The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 270 Controversy: Who is in control of the ups and downs

Chapter 270 Controversy: Who is in control of the ups and downs

When Emperor Chu heard that there was something in his words, his heart trembled slightly.

He raised his hand and waved, the musicians and some insignificant little eunuchs and maids all retreated, leaving Li Dezhong alone.

Emperor Chu looked at Yue Tingfeng, and raised his brows slightly: "If Yue Aiqing has anything to say, just speak up."

Yue Tingfeng lowered his head slightly, and clapped his hands to Emperor Chu and replied: "I heard that the Ministry of Criminal Justice recently accepted a case. There was a servant in the Ministry of Industry who was imprisoned because of corruption. This is an ordinary case. But there are people who want to use this case to make a big fuss."

When Emperor Chu heard this, his heart trembled. He turned around and strode up the steps, sat down with a cold expression, then looked at Yue Tingfeng, and asked, "Who wants to make a big fuss? What kind of fuss is it?"

In fact, Emperor Chu had already guessed something in his heart, but since Yue Tingfeng said it, he wanted to hear what he said.

Yue Tingfeng no longer beat around the bush: "The person who wants to make a fuss is naturally Shen Shangshu who has the initiative in this case.

And what he wants to do is probably to enlist Jiang Shangshu, the direct leader of the minister who committed the crime, in the Ministry of Industry.

And Jiang Shangshu's father is Jiang Liang, the uncle of the country, and at the same time the order of Zhongshu.

In this way, this simple corruption case will immediately become complicated, and most people in the court will be involved.

And as the uncle of Zhongshu Ling, how could he sit still and wait for his death? When the two tigers fight, it will definitely end in a loss for both.

At that time, the emperor's court will be empty, wouldn't it just leave an empty 'stage' for the most skilled person to let him play? "

Although Yue Tingfeng didn't say it clearly, Emperor Chu immediately thought of King Qin Chu Tianci.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt like a glow was on his back, and cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Emperor Chu took out his handkerchief, wiped the sweat from his forehead in a daze, and then looked at Yue Tingfeng: "I don't know what Yue Aiqing thinks?"

"The humble minister is not in his position and dare not participate in political affairs. Therefore, the emperor still has to make up his mind on this matter."

Yue Tingfeng paused for a moment, and then changed his voice: "However, the emperor is now employing people, so we should make a decision on this matter as soon as possible, so as not to cause complications. When the time comes, the loss of soldiers and generals will not be worth the loss."

Emperor Chu frowned and pondered for a while, then slightly raised his finger towards Li Dezhong: "Shangshu Feng Zian of the Xuanxing Department."


After a while, Li Dezhong brought Feng Zian, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, over.

Emperor Chu looked at Feng Zian with a slight smile on his face: "Zian, how is Shen Wang's trial going?"

Feng Zian's face was solemn: "Back to the emperor, this case is a bit complicated, Shen Wang is not the mastermind, behind him, there is a mastermind..."

When he spoke, Emperor Chu's complexion gradually collapsed.

What Yue Tingfeng said was right, Feng Zian was planning to use this case to get involved.

What Yue listened to Feng said was an important reason. On the other hand, he was unwilling to watch these ministers take the imperial salary to seek their own personal gain.

With a cold face, Emperor Chu suddenly interrupted him: "Let's end this case here.

Shen Wang, this person, I know, is quite good at handling things. This time, let him make up the embezzled money, and then relegate to Huainan, where the floods are serious, let him go there to do things and reflect on himself. "

When Feng Zian heard this, he quit immediately: "Your Majesty, how can this be done? Shen Wang embezzled more than one million taels of public funds. According to the laws of Southern Chu, the whole family will be exiled.

Unless, he is not the mastermind, if he confesses the black hand behind it, maybe he can make up for his mistakes and avoid exile. "

Shen Wang's ups and downs, at this moment, became a power struggle between Emperor Chu and the Feng family.

(End of this chapter)

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