and horses who invaded the territory of Southern Chu to return to the country for rescue, and when the time comes, we will attack from both sides, and we will definitely win a big victory."

(End of this chapter)

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