The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 302 Recently, the North Korea and China will set off a bloody storm

Chapter 302 Recently, the North Korea and China will set off a bloody storm

The three of them said in unison, "Boss Bai."

Bai Yingying nodded slightly towards them.

Qi Fang asked: "Boss Bai, do you have anything to tell them?"

Bai Yingying waved her hand: "I have nothing to tell them. Since I have entrusted you with the matter, you will be solely responsible for it. From now on, they will just listen to you."

Qi Fang nodded in agreement.

Bai Yingying asked, "Is the carriage ready?"

Qi Fang nodded: "All are ready, there are four carriages in total, Boss Bai will take one alone, I will be in charge of driving the carriage, and the others will take three carriages, and the three of them will be responsible for driving the carriage respectively."

Bai Yingying nodded in agreement.

After that, Qi conveniently took Bai Yingying to the backyard, where there were four carriages parked, one of which was relatively small.

The smaller one looks better from the outside.

Qi Fang invited Bai Yingying into the carriage, and said in a low voice: "Master, please wait a moment, the subordinate will come later."

Qi Fang turned around, divided the sixty people into three groups, and let them board the other three carriages.

Afterwards, he went back into the room, took out four black hats, and gave one to each of the other three.

Leng Feng and Ji Ling took the hats and put them on, then strode towards the carriage.

They came first, and Qi Fang told them everything that should be told.

Cui An just came back from a mission and didn't know much about the situation here, so he stretched out his hand to hold Qi Fang, and asked in a low voice: "Seeing that you are quite familiar with Boss Bai, how did you know each other?"

Qi Fang said in a low voice: "I found it by myself. I didn't finish the mission last time. I can't go back to Nine Colors to pick up the mission. I have spent all my money. There is no way. People always have to eat with their mouths, so I can only go out and look for it.

Unexpectedly, I found such a good customer. "

Cui An nodded: "It seems that he is indeed a good customer, and only a true brother like you will bring us to meet the customer."

"That's natural!" Qi Fang said proudly, "I'm in Nine Colors, and I'm the closest to you guys. If I have a good opportunity, naturally the first thing I think of is you."

He paused, and asked in a low voice: "I took that task before, did the higher-ups assign it to someone else?"

Cui An shook his head: "The customer didn't come to remind me, so the superiors are not in a hurry. However, Jiuse seems to have accepted a big deal recently, because I just came back from Dongliang, and I was injured again, so they didn't call I."

Qi Fang asked with concern: "How is the injury? Is it serious?"

Cui An shook his head: "It's not serious, just got stabbed in the back, and it has been dealt with. That is, I don't know what your mission is. I have injuries on my body. If the opponent is too tough, I'm afraid I can't help you." Too busy."

Qi Fang shook his head: "Don't worry, Boss Bai is an upright person, and he doesn't engage in murderous business. This time, you just need to guard the door and not allow outsiders to enter."

Cui An was relieved.

Qi Fang stretched out his hand and pushed him: "Let's go, Boss Bai is probably going to wait in a hurry."

The two came out and got into the carriage respectively.

Qi Fang's carriage was at the front, followed by the other three.


Prince Qin's Mansion, Study Room.

Yu Juechen was discussing matters with Chu Tianci.

"Yesterday, news came from the palace that Emperor Chu has secretly ordered to strictly investigate the party members of the King of Qin in all ministries in the court. Recently, there will be a bloody storm in the court."

Yu Juechen asked: "Our people have come to Jinling secretly, should we let them sneak in with those forces, and after they remove the obstacles that need to be cleared, our people can go up to fill the seats."

(End of this chapter)

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